Saturday, February 17, 2007

Porno Justice and the Impending Rennaisance

Many say that things can never change but I assure you the reverse is certain: the only thing that never changes is that everything, over time, undergoes not only Change but Massive Change. I think it has never been closer. I see it and feel it and walk out amongst it, for the wheels of change grind slowly and once it can be picked up by a dude standing in the right place with the right kind of ears it's already moving too fast to stop. It has once again manifested itself, the irresistable, perhaps immortal force that has been felt before, during and after whatever sized Bang started the whole shootin' match off for Good or Ill or perhaps both. Definitely both. That's the oppositional binaric omnipresense, you have always (or perhaps never) existed under! Suck it in! 2K7 is the year the Rennaissance begun. Be a part of it. Contribute. Make it so. Because you'd rather define the Change than have the Change define you!

Rennaisance requires of us (all of us) to agree upon a set of rules that we can all live by.
-No more starvation amongst us.
-No more War amongst us.
-Protect the Earth.
-More dialogue amongst us.
-An atmosphere of Mutual Benefficienality amongst Citizens of all nations.
-That the People demand it to be so.

And what of the death of Saddam over the holidays? That one kinda snuck up on me but I'll call it what it is:

"Murder Amongst Puppets,
a Play on a Stage!
Penultimate present from the NeoCon Age!"

World breathes sigh at death of despised dictator? Hardly. A play on the stage presented both by and for America. And what makes better meat than the Death of an Asshole? Do you believe it was Justice? So too will I, if and only if we also include (like the good criminal investigators we all are) an investigation of those who have both aided and abetted said individual in the perpetration of said criminal acts. That's if you truly believe in Justice. But take heart if you don't. You are in the majority. For us 2 %ers it's Porno Justice at best and we'll have no truck with it.

Meanwhile intense debate continues in the Whitehouse but the last thing they're discussing is Vietnam and how to win it.
"Figger we still got time to bomb Iran?, Dick? Heh heh."
"Absolutely, Georgie. Have a cookie. Thataboy!" Cheney's a schemer. He knows what time they have left. And he wants, more than anything else, to do.

Grim words on these early days of 2K7, but i don't feel grim. I feel hopeful, Citizens, i truly do. I think we've seen how bad it can get and don't want to go there. i think we are starting to believe that Positive Change is an outright necessity. For our own survival. I believe it in my heart to be so and I am hardly alone.

Peace, Citizens. Prosperity to all in the Coming Age.


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