Friday, February 16, 2007

Finally, A Sign of Hope From America

That smarmy fink Leiberman or whatever his name is, beat out by an AntiWar fellow! Ho ho! Out on yer arse, you undercover Dick! The People have spoken! Tell it to your Fink NeoCon, NeoFascist masters that THE FIX IS IN, that these are the Last Days of Disco, that it’s now, officially, as good as it’s ever gonna get and it’s never gonna get this good again! We’ve seen the hideous nature of your Souls and want no truck with it! Stick to Big Business where being a psychopath actually works for you!

Now begone, before the righteous tar and featherings begin in earnest! You lousy RAT BASTARDS!

This, finally, a sign of Hope from America.

But hey, that fink Lieberman is just a start, friends and neighbors. Many Democrats supported this War and still support them. You gotta let 'em know, that doesn't stand. It doesn't represent YOU! And you don't have to choose the best of the bad apples anymore! Is not yours a Democracy OF and FOR THE PEOPLE?!? AND THE PEOPLE DON'T WANT WAR! THEY NEVER DO! IT HAS TO BE SOLD TO THEM! THEY ALWAYS HAVE TO BE MANIPULATED, TRICKED OR FEARED INTO IT! SAY TO THOSE WHO WOULD PUT YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES ON THE FRONT LINES FOR THEIR OWN CORPORATE GREEDS, 'NO MORE'!!! SEND THE BASTARDS PACKING!

Lieberman is just a start. Let 'em all know.

That is all.


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