Saturday, February 17, 2007

This Election, Not of Theft but Robbery

Because theft is a stealthy thing that happens in the inky pitch of night when noone is around to mark it; you just wake up and it’s gone. This election is hardly that. This one is of robbery, the kind that breaks down your door, laughs maniacally as it takes what’s yours with a mocking whisper of “what’re you gonna do about it, bubba.” Well, what indeed? Me? Oh, you know. Ol’ Sensey’s just tryin’ to Live his Life eight seconds at a time. As per. And keep an eye on this impending mockery of Democracy, throw pebbles at it from a safe distance. Mock it though remain powerless but to watch. It’s my favourite show right now. What’re you watchin’ Citizen? And what’s it about?

And the show I’m watching ain’t about whether the Democrats can take back the house and finally provide some kind of balance against this hideous Far Right orgy of corruption, slack assedness and violence. Sure, it’s in there somewhere but it’s not the main story and it’s not the Real Question. So what is?

And things just keep getting weirder, as promised. Like what? Like the head Religio-Nutcase in the WhiteHouse is nailin’ male hookers and taking meth! What a hoot! It never stops! What, you thought it was gonna stop with KidFucker Foley? Who’s next in this Great Far Right Masquerade of the Grotesque? Haven’t seen any dead hookers yet, but after the drugs and the pedophilia you know they can’t be too far behind, right? You damned skippy. Heard it here first. Nero’s New America is scandal in bulk. Chew on that, bitches. Hah!

And you just know Rummy and Cheney’s got bodies someplace. Right? A swack of them. Whole White House is prob’ly lousy with them. When found will blame on the Democrats. Or the janitor that found them. Or their own sainted Aunt Petunia’s. And probably get away with it. Again. And Bush’ll tell ‘em they’re doing a ‘super’ job or something. Personally, I’d like to see him try ‘stupendous’. Dubya’s coup de grace as far as language butchery.

But the question, Sensey? Surely we all know it, by now? Course you do.

Can they steal enough to hold the house. The only question in this election. The answer? Well…can they?

But you’ll never see it on any set of CNN’s stats or tickers. And the talking heads have precious little to say about it, thus far at least. I want to hear ‘em say this election is getting stolen. Just like the last one. I’m holding out for that fleeting second where a talking head ignores the rules and belts it out there and just like that you have a few seconds of Truth in your media, just like you always, always wanted. Slim chance on that one, not these scabrous whores and cruel villains of the Big Media, the more than wilful manufacturers of Consent and Control and the All Important Maintenance of the Status Quo. Nevertheless, it’s remains the question on everybody’s mind, at least those in the know, by no means the majority.

And can they get away with it? Not such an easy trick these days. The Citizens seem awakened as of late. Yes, they do. Maybe not so much the same citizenry that slept their way into a couple wars and a whole slew of lost Constitutional Rights. Maybe that Citizenry is awakening around this election and remembering that the right things actually kinda sorta matter and deserve something a little bit closer to their FULL FUCKING ATTENTION. One hopes. I hope. The whole world has a stake in this.

Hmmmmmm. Hope. A strange feeling. And around what? Democrats? No. Not them, not at all. The People. It is in that way my Hope lay, always. What do you say?

Right. Intense bullshit pending. You’ve been warned. You’re about to hear a big shitload about Hussein getting the death penalty and that’s Proof Positive of All Things Iraq. How’s that for your November surprise? World safer! Live worldwide coverage of Saddam Hussein’s date with a bullet or twenty! Makes for some great T.V, I can tell you that much! Say what you will about the Conservatives but they certainly know how to put on a fine show. Hey Deorre, who called 'Saddam's head exploding in a crimson mist' as November surprise? Was it Keywoman1? I know I said Osama. Or an Iran bombardment. Did we make a wager on all this? I was drunk. I promise nothing.

Actually, check that. I'm still holding out for a Bay of Tonkin style 'missile strike' from Iran as the big November surprise. See! We're under attack! Been so all along!

Peace Y'all. Out of Iraq and into Selma.


p.p. I were running? Abu Graib and Katrina, hit 'em right in the face with it.

RandomMP3age: “Painted Black,” the Rolling Stones

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