Friday, February 16, 2007

MidEast Ablaze: Of Bombs and BandAids

Big-hearted America promised yesterday to send humanitarian aid to Lebanon, the fledgling democracy currently being beaten to a pulp by its vastly stronger neighbor Israel, whom just received an equally generous package of state-of-the-art missiles and bombs from big-hearted America to be used to beat the fledgling democracy of Lebanon to a pulp. Confused? You should be. Let ol’ Sensey simplify it for you: You pay for the bombs and you pay for the band-aids. Okay? Okay.


So what does the world say about all this?
The Arab World: Immediate cessation of hostilities
European Union: Immediate cessation of hostilities
United Nations: Immediate cessation of hostilities
America: Ahhhhhhh, let ‘er buck a while, would ya?

By the way, it’s official; the biggest obstacle to peace in the MidEast remains, as it has for decades, the breast beating, self-proclaimed champion of Peace, Justice and Democracy, the United States of America.

Dear America,

You’re full of shit.


-the World

Yeah, we know it’s the MidEast. Yeah' we know it’s a powder keg. Chill out. We got a humdinger of a plan. Of course, these monkeys had a plan for Iraq too. Maybe it'll work out better this time. I hear Georgie works better when there's more complexity and nuance to the situation.


13 days into a monstrous injustice, Israel’s razing of Lebanon and the indiscriminate murder of hundreds of civilians continues, included in the mayhem, it turns out, a long established and clearly marked UN post.

Tough to get a read on this one, not enough information at this point. Gonna need details like proximity to battleground, what manner of artillery and what-not. But I endorsed Kofi in the beginning of this thing and I gotta stick with him. He says he thinks it was on purpose, I believe him. I don’t think he’d say it if he didn’t. Not here. Not right now.

See, my read on Kofi is that he knows precisely how serious this scene is at the MidEast and is doing what he can, given the limited power the United Nations is allowed by its member Nations. I endorsed him, I stand by his word. Call me a fool, call me an idiot, but do me a favor baby, just keep a’callin’.

While I’m being a fool…

Here’s the funny thing about the UN, folks. I think it might just end up being what We the People make it. How 'bout it? It’s not a country. It is a collection, an organization that represents the Nations of the World. Well, fine. I seek to be represented in democratic fashion, in its truest form. I want to vote on things. I think maybe we should all be able to vote on all sorts of things in this United Nations of ours. You?

I want to vote on it. I want the citizens of Ghana to be able to vote on the same question. And everybody else, too. Have to adjust for population differences, right? But that’s easy. Yeah, we all get votes.

Here’s a real laugh for you: Enough votes, so, representing the wide majority of Citizens on Earth and we can veto a veto. I know. Crazy talk. Sheer lunacy. Damn nigh impossible. Damn nigh. The mere thought would reduce even the fiercest of NeoCons to blubbering children. “Oh my god, we’ll have to answer to the larger community!?! To the People?!?!?!"

Hoho, too far there, Sensey. Too far. Right. Back to the comedic relief. What’s Dubya up to?

Ah forget it. He's freaking me out lately. Talking like six year old on a field trip to Putin, rubbing up the Chancellor of Germany. I'm predicting a total presidential meltdown (crying, carrying on, who knows?) or the reappearance of the mysterious little box under his suitjacket. (July 27, 2K6)

G'nite bloggers.


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