Saturday, February 17, 2007

Evidence Implicating Dubya in the Libby Trial: CNN Doesn't Cover the Story

How many of you are aware, as of this moment, that George W Bush has been directly implicated in the Libby case with evidence penned from the Dark Lord himself, Dick Cheney? Hear of this yet? Ask yourself; why not?

Less talk. Go here. Check it out. Then meet back here.

Deal is, Cheney names the Pres in a note discussing the vile act of outing an undercover agent to get back at her husband for speaking the Truth against the war lead-up lies and this note remains as evidence. Against the Pres. In a criminal case. Which'd make impeachment a bloody snap. We always knew this thing went high up, folks, and we always knew in our hearts that it went up to at least that creep of creeps, Dick 'Darth' Cheney, but this note indicates that 'the Pres' had his grimy mitts all over it too. Fairly important shit, no?

Worthy of coverage? Absolutely. Being covered? Not at all.

CNN is covering the case daily but I've been waiting for that mamby-pamby Wolf Bullschitzer et al to talk on this extremely important document and nothing at all. It's been introduced to the court, a piece of the case and CNN is actively choosing not to cover it. Fucking criminal. After everything that's happened, after all the lies, all the grime, all the crime, all the time, Dubya still gets a free pass.

Want to know what this translates down to? CNN actually has a reprter on the scene all day every day to 'cover' this story. This piece of mind-numbingly important evidence is introduced in the trial, this 'reporter' calls in this information and somebody at the office decides this is not newsworthy. Or rather, that John Q. Public shouldn't see it. For whatever reason.

Need another reason to join some kind of media reform group and force an independant fourth estate?

All. And I'm bloody sick of this shit.


p.p. Cheney could very well go down in the Libby case. And Dubya? Could go down in so many different ways it's crazy. It ain't about crossing your fingers, America, it's about pointing the finger, and it's about making your representatives represent you like they're supposed to.


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