Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Your iSenseChange MidEast Primer

So, here we are. And where, precisely, is that? Tired. Caffeine actively rotting my guts even as I fire down yet another coffee. Eating whole, cooked chickens. Walking to the park to compose my thoughts and get away from CNN for a few minutes before returning obssessively for my next fix of political crank. Drinking. Smoking. Typing, always typing, the whole time trying to come to some kind of understanding of the raw, unfiltered scope of this escalating MidEast scene.

First, maybe an update for all the American Idol fans who have been understandably occupied with the most diverting of things. A little MidEast Primer, courtesy of Yours Truly. Deep breath. Here comes: Israel’s alternately occupying and bombing Gaza, beating the living shit out of Lebanon even as it makes noise at Syria, causing Iran to rumble about a more polarized Islamic “crushing” response which means, make no mistake, this conflict now involves the entire region. America’s doing whatever it’s doing in Iraq and EVERYBODY’S in Afghanistan. The new Up and Comers, China and Russia are most likely to side with Iran, their energy ally and pretty much everybody well knows what side the world’s only SuperPower (for now, Citizens, the only thing Eternal is Change)will take. That’s a lot of different groups in the same little chunk of earth at the same time. Around a conflict. There will be rubbing. Not the good kind. Then you take all that and throw in a bunch of loose nuke talk from all quarters and you’re ALL CAUGHT UP.

See, people of all different colours and creeds have been throwing gas on that area for literally decades now. Has somebody lit the pile ablaze once and for all, and if yes, just what the fuck does that mean, friends and neighbors? Hot diggety damnation! Thing with the MidEast is it always has these conflagrations that flare up for a couple years then gets put back in the box for a little while, but what many people are aware of is that some day the conflagration will inevitably grow too large to be put back in that box and then what happens? Well, I gotta confess, Citizens, I haven’t the slightest fucking clue, and you know what? Neither does anybody else, anywhere on earth. Hint: it simply can’t be good. And it appears to be happening right now.

I think good ol’ WhatsHisNuts from CNN said it best: “All bets are off.” Sure it’s the media’s job to generate fear (a scared populace is a compliant one, right America?), but I think dude was speaking from the heart there, I really do. All bets truly are off.

What I think is that this latest session has all the fixin’s of being the Big One. This ain’t “the War on Terror.” This is “the War.” “The Great Oil War.” Begun untold years ago. Coming to the front burner and the temperature’s getting cranked.

Peace, all you fellow Earthians, love to your families, regardless of Race, Religion or Nationality.


p.p. Of one thing and one thing alone I am entirely certain: If you believe this whole confrontation is about the lives of two kidnapped Israeli soldiers then you are naïve at best, at worst a fool. Keep your eyes open, Citizens, and work hard to find Truth amongst the inevitable propaganda of the days, weeks, months, years to come.

Prediction: Israel strikes Syria, Iran strikes Israel, America pulps Iran.(15:46, July 15, 2K6)

RandomMp3age and it couldn't be perfecter: "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones.

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