Monday, October 19, 2009

Dear America, This Nobel's For You, Shut Up and Take It

It could be that Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize because the last President scared the bejeezuz out of thinking people everywhere. What better way for the world to encourage the American citizenry to vote for sane, intelligent, rational leaders that believe in discourse and diplomacy over preemptive wars? If they'd somehow voted in Johnny 'Bomb Bomb' McCain don't you think he'd be pushing the world for a brand new war with Iran?

Give him two, if you can.

Obama deserves it and so does, by proxy, every single American that voted, volunteered, wore a button or placed a bumper sticker that said vote for Obama/Reason/Sanity. I thank you, the world thanks you, here's your Nobel Peace Prize. I couldn't be more serious.

Hey, listen America, you guys are the Big Dogs and when you elect a stuttering halfwit with a daddy grudge to the highest office of your land it affects us, okay? I mean, directly. Don’t believe me? I have countrymen fighting, bleeding and dying in Afghanistan right now and they’ve been there this whole time, holding up their end of a rotten deal while Dubya fucked off to Iraq chasing god knows what for god knows why. Just barely missed havin ‘em in Iraq too. And you know what? Many of the Right wing nutters in my country had the same type of hard-on for Gulf Two as yours did. Just ask Canada's current Prime Minister. So here we all are.

Obama deserves it and here's why. If you, like me, have seen the world and specifically humanity edging towards a massive, all consuming Shift and if you, like me, felt like this shift could best be described as "Transcend or End", with the End team perhaps best represented by the likes of the aptly named "Dick" Cheney and his ilk, well, who leads the team for the other side? It just can't be debated. Even if you hate the man, or distrust the man or think no American president should ever be able to recieve the Nobel Prize, it just cannot be denied that the wide majority of people on earth would nominate Barack Obama as the Captain of the Transcend team, if pressed to answer the question. That's why he won it and that's why he deserves it.

Now, has he got everybody safely out of Iraq? Not yet. Afghanistan? No easy answers there but you know what? There never has been. The economy? He was dealt history's shittiest hand by a swaggering, snickering, half-retarded hick that broke almost anything worth breaking and within reach. Finance reforms? Working on it, with heavy opposition from entrenched interests including his own political party. Ditto health care. Ditto environment. Etc. And has he bridged the great political divide between Demosissy and Repuglican? Nope, and he won't any time soon but here's the thing: every time he hits a reset button with, like say, Russia, every historic speech he gives to the Arab world and even every reach-out to the Repuglican Party of No is further testament of his abilities, patience and long term smarts.

You chose wisely, America, and this Nobel Prize is the World speaking filter-free and directly to you. Good work. One president can't do it all, in fact he probably can't even do most of it. It's you. You have lot's more to do but take heart. So do we.