Friday, February 16, 2007

Georgie's Big Adventure: the G8 Summit IS NOT Just A Big Birthday Party

First, let me indulge in a few moments of fleet-footed Fantasy:

MOVIE TRAILER VOICE:"The MidEast is Ablaze. The world looks for its greatest SuperPower to step in and set things right again as only America can. When the call is sent, who better to step up to the plate but time tested and gritty American President, George Dubya Bush. From Texas. The collective sigh was heard round the world, from the citizens of the rebuilt and empowered New Orleans to the newly democratized and near ‘FirstWorld’ citizens of Iraq, now upstanding members of the United Nations and firm ally in the War on Terror! Actively working to pressure OPEC for reasonable gas prices!!! Ah yes, who better than George ‘Dubya’ Bush, perhaps the greatest American fighterpilot of all time that almost single handedly turned the fate of the Vietnam war, saving us all from the godless commies once and for all! Not speaking Russian right now? Well, you can thank George Dubya Bush! Amen, hallebloodylulah! Who better than George "Dubya" Bush, Commander in Chief of the mightiest military and economy in the world to step in and save the world, just one…more…time?"

All the makings of a classic American film, explosions included: Dubya, a straight D student rising up through the ranks of business and fortune, an oilman in time, proving himself the very epitome of business acumen and proof, some say, of the American Dream. You too can be president! And all thought that was an excellent idea.

Could always make a comedy out of this thing. Could probably use real footage, real speeches. Yep, that's the thing to do. We should have good movies as we slip into our Apocalypse. Ahhhh. That's better.

You really have to smoke, covering this War. The whole thing becomes a dark comedy where even though you know the whole thing's destined for smoking ruin and badness, it still gets pretty funny now and then. So you smoke a lot. Listen to great music from only the sixties, seventies or early 2K punk. Techno even. You keep CNN on with the volume off, all day, twenty-four seven.

Hey, Soledad’s lookin’ hot! Just had a kid but is now, officially, fully refortified in Foxtitude. Shirt unbuttoned to about the sternum. Coffee, double cream colored skin. Big brown eyes. Always thought she was sexy. Cute too, you know? Cute and sexy, same time. Oh yeah. Absolutely. I know her hubby’s there, don’t care. She’s a bonafide fox and I’d love to run into her in a bar somewhere, see if I can get a dance with her, you know? A little of the old close talk as we used to say growing up. Married or not, I say I got a shot, I really do. Right circumstances? Oh yeah. Soledad. But is she the hottest of CNN reporters? Anybody else have a fave? Reporter hotness, Integral component of your SenseChange Metanews Analysis. Throw in yer two cents.
But where were we? Ah yes. Georgie's Big Adventure.

The reality, of course, is that Georgie’s never really extensively traveled before he wandered into the presidency and it should not surprise anyone anymore that Georgie is just starting to trigger to things like the fact that China and Russia are both pretty big places.

“Pretty big goldarned places!” Georgie beamed, wolfing back great heaping gulps of pastry. You need to understand, for Georgie, all this is like a great big birthday party that only the cool kindergartners get to go to. Everybody’s over, there’s cake…

“Hot damn!” Georgie pounds his fist into the table, “look at the size of these things, eh Putes? Countries? Yeah, countries and stuff! Heh. Decided m’nna call you Putes. Heh heh.”

Okay, that’s not a direct quote but believe me, he looked like, well…very Georgie. You know? What’s the word, man, are we not bloggers? What’s the word. Closest thing I can come up with is Infantile. Le mot juste if only just for now. Cute if it’s your two year old, terrifying if it’s your president. Period.

I keep trying to think of famous stupid people in history that, somehow, Georgie is not as stupid as. Famous men of Great Import that most honest historians would consider stupider than SoleSuperPower President Georgie Dubya Bush. I come totally blank. C'mon, whattaya got? Anybody? Anything from the cheap seats on that one? Prove to me that anybody in history was stupider than ol’ Georgie who somehow wandered into the single Most Important and Powerful Position on earth, BAR NONE. Of one thing and one thing alone I am entirely certain: It took alot of stupid people to make George 'Dubya' Bush a President. Twice. You can do whatever you want to with that.

Look, he’s gotta be managed better. Georgie, I mean. They’ve been letting him wing it lately and it's just SO NOT WORKING!!! Give him the little box under the suitcoat trick again! Hey, fuck it, right? We all know it’s there and we prefer it to whatever it is your doing right now!
It's the "Box Under the Suit Coat": Not just for speeches and debates anymore!
Yep. Needs the box under the suit. Any time he has to speak with anybody or do anything at all other than basic creature comforts and personal moments stroking his bible. Or boozing. Recoiling in horror from his coke-snorkelling, alien ShapeShifter wife . I don’t pretend to know what this cat does in his personal moments anymore. It's all just too weird.

Left or Right, all Citizens of all Democratic Nations ought make it a priority to elect presidents and leaders that read books. Grades should be important also. IntensivePsychologicalNonPartisanProfiling would probably not be an awful thing, as it turns out.

Life, America, is NOT a SitCom.

All for now. Maybe.

-iSC360, EmbedReporting LIVE from the front lines of the War on Information. Back to you, BlogWorlde.

p.p. YOUR LATEST ELEPHANT IN THE LIVING ROOM:What's China saying about all this? How about Russia? Nothing? Neither of them are saying anything. Hmmmmmm. Deciding that's NOT A GOOD THING (05-22-2K6).

p.p.p. Shout out to SoKP for the bit about Laura Bush as a coke-snorkelling, alien shapeshifter! Wherever you are, General! WAHOOOOO!!!! Yes.


As you were.

SemiRandomMP3age: "Gimme Shelter," Rolling Stones

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