Friday, April 07, 2006

Dubya Strikes AGAIN!!!????!!!!!!!!!???????!!

Thing is, it just keeps going with Bush and crew. It just keeps going. It drives me crazy. Just yesterday we find out that Dubya is the source of the leaking of the secret identity of the undercover CIA agent to the press. He went before the American people and swore whoever was involved would be fired. Said he was going to get down to the bottom of it. Turns out, somebody ELSE got to the bottom of it and the leaker was NONE OTHER THAN GEORGE "Whoops, Apocalypse" BUSH! It was HIM! He was lying through his teeth, AGAIN! And there's really NO DENYING IT!!!

It falls on the Religious Right to explain how the remaining Bushites can defend this one, for it is only you and the super rich who will still defend this sickeningly evil, rodent of a man at this point. What're you gonna call this one, a media bias? Did he just make a lil' mistakey? Did Baby Jesus tell him to?

Ask yourself: was it for the good of the country that he exposed a CIA agent who was ACTUALLY working on finding REAL WMDs?!? Ruining countless legitimate opportunities to actually recover rogue nukes from actual terrorists??? Endangering not only the life of Valerie Plame, but the lives of every valuable field contact she's ever been seen with? Endangering all their individual opportunities and connections into the world of international Crime and Terrorism, which go down the shitcan when each agent is discredited? Those American operatives have one of the most dangerous jobs in the world and they just got fucked by the president of the United States of America. Yes, George 'Dubya' Bush just made the whole world yet more dangerous, AGAIN. Another day's work for America's Worst President and the most Dangerous Idiot in History.

Defend his actions. Anyone. I dare you. Right now. Judging from the lack of knowledge of the facts I've seen so far from the Bushite camp, you probably don't even know what I'm talking about, DO YOU?!? FOOLS! ONE AND ALL! If, at this late date you still support George Dubya Bush you should get yourself checked out. Or you can just take my word for it: YOU ARE LEGALLY RETARDED! NEVER VOTE AGAIN! FOR THE SAKE OF THE ENTIRE WORLD!!! FOOLS!!!

And by the way, guess what? Turns out the last round of elections was the Great American Intelligence Test and America got an F!!! And if you voted for Bush, that makes you OFFICIALLY STUPIDER than those who didn't! You're just now cluing into what everybody else has been saying all along! Sorry, but that's the case, hate to break it to you. And you made America itself, somehow, look stupider. History DOES and WILL CONTINUE TO view YOU that way. My only suggestion is that you start reading things. Lots of things. Start reading lots of things and never vote again until you have at least a nodding acquaintance with REALITY. For the Good of the entire PLANET!!!

And to the rest of you: What to do about this fiend? He's gotta go! They ALL gotta go! Forget Left/Right and open your GODDAMNED EYES! JESUS H. MONTEFUCKINGCRISTO!!! WE ALL NOW KNOW that George Dubya Bush is a scumbag and what's more a particularily DANGEROUS SCUMBAG who's been lying TO EVERYBODY the WHOLE TIME HE'S BEEN IN OFFICE so WHAT DOES IT TAKE???!!???

Fools. All of you. Me too.


NonRandom Mp3age: "Fortunate Son," CCR

Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Impending renaissance: What AID Oughta Be

AID ain't money, bombs or bullets. We have learned this by now, hopefully? I mean, how's it working for you so far? Let's take a look at it.

AID ain't givin' money.

What do you do, you throw tons of money to the TopDog, often a greedy and vicious Goof in alot of these countries who always -surprise surprise- steals as much as he can. Like everybody else does. It's probably how he got to be TopDog in the first place, no?

We know AID ain't giving money. Give money to poor people and tell them how to spend it? People tell me all sorts of things I should do with my money and you know what? I almost never do it.

Corruption is rampant in the Poor as it is in the Rich. None of that has changed, so why throw more blind money at it?

AID ain't money.

AID ain't throwing bullets or bombs. It makes things worse. Deep down worse, you know? Like to your very core. You can't intellectualize a child's neighorhood being blown to bits around him. There's no special context or lens available to that poor Bastard that's ever gonna make a lick of difference. Pain begets pain. A cycle begins anew. Everybody hurts, eventually. It's the International Equivalence of Child-Abuse. Which begets more abuse, ad infinitum, right? And the whole world gets one increment crazier. To what end? Or End?

Nope, turns out AID ain't money, bombs or bullets, can we all agree with that? How's it working for you so far? Shitty, no? Is this how you wanted it to be?


What ought aid be?

AID oughta be materials, labor, engineering and construction. It's what we're good at and what they desperately need, so what/where is the disconnect, and why? AID is helping the population build their own water filtration and electrical facilities, if they want them. And schools, real ones, with internationally standardized and monitored teaching. And modern, well-stocked medical facilities. And InterNet access!

AID is a bonafide forward step towards a LevelUp. "You're Third World? We want you Second World. You in?"

And people don't want that AID then they don't have to take it. And if they want to keep all that good, clean infrastructure coming in then they should be striving to become a Nation fully worthy of one day entering to the United Nations as a bonafide MemberNation. Which means they get to follow the exact same rules as all the other MemberNations. Which means we need to make up rules for standardized rules for MemberNations, one assumes.

And the United Nations is more than just a coalition of Businesses, it is what the People of the World chooses to make it.

And we should be able to vote on things. Many things. All of us.

Exterminate the Brutes or teach the little Buggers to read? I say bomb 'em with books, given the choice. Right? And not Propaganda or Religious texts -that they would of course find insulting, as would you- but real books, like Dr. Seuss, you know?

End or Transcend? I choose the latter.

I Declare Peace.


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Impending Renaissance: YOUR United Nations

Is the United Nations corrupt and a laughable joke? I know the Bush regime certainly think so, but for the great majority that feel that the Bush regime is corrupt and laughable joke (a bitter one, that turns into a grimace of pain and fear), this must mean that the UN is actually a good thing, or has the potential to be a good thing. I'm not sure. I think it could be, were it run by somebody other than the politicians.

See, politicians are corrupt. You've been told this all your life. Birds fly, fish swim and politicians lie and skim a little off the top. Or alot. So why should an organization run by politicians -a profession we all can agree is INHERENTLY CORRUPT- be anything but corrupt in the final analysis? What do you expect? The most powerful people in each country get together to form a coalition and you think they're GOING TO CHANGE? For the most part, skimming from the top is how they reached such exalted positions, so why on earth stop now? Corruption is rampant in the Poor as it is in the Rich, so why would it be different for the leaders of the UN? Of course it isn't!

But, is this what we want? I mean us. The People. Do we want this? Is there another option? Sure there is, Citizens, there's always other options, always. Whether they're easily acquired or not is a whole other story, but other options exist.

I know what you're saying: Other options like what, SenseChange? How can anything ever change? Well, if you've been reading my blogs at all, you should know the answer to that question by now: everything always changes, eventually. Change is the only true constant in Human History. But this is a change we're gonna have to work for. And it's worth it. Nothing less than the ultimate Fate of Mankind just might depend on it.

So, where do we start? Right here.

CHANGE ONE: Citizenry and Democracy in the United Nations

The United Nations is what the People of the World say it is. It is generally agreed amongst most first world Nations that real Democracy is the only way to fly, correct? Democracy means the people vote. And yet, in our United Nations, the Will of the People is not represented in any way, shape or form. You ever vote in an United Nations election? About anything at all? No? Why not? You can't? Aha! Part of the problem. The people whose Nations belong to this larger system have no say in the shape and running of said larger system. It is not democratic. Which means it is not the best way to do things. This needs to change.

As Citizens of MemberNations to the UN, we are also Citizens of the UN. As Citizens of the UN we expect to vote on UN things. We demand it. And on all sorts of things. Get it?

CHANGE TWO: Full Transparency of the Accounts

If our UN is in any way corrupt, we need to make it transparent. The books are on the InterNet, available to all Citizens of the United Nations. We know who gets what money and for what. Got a problem with that? That's how We want You to work for Us. So we know you're not stealing from us. Or each other. Or anybody. Full transparency of all the accounts and books. Deal with it. It's what the People want and as governments of democratic societies that seek to represent our will -or be replaced- you shall respond to that want. And make it snappy!

CHANGE THREE: Statement of Goals

Where are we headed as a Union of Nations? What is the mission, how are we going about doing it and are we getting closer to fulfilling said mission? What obstacles present themselves in pursuit of said mission and how do you plan to circumvent them? And of course, does said mission correspond with the Will of the People? Well, I've never been asked. If I had? It's really simple:

Everybody votes, nobody starves and everybody can read. That's a start. All of that can be done.


Are we closer to world Peace? For that is what we seek. The People themselves never really want to go to war. It's usually a few assholes at the top of a couple Nations that can't get along with one another that starts the wars, then the People get whipped into a frenzy -usually based on lies, propaganda and the manipulation of Fear- and we all get tricked into killing one another. We say to this: NO MORE. We are too smart for that, We want something better. We want Peace. Not more bombing or bombs. Yes, it is profitable to War and it is certainly Big Industry, but that energy needs to be directed elsewhere. All that incredibly smart tech should be designing rocket ships, space arcs, exploration suits, moon buggys, survival experts in extreme environments colonizing new planets LIKE MARS. The Militaries of the world would be so bloody great at it if they could stop for a second devising new ways to kill everybody.

We want Peace. World Peace. Forever. Make it happen, it is the Will of the People.


We're not screwing around with rocks and clubs anymore, we're talking about nuclear weapons, Citizens, the potential to destroy each and every one of us, forever. We don't want one more to go off on this Earth. Not one. We want all nuclear weapons, from any nation, Rich or Poor, East or West, declared illegal and to be destroyed and recycled into something actually good for ManKind. Like bridges and things. Air and water purificators. You get the idea.

CHANGE SIX: Corporate Responsibility

We want our United Nations to represent the Will of the People, not just large multinational corporations. We want Corporate Responsibility. And we want Multinational corporations to be more closely monitored in their dealings with Second and Third World Nations so that things like sweat shops are a distasteful thing from our ugly past, not our glorious and prosperous future. Make it so, the People demand it.

CHANGE SEVEN: No More Suffering and Famine

We want Suffering and Famine to end. To do so, our AID to Second and Third World Nations is:a) conditional on the progress they are making in the education and improvement of the quality of Life of their Citizens,and b) AID dollars that are parcelled out are monitored with the same transparency as the UNs new accounting system will be, which is to say, FULLY TRANSPARETNT and available for monitoring by all Citizens of the UN via the InterNet.


We want Freedom! For all citizens of all races, colors, creeds and geographic locations. Countries not giving such freedoms to its people do not have a rightful place in our United Nations. For the new UN is a democratic Union and it's informed citizenry demand the freedom of all our fellow Man. You can't do it, you don't belong in the UN, no matter what country you are. Period. The Citizens of Earth, Man Woman and Child want Freedom for them and theirs. Your job is to make it happen.


We want no torture. Ever again. For any reason. By any country. This should be easy if we've already accomplished CHANGE THREE, SEVEN and EIGHT. Which is the Will of the People, so get on it. We're waiting.

CHANGE TEN: Equality Amongst MemberNations

Each MemberNation is expected to abide by all UN Laws, no exceptions, no vetoes. This would seem obvious to anybody unfamiliar with the UN as it stands. Needless to say, this is not the status quo as of this moment. And the Citizens of the World demand otherwise. Just as we expect our society to give equal rights amongst all Man (and indeed, Woman), so too do we expect the same for the larger scale, the MemberNations. We all follow the same rules and have the same rights. Right? Right.

CHANGE ELEVEN: The MemberNation Credit System

The closer a Nation comes to full and ultimate MemberNation status, the more credits it attains. Credits are used to: host Olympic events, lead InterNational endeavors such as Space expolration and colonization, cool things, I suppose. It seems people and Nations need some kind of reward to do nice things, so you get credits. What do they buy, I don't know. But they get you stuff. You get lots of credits for keeping your nose clean, and being a good, upstanding MemberNation.

This is the United Nations that I want. And I hereby declare my Citizenry to it.

That is all.


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Out Damned Book: Christianity Impedes Human Intellect

Go to church, by all means. And while you're admiring the fine architecture and the statues of Jesus and Mary and the gang, pause, if you will, and consider the fate of Galileo Galilei, one of the finest minds in Human History and how your Church screwed with his Life for what he believed.

We all know the deal, right? Galileo had ideas about the Universe, being the preeminent scientist of his time. These ideas got him in trouble with the all powerful Catholic Church, who threatened him with torture and imprisonment if he would not recant his ideas. He spent the remainder of his life under house arrest. Like a criminal. For an idea. A ThoughtCrime.

What was the ThoughtCrime? It wasn't even his. Copernicus was the first to propose that it was not in fact the Sun that orbits the Earth but rather the other way around. Copernicus porposed the idea and Galileo proved it and the Church was incensed. Why?

It was contrary to their DAMNED book. That DAMNED book contained scripture about how the earth hung suspended from the heavens and all things orbit around this suspended orb containing God's specialest and noblest of creatures. A patently ridiculous idea given what we now know, but that's how it was written and thus it fell upon the Church to perpetuate the fallacy at all costs. And to punish Galileo for proving the opposite to be true.

This new information was a challenge to the veracity of their DAMNED book. So they stifled and threatened the father of Modern Astronomy, would have branded him a Heretic had he not recanted and would be tortured to be made pure. They laid their well-used devices out for him to see and told him how they would be put to work upon his body and mind.

And the Man recanted.

An agony to a Man of Science, to be forced to deny his own Truth and the Great Work of his Life, but not so bad as the Agonies fortold by the Good Cardinal. Or Bishop. Or whatever the Hell he was calling himself. Damn them. To their own bullshit Hell. No challenges to the Faith will be accepted, not even bonafide Truth and you too will see it that way, my son, my poor lost sheep, or you will be mutilated. You can be made to see the Light, one way or another. That was standard operating procedure for those days.

One wonders what they'd have done to Darwin had they still been in power during his time.

History reveals the Church for what it was, and it's villianous actions against the advance of human knowledge.And that their DAMNED book has already been proven wrong, and will be time and time again. The Writers of that DAMNED Bible wrote checks their butts ultimately couldn't cash the very second they wrote of what is ACTUALLY GOING ON, which is Physics! Which is Science! The how it all works as opposed to who made the thing. Which we'll NEVER KNOW!

Anybody ever stop to think that maybe we shouldn't worry so much about who made the thing and start worrying about how we're treating what He HAS GIVEN US? Like the earth itself, each other and the other creatures that we allow to live around and amongst us. For now.

Ultimately, the Christians came down from atop their High and Mighty horses and issued an apology to the father of Modern Physics for their heinous actions against him and human intellectual endeavor. Know when they did it? What century? Well, he died in 1642, so take a guess...

1996! They apologized in 1996! This from the people who would "turn the other cheek!" Turn the other cheek, MY ARSE!!!!

Okay, so this was hundreds of years ago, SenseChange, we made mistakes as people do, blame not our DAMNED book.


And hey! Spare a thought for Galileo on a Sunday morning, would you?
