Friday, February 16, 2007

Open Letter from the Citizenry to the United Nations


Are we closer to world Peace? For that is what we seek. The People themselves never really want to go to war. It's usually a few assholes at the top of a couple Nations that can't get along with one another that starts the wars, then the People get whipped into a frenzy -usually based on lies, propaganda and the manipulation of Fear- and we all get tricked into killing one another. We say to this: NO MORE. We are too smart for that, We want something better. We want Peace. Not more bombing or bombs. Yes, it is profitable to War and it is certainly Big Industry, but that energy needs to be directed elsewhere. All that incredibly smart tech should be designing rocket ships, space arcs, exploration suits, moon buggys, survival experts in extreme environments colonizing new planets LIKE MARS. The Militaries of the world would be so bloody great at this sort of thing if they could stop for a second devising new ways to kill everybody.

We want Peace. World Peace. Forever. Make it happen, it is the Will of the People.

That is all.


p.p. This is a chunk from an earlier,long-winded post of mine and I just cut and pasted a portion of the sucker. Want your money back? Welcome to the Machine. If you like any of this, you should check out a fresh perspective on AID to the Poor. How about a GlobalCapitalism that doesn't always screw third world countries? What if it were profitable for EVERYBODY?

Anyways, shameless plugs aside, I say the United Nations ultimately answers to the People, or at least it ought to. I defy anybody to tell me otherwise.

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