Friday, February 16, 2007

MidEast Ablaze: Kofi Steps Up, Georgie Ponders Lunch

"While Hezbollah's actions are deplorable and Israel has a right to defend itself, the excessive use of force is to be condemned."
Kofi Anaan, Secretary General of the United Nations (July 20, 2K6)

As many of you may or may not know, I recently endorsed United Nations Chief Kofi in these very pages, said I will back by 100% whatever words come out of his mouth in this all important MidEast conflagration. The brother didn’t let me down, not one iota. Didn't let you down neither, Citizens.

I say people oughta listen to the brother! One thing, I believe he too senses vast impending change. Know what else? I think he’s a ‘Transcender’, not an ‘Ender.’ Think he sees the potential Renaissance better than anybody. And had a few dark nights contemplating the Appocalypse, as well. And, I suspect, he reads. Always a good thing. Kofi’s the Man. You gettin’ this?

Strange things. Strange things. Hey, just thought about it. How many Lebanese displaced by the latest invasion-smiting on their land? Guess what? You work in a building that just got destroyed? You don’t work anymore. Which means you’re gonna be poor. And if your apartment just got hit too? You ain’t got nowhere to live. You ain’t got shit. You’re displaced. So’s everybody else. Nowhere to go and everybody’s pissed off. And still getting’ shelled at.
More displaced and angry people in an area that already has far too many with far too little. Here’s some more! That’ll make things better! See how stupid it all is? See how it’s only getting worse? Same thing but more? You know? What the hell. Hell?

Hi, Satan? Yeah, Sense here. What’s that? I know! We’re actively making it worse up here! You believe it? Yeah! Just doin’ the same thing over and over! Makin’ it worse!!! Hah! I know! It’s like we never learn! Yeah! Knew you’d be laughing your ass off! Yeah! Okay, talk to you, man.”

And what about Georgie’s Big Adventure? Still going! The MidEast is ablaze, we need to know what America, the world’s former SoleSuperPower is going to say or do about it and Georgie’s all excited about his lunch. A charred and blackened pig on a spit. I forget, was it the Jews or the Muslims that consider it a sin to eat swine? What’s that you say? Both?!? Hmmmmmm. Hilarious, but whattaya make of that? Anybody got anything? Keeps talkin’ about the pig, keeps talking about the pig, keeps talking about the pig…what the hell’s it all mean? Actively offending not one but both sides of the conflict or is Georgie just cosmically doomed to always look like a moronic, braying ass each and every time the camera turns upon him? Am I wrong? Who organizes these things?

Should RealityTV him right now. I’d call it Georgie’s Big Adventure. It’d be awesome. Let’s take a look right now: Georgie stretched out on the floor of AirForce One, coloring.

CUT TO: HANDLER:“Well, he certainly spends a lot of time coloring so we got him maps to color. We’re working on him. He’ll do fine.”

THIS JUST IN: I will be collecting links on my blog to wartime bloggers. Make no mistake about it Citizens, the War On Information doesn’t cease in the face of global conflagration, it intensifies! This much should be obvious. We gotta stick together. For the unvarnished Truth of the whole bloody thing for once and for all! C’MON! ARE WE BLOGGERS OR NOT? I want blogs from all sides of the conflict, I want it all, I want all sides and we check it all out, poke the shit prod the shit and what stands, stands! See what I’m saying? I think it’s important. I think it’s something we can all do. We read. We talk. We listen. We learn. We blog. Yes?

You hear about Beezer? Funny. A blogger in an affected part of Lebanon (what's that you say, all Lebanon is affected. Ah yes. Of course) gets a story from CNN on him. Big league push for a blogger. Except they never gave out his url. Notice that? I understand and so does Beezer. Why help the competition? Here it is folks

Here's another one. This chick’s bloggin’ it live from Iraq. Gimme a genuine Israeli blogger somebody, would you? Gotta be out there. Keep 'er NonPartisan here, eh? What are the Egyptian hipsters saying about all this? Every nation has hipsters. It's cross-cultural. Gimme an Egyptian blogger. Anybody hears about other wartime bloggers of any stripe, let me know. Or blog ‘em up and let me know. I promise a read and a comment. It’s my only currency.


-iSenseChange…and so does Kofi. Do you?

RandomMP3age: "Ode to Joy" Beethoven

p.p. If Kofi were at WritingUp he's be in the United Earth group, of that much I am certain. You catch that Atlas?

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