Friday, February 08, 2008

American Lemming

Wed Feb 06, 2008 at 08:21:38 PM PST
Three reasons not to pay attention to anything Britney Spears ever says or does:

If this latest round of weirdness means she’s genuinely sick then this necessarily makes the ongoing coverage of what is obviously some kind of mental illness genuinely sicker and you, for following it but probably pretending to others that you’re not folowing it, sicker yet.
See also: depraved, see also: pathetic, see also: ghoulish

If she’s doing it for attention this necessarily makes her smarter than both the press and far more smarter than you, which I would hope you find very troubling. I do. Know why? You are the one that gets to decide who will become the next leader of the free world. The press has an excuse: you. Celebrities don’t matter even one bit unless they not only decide to do something important but actually carry through with it and accomplish it. Until then, stop. Just stop. It doesn’t matter who’s dating whom, not even a bit. Put your little magazines away. Forever. And get a life.

Yes sir, were it up to me? My news tv? Celebrity free. Betcher ass. Can somebody (anybody) explain to me why a smart fella with such a smart show like Olbermann and his ‘Countdown’ has to routinely devote his number one story to infotainment news crap? I betcha it drives him crazy. Prob’ly makes him puke in his mouth every time he mentions her. At least, I hope that’s the case.

Because here’s the thing: America sleeps. Still. So many important things and issues with huge ramifications, so little time and what’s the one thing the fiends in charge of hurtling your country ever forward towards the largest faceplant in history know beyond a shadow of a doubt? That you are the most easily misdirected populace in history. And they’re absolutely right. And a full three quarters of you (this is me being generous) are almost completely asleep to anything beyond entertainment, work and getting drunk.

Hate to say it but even the enlightened amongst you are not paying full attention, which means I'm talking to you, Kossacks.

Anybody reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally genuinely impressed with either of the main Dem candidates platforms on either Health Care or even the Environment? Really? Because these are your people. You are fighting tooth and nail to get these people into office. Is what they’re proposing acceptable to you? Is it enough? Should health care be ‘affordable’ or should it be free? Because I’ll tell you something and I know it to be true: what’s affordable now goes up in cost over time, especially when the Repubbies get their hands on it and in no time at all your right back where you started. Which is going bankrupt because you got sick. Or hurt. Affordable? Are you kidding me?

Lemme ask you this (as the rants keep on coming):Is it enough to create more jobs in the Green sector or do you have to actively take on CO2 emissions, drastically transform public transit and the way each and every citizen in the First World now lives their lives? And not tomorrow, not in 2050 or 2025 but, as the Pope oughta be sayin' but ain't, Right Fucking Now! Why don’t you ask Al Gore what he thinks about 2050 or 2025? He’ll tell you (in vastly grander terms) that you and anybody that talks like that is patently full of shit. And he’d be right.

As for the war? How on earth did Hillary get this far? Has she or has she not been every bit John McCain’s equal in cheerleading this wrongheaded, gawdawful Iraq war until even as late as 2005? 2005! That’s a lot of years to be wrong! How did this happen? How is a hawk still in it for the Dems, how did she ever get a lead in the first place, let alone keep it? What the hell is going on here? You want to put a hawk in? Reeeeeeally? You don’t think hawkishness has been a big part of the problem? Not only for the last eight years but like the last sixty? You don't think another approach is, like, maybe a good idea? You still going to be championing unilateral preemptive striking when China's the big superpower? Somehow I don't think so.

This has been a rant. I realize that now and I apologize. I realize that it started with Britney and ended with Hillary and I also realize that makes me look like some kind of misogynist. I know some of you’ll be pissed that I have trashed and continue to trash Hillary for her consistently wrong stance on both the ongoing Iraq War and the still potentially impending clusterfuck in Iran but what can I do? I’m anti-war and she's very clearly not and I challenge anybody to deonnstrate otherwise or you can just quit yer bellyachin'. Can't do it? Knew you couldn't. I think it's a mistake to vote for her or even consider voting for her. To hell with it. I love women. I think they’re our real hope. Because man has had all the opportunity in the world to get this thing right and we have routinely screwed the pooch in every way possible, time and time again. I said it before; the second Oprah Winfrey decides to run for president I will gladly sing her praises from the highest mountaintops.

In the meantime, it’s incumbent upon Americans to wake up, pay attention to what’s important and hold your candidate’s feet to the fire, be that candidate the white chick or the black dude. You want free health care and you want not only change but massive change to fight Global Climate Abuse and you want it not now, not fifty years from now but Right Fucking Now and not only that, you want the corporate stranglehold of the citizenry to be banished once and for all. That last one sound impossible? Repeal one law and it’s done. Didja know that? One law. Look it up.

All for now. I can only hope I didn't make anybody puke in their mouth.

Hill the Hawk: Actively Impeding Troop Withdrawl Since 2005

Sun Feb 03, 2008 at 11:16:59 AM PST

I have for the last few years had much time to reflect and write upon the many awful ways in which mankind is doing many awful things to himself, his neighbors and his planet. On many occasions (and not just to pick up chicks but I won’t say never) I’ve been known to say that I was more than happy to offer my full-throated support to any woman that felt like giving global leadership a try just because Man has been just so consistently stinking awful at it. I felt (and feel!) that women absolutely must be better equipped to organize life in a sustainable way from an evolutionary perspective if nothing else. And you just have to believe that, also from an evolutionary perspective, they'd be (they would generally be. Be careful, Sense!) less likely to throw their sons and daughters into the godawful maw of war and even apocalypse. That's the hope, at least, and without you ladies stepping up I have a strong feeling the whole human experiment is utterly doomed.

Having said that, when Oprah Winfrey decides to run for President of the United States of America she can of course count on my unreserved endorsement and whatever support she asks of me. But Hill the Hawk? Not on your freaking life, buddy, but glad you asked.

If you are against this awful, unwinnable Iraq Mess you ought to be against its enablers, of whom Hillary Clinton is most assuredly one. A strong one. Not just for her original vote but for not apologizing for that vote or admitting it was a mistake. Not just for every artful dodge or meandering misdirection she applies whenever the subject comes up these days but for each and every effort she’s made to continue this war along and debilitate dialogue on the anti-war front. Clouding the issues by repeating NEOCON TALKING POINTS. Think I’m wrong? Why not take this easy test?

WHO SAID that a rash of suicide bombings was actually a positive thing because it meant the insurgents were getting desperate, repeatedly rebuffed calls for timetables, stated that a withdrawl of American troops would be a "big mistake," and said as recently as 2005 of Iraq that "I think you can look at the country as a whole and see that there are many parts of Iraq that are functioning quite well," in spite of all evidence to the contrary as the country in question travelled its way down to inevitable anarchy?

a) Bill ‘the Bloody’ Kristol
b) Dick ‘Darth’ Cheney
c) Hill ‘the Hawk’ Clinton

ANSWER: all of the above, though the last quote comes direct quote from Hillary.

So, that's the impetus of the title of this lil' blog of mine (I'm gonna let it shine!) and it's the truth. She has not only voted in favor of Iraq Deux but she has actively impeded troop withdrawl from this awful unwinnable war since at least 2005. Which means she has enabled this war nearly every step of the way. Which means she's also at least partly responsible for each troop that has died in the last few years, as much or more than anyone else in the Democratic party and more than a few Republicans! Am I wrong? Tell me how. Iraq Deux was and is, from start to finish, an illegal and morally unjustifiable enterprise and it's consistent cheerleaders deserve no accolades, let alone presidencies. It deserves to be and is the number one issue in the land, so the hope is that you vote accordingly, yes? I think so.

Then there's the whole voting-to-label-the-Iranian-whoozitswhatsiz-as-terrorist-organization thing. An interesting vote, one that makes a component of Iran's mitary a terrorist organization, which, it follows, means that by definition America ought to be able to attack them in this neo age of preemptive striking countries that harbor terrorist groups. Forget that the whole idea of it sets back the internationalist movement by at least a hundred years, here's our gal Hill voting to do it again to Iran. Because that's what's at stake and Hill would have had to have been stupid not to realize it. And she's not stupid. Not even one bit.

"Ready to lead from Day One" is the big phrase but lead into what, precisely? How has Hillary led you thus far in the supreme issue of the day, the premptive attack and subsequent sacking and finally clusterfucking of Iraq? Because thus far, her judgement on first the war, then troop withdrawl and then on voting to enable the Bushies to invade Iran next, Hill the Hawk has been wrong, dead wrong, consistently dead wrong, for a long time.


p.p. Oprah Winfrey in 2016!!! Or Veep in 08!!!

Sewing Up SuperTuesday: Kennedy Cache Trumps Wild Bill Clinton

I’ll match your former President with a Kennedy and raise you a few more. Whatchu got now? The Kennedy name is to the democratic party what Shakespeare is to English literature, what Mozart is to music, what Hogan is to pro-wrestling. And Obama just fired a few of ‘em over the bow of the Good Ship Clinton. BOOM! Comparing him to ol’ JF! Whew. That seals it for me. Not one, not two but three Kennedy’s endorse him on the very day of the SOU, including John’s daughter? Most important event in this election thus far, period. Makes what would have been an otherwise utterly meaninglessness SOU to being all about Obama. And the Kennedy name. Hills, you can only imagine, must have absolutely freaked.

It’s still gonna be a tough fight. I don’t think this was the nail in the coffin but a solid endorsement with rousing defense and attack on Obama’s behalf? It’s what us folks in the political blogging non-biz call a real Big Deal. Beyond politics the winds of real change are whispering the name of Obama to the world, at least to those sensitive to such things. I took the monacher SenseChange in early '06 on a now defunct webblogging community called WritingUp, long before I’d ever heard much of what Obama had to say about it because sense change I indeed did. And do.

It was before the Dems had seized back the house (though to little discernable effect at this late date) and there was little hope that Dubya and the neocons wouldn’t find a way to tear the arseletart out of another country in the Middle East for again utterly bogus reasons, with even less hope of the American citizens shaking the Dorito crumbs from their shirts and wheeling their big, fat guts to the corner for even a newspaper box, let alone any kind of meaningful mass protest. I remember discussing with a former stripper the merits of building a chain of nuke-proof OrgyBunkers to booze out the Apocalypse in and let the War Folks tear themselves to shreds, if it became necessary to us, which well seemed possible in those days. "Apocalypse or Renaissance" I predicted to my small but loyal readership that both loved and hated me. Because Change, massive change, I knew and know, is coming and here.

"Who's more ridiculous; people rampaging and killing over a cartoon or a Radical Religious Right that will continuously empower and defend an obviously corrupt and lying President to do anything he wants simply because he claims to be religious? Lines are being divided. World Wars have been fought for less. But fighting others' battles is NOT FOR ME! I, for one, plan on getting Drunk, @#%$ and Laid for the Impending Apocalypse. Why not visit my wildly successful blog to learn more?"

Maybe not so wildly successful in the final analysis but what of it? The good news is that my good friends the Mayans tell me that if America somehow finds it's way clear to defeat a recession by fighting climate change then America and indeed the whole world has a Renaissance under way. You start caring about a planet and then the inevitable byproduct is that you start caring about your fellow human beings, it just is that way and any person of Real Change knows this.

Wild prediction: Gore will endorse Obama between the Florida Primary and SuperTuesday. Gore knows the necessity of Change as much or more than anyone else on the planet and Obama is, far more than Hillary, the candidate of real Change. That childish twit Mathews just called the same damn thing and I’m wishing I got this up in time to beat his prediction. Putting it up, it’s unfinished but screw it. Talk soon, blog hard and enjoy the rest of the race.

Who Endorses Next and For Whom?

Gore Endorses Obama
53% 75 votes
Pelosi Endorses Clinton
5% 8 votes
Chomsky Endorses Edwards
2% 4 votes
the Baby Jesus Endorses Mike Huckabee
10% 15 votes
Osama Bin Hidin' Reverse Endorses Giuliani ala Dubya in '04
2% 4 votes
Adolph Hitler Rises from the Grave, Endorses Mormon Mitt
2% 3 votes
Another Old Fart Endorses McCain
22% 31 votes

| 140 votes | Results

Mon Jan 28, 2008 at 09:10:27 PM PST