Saturday, February 17, 2007

My Friends Call Me Hal. You Can Call Me Mr. Burton. Mr Darth Burton.

War is the art of conquering at home.”
-Tom Paine, 1776

Dick Cheney, former Halliburton CEO cleared the air once and for all on Meet the Press, in September of ’03. He’d cut all financial ties. None of any sort. Which is good, because as we all know, it’s extremely important to be vigilant of these things. You gotta watch out for what those goddamned Liberal sissies often call a “Conflict of Interest.” Certainly all politicians are egregious crooks, but it’s important that the APPEARANCE of IMPROPRIETY be hidden at all costs. Good for the herd. Lemmings intuitively know of impending cliffs but despise talking or even thinking about them. And who can blame them? Certainly not you, right? Right.


More than $15 billion dollars worth of business personally handed to Halliburton in no-bid contracts from the American government since Cheney took charge –I MEAN became vice president- contributing to a 379 percent increase in profit from the day Dick and Dubya took office in 2000. In 2005, Halliburton recorded a profit of $1.1 billion, the largest profit ever recorded for this 86 year old ‘mom and pop’ kinda company.


Here’s what the appropriately named Dick had to say about it:

"Since leaving Halliburton to become George Bush's vice-president, I've severed all of my ties with the company, gotten rid of all my financial interest. I have no financial interest in Halliburton of any kind."

Retirement package so he could go and become the evilest “Vice” President in History: 20 million smackers. Cash bonus ‘forget-me-not’ on top of that, right before he got sworn in: 1.4 million smackers. Now, here’s the part that burns me, you ready? The hits just keep on comin!
2001 they gave him $205,298!
2002: $162,392!!
2003: $178,437!!!
2004: $194,852!!!!
2005: $211,465!!!!!

That seem like some kind of financial interest to you? You getting hundred thousand dollar envelopes in the mail lately? I’m still waitin’ for my six bucks from Adsense!

So, what does it all translate down to? They keep giving him cash (yours) and he keeps giving them deals (no bid style, so, your money and lots more of it than it should be). There’s never been a clearer example of a ‘conflict of interest’ in the history of human governance, ever, and nothing I’ve said here is in any way deniable. This is the pure, ugly, unvarnished Truth and I’d love to see debated by one of these last, remaining Rabid, Redneck Religious Righties. Can anyone, anywhere justify this? Even Dick himself couldn’t do it and that’s why he just told ol’ senator Leahy to go fuck himself in 2004. “Go fuck yourself.” That's a direct quote. all you history buffs. Pass that little pearl on to the kiddies! Might as well have been addressed to every American taxpayer, and, in the final analysis, to the Founding Fathers themselves. Go fuck yourself America, and all that you stand for. An adequate synopsis, I think, of the perspective of the Veep. Wouldn’t you say? Anybody think different? Anybody? If yes, why? By all means explain yourself. I'd love to hear it.

Ah yes. Lemmingdom. Never mind.

All this? Still going on. You know this, right? Obviously the man is a Pirate. In the old days they’dve tarred and feathered him. Or worse. Today? Well, what, exactly, is happening today? Figure that one out and you’ve figured out America’s Biggest Problem. Ol’ Sensey ain’t gonna lay it all out out you but I will give you a clue: It has more to do with you than them. And it always has. Which, of course, might also imply a little responsibility.

Dja get that? Never mind. Tired. One can only holler “CLIFF!” for so long.

Good luck to you. Those that deserve it anyways.


p.p. Get a haircut, would you?

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