Friday, February 16, 2007

The Boss's Idiot Nephew

Seeing all sorts of Religio-NutJobs cheering on the Apocalypse. I say cheer it on all you like, you misanthropes, I’m building a NukeProofOrgyBunker. Bunkers. A chain of them. Sell it to the rich as the whole shitcan goes up in flames. The key is you have to spend the money as fast as you make it because you never know when the full-on Apocalypse is gonna hit, do you? And money goes to shit for a while, becomes worthless compared to a box of bottled water or decent gas-masks. Or a crate of those ‘For Dummies’ books.

You know, it strikes me that we really gotta get our paradigms straight. We always get into these modes of living, these big ‘Isms’, and it seems like they always go to shit, am I wrong? We’re seeing that unfettered Capitalism in its purest form has not proven itself to be good for the Earth, the Poor or for Peace or even any kind of sustainable future. I’ve often said Georgie was a perfect example of the failings of Capitalism (now don’t go and get all pissed at me, all ‘Isms’ have their failings, even yours, okay?), and really, who can deny it? Is not George ‘Dubya’ Bush –or ‘Georgie’ as we’re calling him these days- is he not the very epitome of one of the big failures of Capitalism? A bungling moron has been given the keys TO EVERYTHING and how did he do it? Rich Daddy.

Think about it. Whattawe know about this guy? Heard anything very impressive from his pre-presidential days, anything at all? Nothing about him or his past is exemplary in any way, never was he ‘the best’ or even ‘very good at’ anything. Not a good student in school. Not a very impressive business record. Don’t even know if he finished his obligations with the National Guard, a cherry of a gig as opposed to joining America’s adventure in Vietnam. He was and always will be a guy of, I’m gonna say it, a lower intelligence than your average bloke, who always just coasted along on Rich Daddy’s steam. And here we all are.

It’s like when the boss’s idiot nephew got hired in to run your company and all you can do is complain about it when the whole shitcan inevitably goes up in flames. Don’t get any on you, that’s my only advice. And kick ‘em out one of these days, would you?

Point is, Georgie is grotesquely inadequate to handle the scene he’s in and with this gibbering chimp we have all learned, perhaps, that Money is not the answer to everything, for it has facilitated one of history’s stupidest people, ever, in aquiring the position of supreme power in all of the lands. There is obviously something wrong with the system, it should not happen, ever. It has failed the people of the United States of America and indeed, the entire rest of the world. It means the civilization is doomed if they don’t find a way to modify the system so this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN. See what I’m saying? Think the political process needs to be reformed a little bit, so the dumb but rich guys like Georgie aren’t running the ENTIRE SHOW?

Am I wrong here? Does saying this make me a crazy person? Fine. I’m the crazy person.


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