Saturday, February 17, 2007

Evidence Implicating Dubya in the Libby Trial: CNN Doesn't Cover the Story

How many of you are aware, as of this moment, that George W Bush has been directly implicated in the Libby case with evidence penned from the Dark Lord himself, Dick Cheney? Hear of this yet? Ask yourself; why not?

Less talk. Go here. Check it out. Then meet back here.

Deal is, Cheney names the Pres in a note discussing the vile act of outing an undercover agent to get back at her husband for speaking the Truth against the war lead-up lies and this note remains as evidence. Against the Pres. In a criminal case. Which'd make impeachment a bloody snap. We always knew this thing went high up, folks, and we always knew in our hearts that it went up to at least that creep of creeps, Dick 'Darth' Cheney, but this note indicates that 'the Pres' had his grimy mitts all over it too. Fairly important shit, no?

Worthy of coverage? Absolutely. Being covered? Not at all.

CNN is covering the case daily but I've been waiting for that mamby-pamby Wolf Bullschitzer et al to talk on this extremely important document and nothing at all. It's been introduced to the court, a piece of the case and CNN is actively choosing not to cover it. Fucking criminal. After everything that's happened, after all the lies, all the grime, all the crime, all the time, Dubya still gets a free pass.

Want to know what this translates down to? CNN actually has a reprter on the scene all day every day to 'cover' this story. This piece of mind-numbingly important evidence is introduced in the trial, this 'reporter' calls in this information and somebody at the office decides this is not newsworthy. Or rather, that John Q. Public shouldn't see it. For whatever reason.

Need another reason to join some kind of media reform group and force an independant fourth estate?

All. And I'm bloody sick of this shit.


p.p. Cheney could very well go down in the Libby case. And Dubya? Could go down in so many different ways it's crazy. It ain't about crossing your fingers, America, it's about pointing the finger, and it's about making your representatives represent you like they're supposed to.

Cult of Personality: the Strange Birth of the Bushite

It was Johnny Canuck that alerted me to this emerging segment of humanity, the uniquely American creature I’ve taken, for a time, to call the Bushite. They are that still sizable chunk (yes Virginia, 30% is extremely low for an American president, but it’s still a chunk, do you see? Go look at a pie-chart. That’s a good girl!) that remain fiercely defensive of all things Bush in spite of all the evidence of so many foul and hideous goings-on. This is a brand new field for us armchair Cultural Anthropologists, and make no mistake about it, friend, “Doc” Sensey’s on the case! To learn, and by learning, ease you through these most difficult days. And it’s absolutely free of charge! Sure! It’s of Historical Significance, I’m told, by those in the know.

After a scintillating session in which Cajun Rooster suggested it irresponsible for Johnny Canuck (and indeed, others) to blame the President for the War in Iraq, I start to get a little bit of a glimpse about what you 30%ers are about, finally, which leads me to think about what you're going through right now.

Okay, let the healing begin.

First a survey here. Your opinions are fine, no right or wrong answer, okay? Tally ho!

1) Has George W. Bush, in your opinion, ever lied about anything to anybody during his tenure as President?

2) What mistakes (if any) would you say George W. Bush made before and during Gulf Deux?

3) Did Saddam Hussein have weapons of mass destruction?

4) Was Saddam Hussein responsible, in any way, for the events of 911?

5) Is there a demonstrable link between Saddam Hussein and Al Queda prior to Iraq Deux?

6) Might George W. Bush just be the best President America has ever had?

7) Would you say George W. Bush is a smart man?

8) Is America winning the War in Iraq?

9) Should America wage war with Iran, and, if yes, should they do it sooner rather than later?

Remember: No right or wrong answers here,
I'm looking for your opinion, okay?

And listen, I have a question, do you 30%ers have a name for yourself? I mean, I've heard 'Bushite' bandied about, maybe as good as any, but your input is invited. What are the hip kids calling it these days in the prep schools? This is MetaCulturalAnalysis here, cutting edge shit. We know all about the 'observer effect' here at the SenseChange Center for Positive Change and don't give a crap! We factor it into the equation. because we can, Mister! It's just like accounting for the warp in the table when you take your shot at the 8 ball. Nothing to it at all.

We study what makes a Bushite tick, the breadth of their devotion to this man, etc. Shit Cajun, I'll split the proceeds with you. I mean it man. Maybe not split, you understand, you're still not that limited a resource, right? You understand. But I'd definitely send you a nice chunk of change on the deal.

Right! Thanks for this, Cajun, Radical Patriot, and yes, even the bloodthirsty Pastor! C’mere ya big lugs! Not so close, not so close! Yeesh, Pastor! Hands off, you scoundrel! I'm only fifteen!

-iSenseProfits! Ding bloody ding, Captain!

p.p. Starting to see similarities in GWB and the Bushite 30%ers, in their actions, in their ability to create reality from sheer fantasy, and they believe it themselves. Heavy. Will expand on the idea as it evolves. I smell cutting edge Pulitzer stuff here, folks an as always, yours for a bargain at six cents a year!

p.p. C'mon, Cajun, Johnny's absolutely right, you fellows need a NAME! "ProBush" seems pretty bland but "PATRIOTS(!!!)" or "AMERICANS(!!!)" could create confusion. You think it over, okay? Input welcome, as always. otherwise you get Bushite, kissing cousin to Bullshit, so it may be know what, Cage? Forget the name thing. It's Bushite for sure...

Porno Justice and the Impending Rennaisance

Many say that things can never change but I assure you the reverse is certain: the only thing that never changes is that everything, over time, undergoes not only Change but Massive Change. I think it has never been closer. I see it and feel it and walk out amongst it, for the wheels of change grind slowly and once it can be picked up by a dude standing in the right place with the right kind of ears it's already moving too fast to stop. It has once again manifested itself, the irresistable, perhaps immortal force that has been felt before, during and after whatever sized Bang started the whole shootin' match off for Good or Ill or perhaps both. Definitely both. That's the oppositional binaric omnipresense, you have always (or perhaps never) existed under! Suck it in! 2K7 is the year the Rennaissance begun. Be a part of it. Contribute. Make it so. Because you'd rather define the Change than have the Change define you!

Rennaisance requires of us (all of us) to agree upon a set of rules that we can all live by.
-No more starvation amongst us.
-No more War amongst us.
-Protect the Earth.
-More dialogue amongst us.
-An atmosphere of Mutual Benefficienality amongst Citizens of all nations.
-That the People demand it to be so.

And what of the death of Saddam over the holidays? That one kinda snuck up on me but I'll call it what it is:

"Murder Amongst Puppets,
a Play on a Stage!
Penultimate present from the NeoCon Age!"

World breathes sigh at death of despised dictator? Hardly. A play on the stage presented both by and for America. And what makes better meat than the Death of an Asshole? Do you believe it was Justice? So too will I, if and only if we also include (like the good criminal investigators we all are) an investigation of those who have both aided and abetted said individual in the perpetration of said criminal acts. That's if you truly believe in Justice. But take heart if you don't. You are in the majority. For us 2 %ers it's Porno Justice at best and we'll have no truck with it.

Meanwhile intense debate continues in the Whitehouse but the last thing they're discussing is Vietnam and how to win it.
"Figger we still got time to bomb Iran?, Dick? Heh heh."
"Absolutely, Georgie. Have a cookie. Thataboy!" Cheney's a schemer. He knows what time they have left. And he wants, more than anything else, to do.

Grim words on these early days of 2K7, but i don't feel grim. I feel hopeful, Citizens, i truly do. I think we've seen how bad it can get and don't want to go there. i think we are starting to believe that Positive Change is an outright necessity. For our own survival. I believe it in my heart to be so and I am hardly alone.

Peace, Citizens. Prosperity to all in the Coming Age.


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At Zeitgeist’s Zenith: the Slugging of George W. Bush.

“We’ll succeed,” says Georgie under the literal shadow of Ho Chi Minh and ever the apt pupil of History, “if we don’t quit.” This, the lesson Dubya’s chosen to learn from America’s Vietnam adventure. Jesus! What in the Christ does that mean?!? Anybody?!? In a cornucopia of weird things this man has said and done during his presidency alone, how is it he can still surprise me? Gotta hand it to him.

Tell you what I learned from America’s Vietnam Adventure: If you leave, IT DOESN’T MATTER. None of the scary things all the war hawks bleat about ever end up happening. Never. Just as America’s dismal failure in Vietnam never had bupkis to do with either halting or advancing the spread of Communism, so too will America’s inevitable failure in Iraq have nothing to do with the halting or advancing of some UTTERLY IMPOSSIBLE, wide ranging, superpowered, Islamofascist Caliphate. A bunch of scary words that don’t amount to a hill of beans. You figure the Shiites and the Sunnis are gonna get together to take over the world? They’re actually blood fucking enemies! And that’s just two of the many splintered and rivalling Islamic sects that have all sorts of ancient reasons to hate one another until the end of time. Another ugly lie from the NeoCon hoard of ugly liars designed to make them and their buddies in the MilitaryIndustrialComplex somehow yet richer.

Speaking of Lies and Liars, Bush may now be impeached. You realize that, yes? Cheney may now be held accountable for his very obvious war profiteering with the ineffectual but now ‘vastly richer for the experience’ Halliburton, also. And he ought. They ought. American Citizens of all stripes, you owe it to all your country holds dear to remove these two men. If you are a politician, get the ball rolling. If you are an American citizen, start writing letters. Do it because these men are scoundrels that deserve it, more than any men in America's checkered political history or do it for the savage beating they delivered to your once grand Constitution but most importantly, do it as an example to the next round of liars and thieves that think they can twist and pervert your American Dream to their own sick ends. A message must be sent to whoever comes next. Nothing else you can do could be more important than that. Period. Get your shit together, America, the rest of us are sick of waiting for it and watching these fucks take what was Great and turn it to Shit.

I had the chance, I’d slug him. Right in the face. Love to. Dubya, I mean. Can’t. No access. But maybe you do? Maybe you’re a congressperson and you’re at a dinner party and President GWB is there and he says or does something really stupid and you just slug him right in the face, hard as you can. What happens? Sure, you get jumped by the secret service, but would they off you? Prob’ly not. So, what happens? Especially if, as a congressperson and pretty much all of yer constituents are glad as hell you did it? The path to the next election may well lay in slugging George Bush in the mouth. Hard as you can. Or maybe it just gets you and extended stay in Leavenworth. Or worse.

Fuck it. I had the chance I’d do it and let the chips fall where they may. No amount of waterboarding would ever remove the smile from my face. But I haven’t access. But maybe you do? Maybe you’re a ten year old winner of the National Spelling Bee and the President is gonna perform some utterly meaningless publicity function (rather than figuring out any kind of realistic solution to the Iraq Problem) that involves you, giving you the access that I lack. Well, here’s what you do: you screw up your little fists and right when he opens his mouth to say something stupid you pop him one, hard as you can. See if you can drop him with a ten-year-old, spelling-bee-champ haymaker and when he looks up at you with tears streaming down his face, right before the savage beating at the hands of the Secret Service, you look him dead in the eyes and tell him you did it for the soldiers. The world will see it and cheer you on, small comfort, perhaps, as thirty years later you’re still wasting away in some dingy prison in Syria (“waterboarding” W-A-T-E-R-B-O-A-R-D-I-N-G, “waterboarding”), but at least you’ll know in yer little heart o’ hearts you did the one thing that entire rest of the world would have loved to do. And you’d be famous! Maybe you write a book or something? There’s money there, kiddo, and ol’ Sensey’s here to help, should you need it. You can bet yer sweet bippy on that.

Have I said enough to be labelled an enemy combatant yet? I’m never certain anymore. Fuck it. Torture, I’m told, builds Character and as for the gulags, well, I’m no stranger to hard work. The fresh air can only do me good at this point.

Peace to you Citizens. Of all stripes. Even those that don’t look or talk like you and me. You dig? You better.


p.p. Impeach them or deserve whatever dicks gain power next. You’ll get no sympathy from me and the whole world’ll agree that you deserve it. Wake up. Throw out the trash.

Citizen's Note # 911: inre 'What To Do About George 'Dubya' Bush


That is all.

This message brought to you by the good folks at the SenseChange Center for Positive Change. Thanks, and have a GREAT day.


Oedipus Bush and the Tale of Two Daddies

But didn't this always Oedipal Bush presidency just get ratcheted up a notch when Rummy finally got the bum’s rush for messing up everything he laid eyes on, for now Georgie’s gotta choose between two daddies, right? Sure!

Here’s the call, folks, and remember where you heard it first: Before the 2006 Election Thumpin’, the Presidency belonged to ‘OilSlick’ Dick Cheney. After the "2006 Thumpin' heard Round the World," the Presidency belongs to former President George ‘Also a Liar and War Profiteer’ Bush Senior. Dubya becomes the bumbling Prince George he’s always been with Jeb as maybe some kind of a Prince Hal type. This is Shakespeare, right? But what does it mean and how does it end?

IRAQ: Ol’ Cheney’ll howl “Stay the Course” forever. Twice as loud now that Rummy’s been turfed. No cost in dollars and blood is too high, ever. Not his money and not his blood, thankyew veddy much. So who cares?

Daddy Bush and his crew’ll be leaning towards declaring a meaningless victory tomorrow and getting the fuck out, but keeping the big Superbases intact (you know about the huge SuperBases, right? America's not really leaving Iraq no matter what they say they're gonna do), making scads of money every which way but loose (why stop now?) and leaving options for MidEast control firmly intact. Smart money’s on never declaring any kind of finish to the thing. Leave, but leave your options open…

ON IRAN: Before the 2006 Election Thumpin,’ Dubya’s daddy of choice was the ideological neoconservative father; ‘Oilslick’ Dick, who remains, to this day, very obviously balls out for attacking Iran as soon as possible. Probably the very first words out of his mouth when he showed up to to work the day after the Thumpin Heard Round the World was “find some kinda good reason before January first to bomb Iran to smithereens and just bloody do it.” Been grumbling menacingly about it for years.

Daddy Bush, who once resisted pressing on to Baghdad for fear of the type of chaos we’re now actually witnessing, will tell Georgie (through his old cronies who now have total access to the Whitehouse, new SecDef Gates and Baker III) to lay off Iran, to put it back in his pants for awhile. ‘Finish you’re plate, Georgie,’ Pappa Bush will admonish: ‘no Iran until you’ve finished your Iraq! And you haven’t even touched your Afghanistan!’

So, Dubya’s gotta choose between his two daddies, one ideological, one biological. Like bein’ a President wasn’t tough enough! Gosh! But enough on that. Dubya has to go with Bush Sr because it’s like a default position. He’s used to daddy bailing him out. Happened all his life. And everybody, everywhere, knows it.

How deeply embarassing for Dubya, who tried so desperately to become every bit the swaggering dick his 'wimpy' father never was. That's the thing that so many people get wrong and I see it all the time. Bush Sr was never running the show for Dubya because he quite simply never woulda ran it that way. Dubya saw Daddy's presidence as a humiliating failure and surrounded himselves with as many tough guys as he knew. Unfortunately, for the whole world, these tough guys were also insane. But so endeth the song of the NeoCon, a return to a presidencey thought long gone, two Bush presidents; a Father, a Son.

There you have it. Take it to the bank.


p.p. Impeach Bush. Bust Cheney first for War Profiteering. Now.

Schoolyard Diplomacy and the Apocalyptic Chicken

Never speak to your enemies. Even if they ask you to. Only threaten them. Because that’s what just always, always works.

Dubya holds True to Form: He’s nuts, first of all. Can we establish that? Nuts. I mean, whatever the measuring stick is, he’s nuts. And he still wants to attack Iran!?! After mismanaging ever single thing he’s ever done in office, including two preemptive and illegal wars and a natural disaster. And yes, Billy-Bob, I understand that you cannot manage a Natural Disaster. You can, however, manage your response to one. Fair enough?

Want more? Ground Zero remains a smouldering hole, the Constitution in tatters, SoleSuperPowerStatus in jeopardy, global opinion at lowest in history, went from balanced books to the Largest National Debt in the entirety of Human History. And in spite of all that (and so much more it staggers me) Dubya still thinks maybe he can pull off somethin’ against Iran. Which most experts agree won’t be the cakewalk that Iraq was supposed to be but never was. It will take nothing less than magic for GWB to somehow not fuck that up. Act of God, maybe. Just throwin' that in there.

Attacking Iran? I figure you’re gonna want a particularily good quarterback for that one, and GWB has never actually been a particularly good anything. Wasn’t he a cheerleader at University? Did I hear that? Is that fact?

I digress. But it’s weird, no? A cheerleader? So weird. Best not to think of it. Where were we? Iran! Right!

Everything you need to know about Iran and America can be broken down into a game of ‘Apocalyptic Chicken.’ “Sure!” America says, “you don’t quit fucking with the nukes we’re gonna smack you down. Hard. Like Iraq. We might not be 'winning' anything but how anxious are you for a big mitful of Iraq-Styled Chaos in yer faces? Wanton, random destruction, pretty much everywhere, no plans and no problems just one big stinking mess. Well? You want that kind of shit on you? Cuz fuck it. We’re on a tear.”

And Iran is like, ‘well, shit, there’s a chance they can’t attack us because of this whole emerging world (America, even!) public opinion thing. There’s that. And the whole fear of finally unifying the Arabs, who could all, regardless of creed or culture, legitimately see the American Adventures as a full fledged invasion on all things Oil. And they’re still stretched ridiculously thin with the wars they’ve got, not to mention the thumpin’ heard literally around the world when the Dems took back the House and Senate.

No way Iran’s gonna blink first. There standing up to the biggest dog on the block and the whole Arab world is watching them do it. If anything, an American attack would only make Iran stronger in the eyes of the Muslim world, ala Hamas after the Israel-Lebanon thing.

So that’s Iran-America for you (see also: North Korea). A game of chicken. Schoolyard Diplomacy in the Nuclear Age, the diplomacy of choice for the manchild American President. And former cheerleader(?). But the Times they are a changin', eh Citizens? You bet yer fur they are.


p.p. Oh yeah, almost forgot. Impeach Bush. And Cheney. Now.

p.p.p. Out of Iraq and into Selma! Yowza!

Blogger's Brew

Inre: My Morning
These are authorities. They carry weapons and they are allowed to do so. They are the Apparatchik of State. And they’ve just waltzed into your house like they own it and busted you like the bank. You’re place, as usual, is absolutely lousy with illicit substances. What do you do? Nothing to do. Nothing you can do. Submit to it. Try not to let it wreck your day. Find a reason to smile on your way to the patrol car. Ask them if they’d mind turning on the radio. Treat ‘em like a cabbie.

Inre: Iraq
Declare victory. Tomorrow. And you get…the…fuck…out. That easy. Sure, the World will know it’s a load but most Americans probably won’t. At most, in time, a generalized and vague recollection of some kind of confusion followed by some kind of victory. And all will be bliss once more in the Land of the free and the Home of the Distracted. The argument will go ‘Yeah, but we won.’ With the obvious response: ‘Won what? How?’ Righty and Lefty will argue about it for years, forever, like IranContra and ultimately, BullGoose Loonie Lefty and Religio-Redneck Righty agree to disagree, and so it goes. And you’re out. Right?

Inre: Fashion Trends, and Other Ways I Suffer for the Whim of the Capricious Masses.
Nobody sells turtlenecks anymore. You notice that? Their not fashionable. But my last one’s shot all to hell and well, shit man, I just like a nice, thick, black, turtleneck sweater. Maybe just tight enough to show the shoulders off a little, y’know? But they don’t sell ‘em. Everything's got zippers. It’s what they think you’re gonna think is hip the next time you’re at the mall. But where the fuck, pray tell, does that leave me? This culture is not adequately servicing my needs and hasn’t for a long time. Maybe it’s time to take off again.


Inre: Impeachment.
He ought be. And deep in America’s collective heart of hearts, they all know it, every damned one of them. The deal of the thing is nabbing Cheney first for Halliburton-related war profiteering. Also a Federal Crime. Should be nothing easier to do on earth. But maybe I’m missing something…

Inre: Her
Yeah. I fall in love too easily. But I fall in love for this just barely fathomable ideal. If it were summertime I’d suggest we go to the desert, do huge rails and see what comes out of our mouths. Or into them, for that matter. Yeah. Absolutely. Take ‘er some place fun. Have fun. No pressure with the understanding that I will conspire for a kiss. Powerless not to. It’s entirely in her prerogative to yeah or nay at any point. Yeah. That’s the plan. Something like that. Not summer though. SO what then? Something fun.

Inre: The Finally Dead NeoCon Movement and America Killing It.
Always said the only thing that can save the World from America was Americans. Turns out I was dead-on balls on that one friends and neighbors. This makes the Far Right comes back a little. The big NeoCOn experiment is over, a miserable failure on every count, something we can all agree on. Maybe the whole American Tragicomic experience of GWB spontaneously generates this feeling that regardless of Lefty or Righty leanings, Things are Bollixed and Need to be Fixed. That’s the reality, America. Not only do you have to deal with that reality but you have to deal with the situation. You have to fix it. Sorry. It’s not easy and it’s not something you can just make a phonecall about as you laze on the couch with the remote and that heaping bag of Doritos. Nope, things need to be fixed and they take Time. Your Time.

Inre Alcoholism and Minding Your Own Business.
Am I an alcoholic? Absolutely! And more! I’m all sorts of aholics! I’ll take no stones from anybody for it neither! Kiss my ass! Shuffle on! Yeah! I’ll take a Jack Daniels. On the rocks. In a brandy snifter. To go. And make it a double. Heh heh heh.

Inre My Writing Style and Who the Hell is Spenser Tracy? Why Not Miles Davis?
Some dude called my writing style some kind of cheap, Spencer Tracy ripoff. Had he called me some kinda second-rate Hunter S Thompson hack there woulda been nothing I coulda said. But dude prob’ly doesn't even know who the good doctor even was. Needless to say I wasn't offended. Told him the whole thing's actually a kinda first person narrative, which is old as dust.

Inre: Getting Things Fixed
Like monitoring your elections. And not forgetting it the day after it’s over, regardless of the outcome. Things need to be fixed. The elections are a sham. Machines going home at night with “administrators”? What the hell, pray tell, is that? A great big, yellow button that enables anybody to add as many votes as they like? Ridiculous. Lefty or Righty it is ridiculous. Dubya made his America Votes Act and, for Lefty or Righty, it has proven insufficient. Like everything else he's touched. Needs to be fixed, or rather, needs to be corrected. The fix is already in, Voters. The day after the vote, the week after, the year after, the People need to ensure that Democracy is protected, corrected and they need to not back down, ever, until an election’s result is at least as unimpeachable as the old, pieces-of-paper-in-a-cardboard-box deal that happens to work about a thousand times better than these dubious machines.

Inre: This Little Blog o’ Mine, I’m Gonne Let It SHINE!
Prob’ly I coulda just blogged anyone of these little paragraphs on their own and got reads, comments and whatever else be the coinage of the realm. As it is it’s a big jumbled mess that only the Faithful will read right through but what of it? I like it. Feels like some kinda jagged jazz scene and me and you are rippin’ it up out there, flyin' for a crowd that's snappin' they fingers and bobbin' they heads. Dig on that. Yeah.


In Defence of Third World Debt Relief: As it Stands, We Look Like Dicks

I believe in third world debt relief. Fuck it. We have everything, they have nothing. What’re we gonna do, watch the little bastards choke to death or what? Look how horrifically skinny so many of them are when they die and how grotesquely fat so many of us are when we die. They look like fucking Auschwitz victims and we look like that big fat dude in ‘Seven’ that was forced to eat himself to death. Y'know, the one the serial killer set up to represent the deadly sin of Gluttony? What better evidence of a fucked up status quo? And i don't see any way of denying it, bubba.

You have onboard GPS systems in your shoes, they have dust and seeds, maybe some rice and they’re being taxed to hell for every mote of it by their governments. Do you know in some places they tax the very same water that some people’s ancestors have sustained themselves from since the beginning of time?

Fuck it. We look like dicks. All of us. Even you. Chew on that, friend. No way they can ever pay it back, especially with the fucked up interest we’re layin’ on ‘em. Here’s the motto: “Join the globalization scene! Be poor forever! Like you have a choice anyway! Hah!”

I’m of a mind to give a hand to these fuckers, you know? But you know what? You don’t just give money to their politicians because what do we know about politicians? Right. They almost always take the money. At every possible junction. SO how do you circumvent that? You give ‘em infrastructure, if they’ll accept it. And you make it clear, you’re people ain’t free then neither are the sewer systems. Or the universities. Or the hospitals. Am I being crazy here? Ignore, if you will, the madman in the corner. For as long as you can bare it. The sheer weight of daily hypocrisy.

I say let's give ‘em a chance, not another half-century of debt.

Greed is also a Deadly Sin, you know that? Look it up.

-iSenseChange, but it's gotta start somewhere...


The problem is that I fall in love too easily.
And I pine.
And I imagine.
And have weird standards.
And am easily disillusioned.
And can be, I’m told, difficult.
Just caught myself again.
Like her though.
Blue-green eyes.
Very sexy.
Gets me.
I think.
Said she misses me.
Hadn’t spoke to her since that night.
Gave her a call.
Just one.
All I ever give.
She didn’t return it.
We’re to meet for drinks.
Prob’ly smoke one too.
And I imagine all these possibilities.
But how can she be that woman?
That I created in my own mind?
Better that she’s not.
Better that she’s somethin’ else I could never have imagined.
No doubt she is.
The problem is that I fall in love too easily.
What to do with this?
A love letter she’ll never see.


Citizen's Note # 11: inre Presidential Oversight at Long Last


This message brought to you from the good folks at the SenseChange Center for Positive Change. Thanks so much and have a GREAT day.


p.p. Inre Rummy: So long, asshole! Can they get rid of Cheney for Halliburton related War Profiteering? Hmmmmm. Another blog entirely...

Your iSenseChange Congressional Election 2006 Headquarters

iSenseChange here, reporting live from the Front Lines of the War on Information on this, the NIGHT OF NIGHTS! It's like a football game out there folks, and at this stage it's still early. The thing to do is to get a few good belts of booze (and whatnot) into you and ride this hoary bitch out to the bitter end, find out what type of world it'll be tomorrow. Right? Cuz that's what's at stake here, nothing less. Some kind of control or counter over this crazed dingus and his madmen puppetmasters OR NONE WHATSOEVER.

Congress, which once spent an entire year investigating a married man's attempt to cover up an illicit act of oral sex, has shown no curiosity whatsoever about a war that the administration elected to wage that has killed and maimed hundreds of thousands and led our own people to commit war crimes and squandered hundreds of billions of dollars and degenerated into civil war.”
-Garrison Keillor

Say what you will of your Reality TV but give me American Politics any day of the week and thrice on Sundays. Why? Because when you peel back all the lies, dirty lies and outright bullshit (no mean feat, that) what do you have? Greed. Sex. Violence. And more! All those juicy little things that the Reality folks are trying so hard to manufacture on some island somewhere. No sir, I say fuck the island, I’ll take the Great American Bubble!! You?

Be mashing all sorts of Election night ramblings in this space as the news comes in. Make sense of it later, what sense there be.

Big questions: will exit polls mean a goddamned thing? They were fucked up last time, will be fucked up this time. Which means any information coming in right now that is based on exit polls is bloody useless. Exit polls versus end result ends up being the measure of how much cheating there was, remember that one, Citizens. That's a little iSC election equation for you. How's that for cutting edge coverage, eh? Yours, as always, at the cut rate price of six bucks a year!

Smarmy fink, Joe Benedict Lieberman, running as an independent, defeats Democrat Ned Lamont, makes it in by sheer Republican might! Strange days indeed, but maybe not so much for this Dem in name alone. As everybody knows. Will Lieberman flip? If the Repubs need him, he’ll flip. And he’ll make a fortune off it. I’m pretty sure that dude can be bought. That’s if he’s the dirtiest of whores that I suspect him to be. I’ve been calling him Benedict Lieberman for months now, you just remember where you heard that first too, eh kiddies? Damn skippy.

Santorum goes down! Hah! Deserve it. Good riddance. Total jerk. Prototypical Far Right lug. Won’t miss you one bit, you dick. Number three Repub leader in the Senate eats it big time.

At precisely 9:11 (what th-) CNN makes the call that the Dems will be the Majority Party in the House. Did you know that the number 11, in numerology is one of the most powerful numbers? Know why? It is said to represent change...but as I said, CNN bases predictions at least partially on exit polling, which doesn't account for the 'Republican Fix Factor', which translates to outright election robbery.

Having extremely dirty thoughts about Dana Bash, horse-face or no. Where's Paula at? She check out early? Any net nudies of Paula out there? Surprised myself when she popped into my mind during a latenight tug sesh. Gave her a thumb in the bum. And she loved it...

Hey, here's something funny: 947 registered voters in Dagget County, Utah. The funny part? A 2005 census stating a population of 943. That's a 102% voter turnout! Interrrrresting.

All for now. This night is far from over but I'm so drunk I'm nearly blind. Shoulda gone stimulant. Tactical error, Sensey! Shit, man! Ah fuck it, nobody said this was going to be easy.

We are, after all, bloggers.


This Election, Not of Theft but Robbery

Because theft is a stealthy thing that happens in the inky pitch of night when noone is around to mark it; you just wake up and it’s gone. This election is hardly that. This one is of robbery, the kind that breaks down your door, laughs maniacally as it takes what’s yours with a mocking whisper of “what’re you gonna do about it, bubba.” Well, what indeed? Me? Oh, you know. Ol’ Sensey’s just tryin’ to Live his Life eight seconds at a time. As per. And keep an eye on this impending mockery of Democracy, throw pebbles at it from a safe distance. Mock it though remain powerless but to watch. It’s my favourite show right now. What’re you watchin’ Citizen? And what’s it about?

And the show I’m watching ain’t about whether the Democrats can take back the house and finally provide some kind of balance against this hideous Far Right orgy of corruption, slack assedness and violence. Sure, it’s in there somewhere but it’s not the main story and it’s not the Real Question. So what is?

And things just keep getting weirder, as promised. Like what? Like the head Religio-Nutcase in the WhiteHouse is nailin’ male hookers and taking meth! What a hoot! It never stops! What, you thought it was gonna stop with KidFucker Foley? Who’s next in this Great Far Right Masquerade of the Grotesque? Haven’t seen any dead hookers yet, but after the drugs and the pedophilia you know they can’t be too far behind, right? You damned skippy. Heard it here first. Nero’s New America is scandal in bulk. Chew on that, bitches. Hah!

And you just know Rummy and Cheney’s got bodies someplace. Right? A swack of them. Whole White House is prob’ly lousy with them. When found will blame on the Democrats. Or the janitor that found them. Or their own sainted Aunt Petunia’s. And probably get away with it. Again. And Bush’ll tell ‘em they’re doing a ‘super’ job or something. Personally, I’d like to see him try ‘stupendous’. Dubya’s coup de grace as far as language butchery.

But the question, Sensey? Surely we all know it, by now? Course you do.

Can they steal enough to hold the house. The only question in this election. The answer? Well…can they?

But you’ll never see it on any set of CNN’s stats or tickers. And the talking heads have precious little to say about it, thus far at least. I want to hear ‘em say this election is getting stolen. Just like the last one. I’m holding out for that fleeting second where a talking head ignores the rules and belts it out there and just like that you have a few seconds of Truth in your media, just like you always, always wanted. Slim chance on that one, not these scabrous whores and cruel villains of the Big Media, the more than wilful manufacturers of Consent and Control and the All Important Maintenance of the Status Quo. Nevertheless, it’s remains the question on everybody’s mind, at least those in the know, by no means the majority.

And can they get away with it? Not such an easy trick these days. The Citizens seem awakened as of late. Yes, they do. Maybe not so much the same citizenry that slept their way into a couple wars and a whole slew of lost Constitutional Rights. Maybe that Citizenry is awakening around this election and remembering that the right things actually kinda sorta matter and deserve something a little bit closer to their FULL FUCKING ATTENTION. One hopes. I hope. The whole world has a stake in this.

Hmmmmmm. Hope. A strange feeling. And around what? Democrats? No. Not them, not at all. The People. It is in that way my Hope lay, always. What do you say?

Right. Intense bullshit pending. You’ve been warned. You’re about to hear a big shitload about Hussein getting the death penalty and that’s Proof Positive of All Things Iraq. How’s that for your November surprise? World safer! Live worldwide coverage of Saddam Hussein’s date with a bullet or twenty! Makes for some great T.V, I can tell you that much! Say what you will about the Conservatives but they certainly know how to put on a fine show. Hey Deorre, who called 'Saddam's head exploding in a crimson mist' as November surprise? Was it Keywoman1? I know I said Osama. Or an Iran bombardment. Did we make a wager on all this? I was drunk. I promise nothing.

Actually, check that. I'm still holding out for a Bay of Tonkin style 'missile strike' from Iran as the big November surprise. See! We're under attack! Been so all along!

Peace Y'all. Out of Iraq and into Selma.


p.p. I were running? Abu Graib and Katrina, hit 'em right in the face with it.

RandomMP3age: “Painted Black,” the Rolling Stones

Startin’ a Band

Many of my best friends have been musicians. Starting to push through for me. Feel confident singing in front of people, for the first time, ever. Always knew I could at least hold a tune but was nervous. Been through so much in this life that I don’t care anymore. This blogging experience had added to that, too. Always hid my writing. Never thought it was good enough. Maybe it is or maybe it isn’t but I just don’t give a shit anymore. And I get feedback. And some people tell me that they really like my stuff and I play it all cool but it matters to me. And some people really, really hate my stuff and that matters to me almost as much. To Hate is to Care enough to Work Yourself into a Lather. Which means maybe I struck a chord. My the Final, Ugly Truth of the Age piece had to do with it too. Stopped caring if they’d kill me for telling the Truth. The Truth is bigger than me, a force unto itself, second only to the Immortal Change, so by all means spirit me away and do what you will with my corporeal form. I couldn’t give a shit. I did my part.

Speaking of Change: Facing huge opposition from all quarters, George ‘Dubya’ Bush might just be acknowledging that Iraq is turning into this huge, fucked up mess that the rest of the world has been seeing for years. But how does this play with all his insufferable and intractable “we will not back down, we will stay the course, we will not cut and run,” talk? Simple! Just deny you ever said it. Right?

Direct Georgie quote as of a coupla days ago: "Well, hey, listen, we've never been 'stay the course’…”

Wha…? Oh! I guess…you never…said all that stuff. Stuff like “"We will stay the course until the job is done, Steve, and the temptation is to try to get the President or somebody to put a timetable on the definition of getting the job done. We're just going to stay the course."
-George ‘Dubya’ Bush at a press conference, December 2003

But what does this with starting a band, Sensey? Christ, you are a rambler, ain’t you? Starting a band is about Life and Adventure, politics is about Cynicism and Deception. So what do you wanna write about? Right. A band. Yeah. Guess what I mean to say is, this WritingUp thing, this blogging deal lent me the courage to sing to others. Hey, shit, ain’t it the same thing, anyways? For you? Not shooting for Rock Superstar or anything, I just want to be able to play a few tunes in the bars.

Speakin’ of a few tunes…

"And so we've got tough action in Iraq. But we will stay the course,"
George ‘Worst President Ever and Most Dangerous Idiot in History’ Bush, April 5th, 2004

"And my message today to those in Iraq is: We'll stay the course." Apr. 13, 2004

"And that's why we're going to stay the course in Iraq. And that's why when we say something in Iraq, we're going to do it." Apr. 16 2004

Somehow in there, they were never actually about ‘staying the course’. Love to have this all explained to me. I’m a simple man. But fuck all that. Been puttin’ a few tunes together and playin’ em at parties and people are having fun. So fuck it, we're startin’ a band. We develop it. Shootin’ for bar scene alone. Anything comes beyond that is icing on the cake. It’s about realistic, achievable goals at the thirties, tell you that much.

Can’t wait to name the thing. Will keep a list on this page, maybe. And will take suggestions. Check back regularly and often. Get those hits up. Looking to break ten bucks on Adsense.

Many of my best friends are musicians. Always have been. And I think many of them have always thought I might emerge as a front man. It was like I had to get away from them to bring it out of me. But I can do it now. And when I’m ready, I will see who amongst them want to make a run at it. Big dreams, High Hopes in Times of Chaos and Distress. Maybe it’s all sublimation. Maybe that’s what this blogging thing has been too. Some of it, anyways.

"We will stay the course, we will complete the job in Iraq." August 2005

"We will stay the course." August 2006

"Well, hey, listen, we've never been 'stay the course’…'”

So what’s going on here? Based on these latest developments, I think we all have to rule out that Georgie’s simply a little confused. I mean, he is, to be certain, and has been all his life. That much is obvious. But even stupid people know what they believe. Just ask the Radical Religious Right! No, it’s not because he’s stupid (though he is, and this can’t be stressed enough), stupidity on its own doesn't cut it in this case. Ultimately, whoever you are and whatever your political leanings you have to decide something on GWB: he’s EITHER FULL OF SHIT OR INSANE!!! OR BOTH!!! So, three choices there.

I’m sure you know which way I’m leaning.

Rock and Roll, Citizens!


NonRandomMP3age: “Love Her Madly,” the Doors.

p.p. Just found the Giants-Bucks game. All is Bliss. Prediction right here and now: the Bears will not get by the Giants in the playoffs. You heard it here first. Mark it and write the motherfucker down.

Kidfu*ker Foley and the Shattered Myth of the Republican Moral Authority

These were the years when the US parliament became a historical punch line, a political obscenity on par with the court of Nero or Caligula - a stable of thieves and perverts who committed crimes rolling out of bed in the morning and did their very best to turn the mighty American empire into a debt-laden, despotic backwater…”

-Matt Taibbi, “Time to Go! Inside the Worst Congress Ever” Rolling Stone Magazine

Say what you like about Monica and the blue dress but at least Clinton liked chicks! Grown up ones! Jesus shuddering Christ! What, on earth IS NEXT from these HIDEOUS FIENDS?!? They made Kidfucker Foley (R) a co-chairman of the House Caucus on MISSING and EXPLOITED CHILDREN, and in time, Republican officials right up to and including J. DENNIS HASTERT (R), the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE knew precisely what his interests were, knew precisely what he was doing and yet actively CHOSE to DO NOTHING to stop it, let alone bring the sick dick to justice! They let him keep a post that he would INEVITABLY use to his kidfucking advantage! Yes sir, pedophiles around their world rub their palms with envious glee at that one, the quintessential dream post for Kidfuckers like Foley and they LET HIM KEEP THE JOB! Which to me, means they facilitated it, no? Which is aiding and abetting kidfucking, yes? Which means, by proxy, a good swath of the Repubbies are Kidfuckers too! That’s as fucked up as it gets, Citizens. I mean, sure, there’s probably ways you could have equally fucked up your stewardship of the nation and its most vulnerable, but I’m gonna say you can’t possibly surpass it.

An Ugly but Necessary Prediction: there will be more kids. Hate to say it, probably some dead bodies too. Mark my words, though I loathe them. Thing is, the level and universality of Republican crime on the Hill is such that I feel like, well, how can there not be at least a couple ‘a bodies in the mix? They’ve done everything else.

Officially as bad as it gets. Can’t be topped. The culture of corruption that exists in Washington under the Republican dominated Congress, the Executive and Judiciary branches is legendary and of historical significance. The Clinton impropriety is erased, or rather finally exposed for what it really was: utterly meaningless. Bill bust any laws when he fired great loads all over Monica and her little blue dress? Nope. Both were consenting adults. Right? Which means all that bullshit and ballyhoo about a presidential blowjob has finally been ‘put to bed,’ forever. And it’s about goddamned time.

But there’s a vote coming up, some say. Things will change. Yes, things will change, but how much? This is what I said before the last election: with widespread cheating and paper-trail free ballot machines (which only makes sense if it's yer buddies that supply and install the machines) we will have no way of having any idea what the real vote results are. No way of knowing. That was in 2004. Has anything changed since then? Nope. Nothing has. If anything, more controls are in place to ensure that however America decides to vote on Election Day, the Repubbies can generate whatever numbers they wish.

Yes Virginia, I’m saying right now the Repubbies can win whatever they want to in November. Whatever they want to. And a compliant, sleeping populace will allow it just as they did in 2004. Or will they? Has Kidfucker Foley, the Iraq War Lead-up Lies and the utter assault on the Constitution of the United States of America (amongst soooooooo many other things, I mean, c’mon, who has time to list them all?) finally took hold in the minds of the People? Has the threshold been met that converts lemmings back into Citizens? Me, I’m not so sure but hey, by all means, prove me wrong.

Want to not be a lemming? All you can do if you’re an American citizen and living in the US right now is take part in the process. Not only vote but volunteer in the process. And watch EVERYTHING like a MOTHERFUCKING HAWK!!! Register any impropriety by either side and KEEP SHOUTING FROM THE HIGHEST MOUNTAINTOP UNTIL IT'S BEEN ADDRESSED. It's called a class action lawsuit, if needs be, whenever and wherever your Democracy is being tampered with. Your Democracy needs that right now like you need air and I need a strong drink.

Keep your eyes on the skies Citizens, I suspect the November Surprise is an Impending NeoCon Fear Injection. Keep those cell-phone cams at the ready and record everything. EVERYTHING.

Right. All for now.


p.p. I am hereby endorsing Barack Obama in 2008 or 2012. If he or someone like him doesn’t get into the WhiteHouse by that time then America is hopelessly doomed, if it ain’t already. More of the same means the utter destruction of America which will probably bring a good chunk of the world with it. Which is why I have to give a fuck. And so should you. Period.

NonRandomMP3age: “Imagine,” a Perfect Circle

These Sheep Bite Back

And the Democrats are gonna save the day? HAH! How truly awful do the Republicans have to get before the Democrats look like heroes? The Constitution is on Life Support, it’s gotta be said, with no filibuster in sight and nary a raised voice, I’d say the Dems have their hands on cord, poised to pull the plug on it as much as anyone else. And didn’t something like 14 of them vote in favour of it? That’s 13 in addition to that American Fink of Finks, Joe ‘Benedict’ Lieberman, the proverbial hammerhead shark in wolf’s clothing? But what of the sheep? This is politics, sweetie. The only sheep involved are you and me.

The Dems ain’t nobody’s saviours but isn’t it pleasant to think so? No sir, the problem cuts a little deeper than that. Now’s the best time to get an understanding of that. Your two big choices both suck. Right? You got that yet? Maybe right now you have to vote Dem because anything else risks perpetuating this bizarre and hideously Apocalyptic run of the Radical Rightwing, but now’s a good time to understand that the two party system is giving you two choices that are really the same choice, the Party of and for the Rich. Which would be alright if everybody was rich, because then it would be the type of government that Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin built –by and for the People, in case you forget, don’t blame you, such good television lately- instead of this hideous Greedfest that has grown in it’s place.

But piss on all that. I’ve decided that the key for me is to return to my more natural State of Mind, a few days where I just don’t give a fuck about anybody but me. I lived that way for years, why not now? If the whole shitheap is gonna go up in flames why not have a little fun? That’s what they were doing in Germany in the late thirties, same bloody deal, I can tell you that much. Berlin becomes Edgeville as those ‘in the know’ realize the scene is deteriorating into War and Fascism and decide to get all fucked up at big, weird parties, and their garish freakshow lives becoming the zeitgeist for everybody during that strange time when everyone knew, at some level, that their government was Making a Play at something and the Citizenry had better Play Ball. Learn about it, try to stop it? They’ll kill you. Probably torture you first. What do you do when you know exactly how bad it is and have an inkling of exactly how awful it can get but you can’t do anything about it?

You throw a party. Which is what we did! A big one! A hat party. Threw it on a Sunday night so all the waitresses in all the clubs could make it. And all their friends. And it was a mad rip, a damned fine scene. The authentic Vietnam war era helmet was a natural, with a pair of Elvis shades. Busted out “Stuck in the Middle with You" (Steeler’s Wheel) in front of my largest audience yet and absolutely nailed it and later absolutely nailed one of the waitress girls and the friend of hers that I ‘just had to meet’. Or meat. Hell of a night, any way you look at it. Maybe one of the best ever.

Dropped OneForce off in the Jungfraus ‘bout a month ago. He has his Magnum Opus in front of him, knows exactly what to do and how to get there and I envy him for it. Mine remains a mystery. Ideally it’s the Cantos, but they don’t come to me very easily right now. Satirical poetry in the Epic form cannot emerge from a source of pure rage and no whimsy. You just end up shouting. And breaking shit. But everything rhymes.

Got a bit of posse again. Good deal. Been running solo for a long time. Nature of the Beast. And the biz. Gonzo writer on the run was fun and frenetic, but in the end it takes a lot out of you. Fucks with your equilibrium. All Yin no Yang. Or vice versa.

So there you have it. Do with it what you will. If anything. And watch out for one another folks. Things are happening. And do me a favour, if you would, Citizens; just one night this week turn off that television. Talk with your friends. Your family. Your loved ones, whomever they might be. Ask ‘em where they think the world is going. Ask ‘em if they think anything can be done about it. I still say there can, I say that some of these sheep bite back. But I also know myself to be a Fool.

Peace and Love, Citizens. OR ELSE!


p.p. Google the word 'failure'. You guys hear about this? Heh heh.

Quotable Quotes: Inre 2/3 of the "Axis of Evil" F@#k Up

"All Iranians would vote for Bush if they could. In three weeks, he struck down our worst enemy, against whom we lost a million dead during the eighties. Even better, he went on to make Iraq an Iranian province!"
-Iranian Oil Minister

George 'Dubya' Bush, making America's enemies incalcuably stronger since 2001.

Discuss amongst yourselves.


My Friends Call Me Hal. You Can Call Me Mr. Burton. Mr Darth Burton.

War is the art of conquering at home.”
-Tom Paine, 1776

Dick Cheney, former Halliburton CEO cleared the air once and for all on Meet the Press, in September of ’03. He’d cut all financial ties. None of any sort. Which is good, because as we all know, it’s extremely important to be vigilant of these things. You gotta watch out for what those goddamned Liberal sissies often call a “Conflict of Interest.” Certainly all politicians are egregious crooks, but it’s important that the APPEARANCE of IMPROPRIETY be hidden at all costs. Good for the herd. Lemmings intuitively know of impending cliffs but despise talking or even thinking about them. And who can blame them? Certainly not you, right? Right.


More than $15 billion dollars worth of business personally handed to Halliburton in no-bid contracts from the American government since Cheney took charge –I MEAN became vice president- contributing to a 379 percent increase in profit from the day Dick and Dubya took office in 2000. In 2005, Halliburton recorded a profit of $1.1 billion, the largest profit ever recorded for this 86 year old ‘mom and pop’ kinda company.


Here’s what the appropriately named Dick had to say about it:

"Since leaving Halliburton to become George Bush's vice-president, I've severed all of my ties with the company, gotten rid of all my financial interest. I have no financial interest in Halliburton of any kind."

Retirement package so he could go and become the evilest “Vice” President in History: 20 million smackers. Cash bonus ‘forget-me-not’ on top of that, right before he got sworn in: 1.4 million smackers. Now, here’s the part that burns me, you ready? The hits just keep on comin!
2001 they gave him $205,298!
2002: $162,392!!
2003: $178,437!!!
2004: $194,852!!!!
2005: $211,465!!!!!

That seem like some kind of financial interest to you? You getting hundred thousand dollar envelopes in the mail lately? I’m still waitin’ for my six bucks from Adsense!

So, what does it all translate down to? They keep giving him cash (yours) and he keeps giving them deals (no bid style, so, your money and lots more of it than it should be). There’s never been a clearer example of a ‘conflict of interest’ in the history of human governance, ever, and nothing I’ve said here is in any way deniable. This is the pure, ugly, unvarnished Truth and I’d love to see debated by one of these last, remaining Rabid, Redneck Religious Righties. Can anyone, anywhere justify this? Even Dick himself couldn’t do it and that’s why he just told ol’ senator Leahy to go fuck himself in 2004. “Go fuck yourself.” That's a direct quote. all you history buffs. Pass that little pearl on to the kiddies! Might as well have been addressed to every American taxpayer, and, in the final analysis, to the Founding Fathers themselves. Go fuck yourself America, and all that you stand for. An adequate synopsis, I think, of the perspective of the Veep. Wouldn’t you say? Anybody think different? Anybody? If yes, why? By all means explain yourself. I'd love to hear it.

Ah yes. Lemmingdom. Never mind.

All this? Still going on. You know this, right? Obviously the man is a Pirate. In the old days they’dve tarred and feathered him. Or worse. Today? Well, what, exactly, is happening today? Figure that one out and you’ve figured out America’s Biggest Problem. Ol’ Sensey ain’t gonna lay it all out out you but I will give you a clue: It has more to do with you than them. And it always has. Which, of course, might also imply a little responsibility.

Dja get that? Never mind. Tired. One can only holler “CLIFF!” for so long.

Good luck to you. Those that deserve it anyways.


p.p. Get a haircut, would you?

Citizen's Note #11: Defense Against Lemmingdom

“Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed ...and... whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government ...and... when a long train of abuses and usurpations...evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”

-The Declaration of Independence ratified by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.

A healthy reminder of the courage of your ancestors and your duty as a Citizen from the Good Folks at the SenseChange Center for Positive Change. Thanks and have a GREAT day.

Your America: Now, Officially, A Fascist State

"Habeas Corpus secures every man here, alien or citizen, against everything which is not law, whatever shape it may assume."
-Thomas Jefferson, 1798

Seig-howdy, fellow Citizens! How y’all doin’? Jesus H, strange days abound in this War on Information, days you or I never imagined, wouldn’t you say? Should we get right down to it? I think we should. After all, there’s little, perhaps no Time left.

Whatever America was once, it is no more. It is something else. Something darker. And it just keeps getting worse.

Dubya blustered, Congress acquiesced and before our very eyes (those of us that can be bothered to watch) yet one more decent piece of America's Constitution is rendered irrelevant, or ‘quaint’ in the NeoCon parlance: The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution which includes the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses. Translation? Imprisoned people get a chance to prove their innocence in a court of Law. That’s gone. History. No appeals nor judicial oversight neither.

And all on the say of a President that a majority of the American people don’t trust and that the wider populace of the world think is a lying, evil fucktard of a man. Well, this fucktard and his 'handlers' now have the right to declare anyone they please as an illegal combatant and make that person disappear forever, in his own country or any other.

Spend all the time you want on the definition of Terrorist or Enemy Combatant, what keeps me up nights is the definition of “aiding” said Terrorist or Enemy Combatant. Did not Dick Cheney very recently say that people that speak out against America’s involvement in Iraq, the ideas of this Administration or even vote for Democrats are in fact aiding the terrorists? Am I wrong? How many examples would you like? They say something like this nearly every day!

Again, by all means call me a loony but shit man, you’re gonna have to go ahead and show me how the wording of the document prevents this or future presidents from imprisoning whomever, wherever, forever. By all means, show me! Please! Go right ahead! I could use a good night’s sleep.

Did you know this most recent piece of legislation now allows the American Government to arrest and disappear and torture of anybody on earth, regardless of nationality? No evidence required, no judicial oversight, no trial, no appeal, no nothing at all? It’s all there. They can do whatever to whomever, wherever and forever.

Again; somebody, anybody, please, explain to me how this is not the case. Show me how the legal wording of the document itself proves that what I suggest is not now the case. I’ll be right here. Pretending to drool on myself. Because I think signs of Intelligence will be frowned upon in this Brave New Orwellian World Order of ours.

Freaked yet? Have I said too much or not enough? If you ain’t Freaked you’re a gerbil. Keep runnin’ on yer wheel and maybe they’ll never have reason to take you. Or yours. And never wonder again at how a populace let the Nazi Party rise to Power. Their experience is now yours. Just a different label, in the end.

Best of luck out there. Me, I’m thinking about joining the Hell’s Angels, if they’ll take me. Say what you want about them, at the very least they always knew the whole thing was Full of Shit and wanted No Truck With It. Turns out they were right.

I usually tell you to keep yer eyes on the skies or yer heads down and yer peckers up but I don't know what to tell you to do anymore. Shit's fucked, Citizens, at this phase that's all I can say that I am entirely certain of. I never thought they could have taken it this far. Too far, History will undoubtedly say.


p.p. Don't know how much longer they will allow me to say these things.

RandomMP3age: "The End," by 'the Doors'. I swear.

From the General’s Desk: the Gonzo Letters

Greetings Gonzites, your General iSense here, ready to serve. But serve what? The eternal question. To you. To whit: What, if anything, do we do next? Where do we go from here and for what? And perhaps most importantly, who’s paying for all this? Not me, I can tell you that much. Never! HAH!

First and foremost, we’ve stepped up our act in this WritingUp gig. Yes sir. Brand new sit-choo. What am I talking about? It’s called the Gonzo Letters. It’s primarily for that particular international consortium of miscreants and ne’er-do-wells known throughout the blogging world –so, everywhere- as the Gonzo Warriors, but I think anybody can play. Because it’s so easy. And fun!

I know what yer sayin.’ Yer sayin’ "Oooh, but what is it Sensey? Why, I do declare I can hardly breathe until I fahnd out!” Well hold onto yer goodies, Petunia, cuz Ol’ Sensey’s gonna lay it out to you! It’s called ‘the Gonzo Letters,’ and it’s already started.

The idea came to me whilst taking a gut-shuddering dump and reading a copy of HST’s 'Fear and Loathing in America.' Many of my greatest ideas come to me in that way, in the biffy with my pants around my ankles, perhaps even whistling a tune and then PLOP, an ideer, just like that. You know what I’m talking about. Anyways…

The Gonzo Letters. The deal is this: Hunter’s style of covering the story was becoming part of the story himself. Many of his books are actually just compendiums of correspondence between him and anybody that crossed his path of interest, political or no. And the consortium, sublime as it was with his wild ramblings is made all the moreso with the scope and range of folks he actually ended up corresponding with. Writers, politicians, celebs, you name it.

But what does that have to do with lil’ ol’ me, Mister Sensey?” you ask, and rightfully so. Answer?

I say we initiate a correspondence of our own. To all sorts of folks. Think about it: We all come in here and write blogs about this, that and the other. We think this person or situation is particularly great, this person or situation is particularly awful etc and whatnot and whatever. Let’s fire these likes, dislikes, Hopes and Fears off to the Real World itself, to those folks that the stories are about and by doing so become a part of the story itself. That friends, is Pure Gonzo. In it’s Rawest.

And collect them form letter responses! And post ‘em on yer blog! That’s GOLD! SO often these form letters show how little people or corporations (hmmm, start writing letters to companies. I like it. A lot. Hmmmmmm) care about letters from the public.

I’ve begun. My first letter was to the cop that pulled over Willie Nelson’s tourbus and busted him for dope. And mushrooms, it seems. My next letter was to to Willie himself, offering my support and an honorary position in the Warriors. I don’t know if either camps will ever respond but I laughed my ass off at sending that Nelson letter and am still laughing as we speak. And I MEANT EVERY WORD I SAID.

KeyWoman1’s doing it. She fired off a very clear, concise and intelligent letter to The New York Times, The New York Daily News and The New York Post about marijuana legalization. Fired it off to the papers then cut and pasted into her blog. Will they ever print it? Who knows? But if you never step up to the plate how you ever gonna hit a home run? Or taste champagne? Or get a blowjob?

I see Quiddity doing it also. She wrote a letter to Alberto Salazar, her roach of a congressman, expressing how she felt about the dude voting in favour of American Torture and then told him what she thought about him extending the term Terrorists to protesters, given his vote of the previous day. She fired the letter to the good congressman and then cut and pasted the letter into her blog. Piece o’ cake, easy as pie. Cake and pie. And chicken! Right!

Seems Johnny Canuck is hip to this vibe as well. He wrote a steaming evisceration of the Pope for his advising Canada's government on how it sould run the country. Johnny told him where to go and how to get there and is firing it off to the Vatican as we speak. To what end? Who knows, but I think we can all agree, to something.

There are others. There is more. There is you. Who do you think deserves a Gonzo Letter? Try not to threaten or get yourself sued, that’s my advice, and I like to use a wide variety of ever-shifting pseudonyms. But do what you like. Have fun. Will intro it in this space, if you like, just gimme a heads up.

As always, I assume responsibility for Nothing. And get a shave, would you? Jesus.

Then we lash the whole fucking thing together and try to get it edited and just maybe published. See that coming? Why not? Am I nuts? Probably! Definitely! But I find if you smile and nod a lot, NOBODY CARES! Right?!?


All for now,

-General iSenseChange of the Gonzo Warriors

p.p. Everybody, it seems, has an email. Willie had one! I betcha all sorts of Radical Repubbies have ‘em too. It’s hip these days. Make use of it. Send ‘em something. But always remember: keep yerself out of the clink, good Christ, especially now. Right. As you were!

p.p. What about a Gonzo Warriors space at or MySpace or whatever. A groupspace? An ideer, anywho.

RandomMP3age: “Hey You,” Pink Floyd

The Gonzo Letters: Hey Willie

“It is the Just man that disobeys the Unjust Law.”
-St. Thomas Aquinas

Hey Willie,

Will be covering your story extensively for the Gonzo Warriors, an international consortium of miscreants and ne’er-do-wells that find within them the primordial spunk to gurgle to the surface when Folk Heroes get pinched by the Law for smoking the Good Weed. My first report, entitled ‘Dear Trooper,’ is now being forwarded, my secretary assures me, to the Officer who busted your tourbus the other day. Nothing that can get anybody sued, I assure you, just some good natured fun at the expense of the first cog in the judicial machine that continues to enforce an Unjust Law.

Feel free to check it out, if such things interest you.

Beyond that, well, I’m thinking you might be the crucible that this marijuana criminalization thing might bust upon forever, man. Many, myself included, consider you a Legend and a Hero, which means maybe, just maybe people will start to question the Marijuana issue in ways they haven’t before. I say fight it. I know your old, but shit! Sometimes that’s what heroes do.

Whatever you do, you of course have my full support on this. I have no money but write a scorned letter like a man possessed. Furthermore, I’d be tickled blue if you’d consider an honorary membership in the Warriors. We seek truth, speak our minds and fear nothing, a rarity in these times of nearly omnipresent bullshit. Have you or yours fire me off an email if such things interest you and I hope to hear from you.

Right, all for now.

Manfred Duke, aka General iSenseChange of the Gonzo Warriors

emailed to Willie Nelson. And his band. And crew. 19:50, 24-11-06

The Gonzo Letters: Dear Trooper

Just thought I’d take the time to thank you for protecting the Public Good, specifically, in tracking down and ticketing Folk “Legend” Willie Nelson for his egregious drug use. It’s unfortunate you’re not given the authority to throw the man the beating his seventy some-odd year old ass so richly deserves! Only way to learn ‘em!

Yes sir! For too long these artists and writer types have flouted the Law in this regard. I read an article the other day about some scientific analysis of a few pipes found in Billy Shakespeare’s pad and apparently there were traces of not only this evil weed but of the cocaine as well! And then you know what he did, Trooper? He went and glorified it in one of his tunes (or sonnets, as this doper liked to call them) referring to ‘compounds strange’ and a ‘noted weed’.

Now back in Billy’s day, well, they knew how to handle drug offenders: torture and death by the Church of England! It’s an idea whose time has come again, I think you and I are in agreement on that, Trooper. Don’t fret, I’m sure the NeoCons are working towards this sort of enforcement as we speak, it’s probably Patriot Act III or IV. And about bloody time! Amen, sir!

Billy Shakespeare got away with it, but the buck stops at Willie Nelson and rightfully so! I’m thinking the thing to do is throw the book at him, teach the fucker a lesson. I were you, I’d be looking at taking down Dylan next, or that Keith Richards idiot. Get enough of them at the same time, the same prison, imagine the Art that you yourself will have spawned! I’m thinking recording sessions, DVDs, t-shirts and whatnot. I know you’re gonna want to be in on this, I just ask you not to cut me out of the loop. This could be huge.

Feel free to contact me for this type of advice at any time, especially if you can catch more of these vicious doper artist fiends. This is a big opportunity for us but we must move quickly. Artists are a cagey bunch and once they get wind of our plans they’ll scurry to all points.

Right, all for now.

Manfred Duke

NOTE TO WRITINGUPPERS AND ESPECIALLY GONZO WARRIORS: It is my fervent desire to send this missive to the trooper who has so courageously taken down Public Enemy Willie Nelson. Any ideas on where to send it? Everybody has email these days or maybe the cop-shop has a website or whatnot? I couldn't be more serious about this.

Friends, Bloggers, Fellow Gonzites: the Real Deal of the Early 2Ks

The results are in and the fit has officially hit the shan: in the most hideous seizure of power since Dubya’s daddy secured the White House for him in 2000, one third of the leadership of the Gonzo Warriors, for good or ill, has fallen into the hands of yours Truly, iSenseChange, Distinguished Blogger of Note and Ruffian At Large. The inmates have been running the asylum for a long time now but never has it been so obvious as this. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m an odd man to give any semblance of power to without some notion of Consequence. Fuck it. Buy the ticket and take the ride, that’s what the Good Doctor would’ve said and it’s as applicable here as anywhere.

First and foremost, gonna want to take a look at the budget. I have an extravagant lifestyle and uncommon needs. And appetites! I’ll need a secretary, obviously, and preferably one I can nail. I’m at my very best when I’m getting routinely laid. Means I’m not jerkin’ off so much. HAH! A maid might become necessary as well. A Spanish one. Yeah. That’s great. Good start.

But enough on that! For now. Where are we at, precisely? A good question. Who’s left standing and who’s fallen by the wayside? Maybe the thing to do is formulate some kind of general roll-call or whatnot. The transient nature of bloggers on this site, coupled with the recent Gonzite civil war means yer never quite sure who’s…still…here. Stand up and be accounted for, fellow Gonzites or be written off as one of the fallen. You’ll be honoured in some capacity, I’m sure, but probably not by me. I’m a General for fuck’s sake!

Yes sir, a new era for the Gonzo Warriors, gone be the golden reign of SoKP, Slipshoes and CelebrityTalks. The only constant is change. Now it’s me. And two chicks. And not a baby-oil sprinkler system in sight. Yet. As I said, I have uncommon needs.

And goals!

Like what, Sensey?

Well, if we’re not firing up some kind of weird stunt to fuck with the squares then what, precisely, are we doing and how, precisely, are we Gonzo? Hunter always knew that we were headed for weird times but I think it was Winston Churchill who said it best, that ‘weird times call for weird measures’. Something to mull. Yes. I have a few ideas and of course, I’m open to suggestions. My door is always open. Except when my secretary is taking dictation. Your General iSense huffing back massive rails from her heaving cleavage to the strains of Iron Butterfly’s ‘In a Gadda Da Vida’ are very private moments that few but the genuine 2%ers can possibly wrap their more pliable minds around. All for the good of the cause! I’m under a lot of pressure with this thing. Call it a mental health break and be done with it. Leave a note or something.

But shit, deception is everywhere and you guys just made me a General in what I've been calling the War on Information and I want you to know I take this position seriously. My war is your war. I say we start fucking with that pimp Lou Dobbs and 'Satan Incarnate' (aka Bill O'Reilley) almost instantly. They like their little letters from the viewers eh? The Gonzites need to make a mark on these things. That's for starters and it's an absolute necessity.

Get active in some way or another and where possible, Gonzites, and I'm not even kidding. TV sucks these days anyways. Maybe the Sixties was just a dry fire after all, a practise shot for the Real Deal of the Early 2Ks. Bullshit is omnipresent and, perhaps more than ever before in human history, obvious to even the commonest of Man. Many things hinge on the next set of elections in America this November and the Repubbies are working hard to steal this one as well. Another dangerous unwinnable War with global implications -this time with Iran- looms just beyond the outcome.

There are things we can do, all of us, that must be done. The preservation of the freedom of the Internet is paramount, for even as we speak legislation is moving into place to give control of it over to the corporations, the same type of corporations that have so ruthlessly gutted the media. The end result is obvious to all but the lemmings.

Go here. Peruse.


Communication and Truth may be the only hope for mankind in these dark days. For those of us smart enough to see it coming, it is irresponsible and cowardly not to join the fray.

So stand up and be counted or live in Fear forever! This Gonzo thing, well, ol' iSense can't carry it on his own. It's what you, each of you, make it. Let's do some shit!

The Brave, the Strong: the Still Standing or the Brand Fucking New:
Celebrity Talks
Johnny Canuck
Wabbit Huntur
the Geminian
Thorniest Rose
Free Radical
Fordrid the Slightly Savage
Born Sandy

Channeled From Beyond the Grave:Son of King Pharmacy

Right! Give yourselves a hand. Be sure to lube up and start with a finger or two. Go slow, at first. Heh heh.

Don't see yer name here? Respond to this blog and let us know, hell, let the whole DAMNED WORLD KNOW that you, friend, are the living, breathing personification of Raw Grit.

All for now.

- General iSenseChange of the Gonzo Warriors

p.p. Heard trephination’s making a comeback in a big way. All the kids in France are doing it. You drill a hole right into your skull and put like a big wedge of cork in it. They call it bung-holing. Noserings are for pussies now. Yep.

NonRandomMP3age: “Revolution” by the Beatles

Bar wisdom: “It’s okay to be fat. And it’s okay to be grumpy. But it’s not okay to be fat and grumpy.” Discuss.

Citizen's Note # 4016, inre the Impending "Vote".

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing, those who count the votes decide everything."
-Josef Stalin, ideological forefather to the PNAC's America.


The following reminder courtesy of the SenseChange Center for Positive Change. Thanks, and have a GREAT day.

Friday, February 16, 2007

The Gonzo Niche: The Form is the Style is the LifeStyle.

I can’t tell you what I do is or isn’t Gonzo anymore. It’s all Gonzo. And Gonzo, it turns out, appears to be the style that will best encapsulate this latest Fall of Empire. Or is it the Impending Apocalypse. Or Renaissance? What? You don’t know? Take heart. No one does. Which is precisely the point: a situation changing as rapidly as ours coupled with the wildness and weirdness of it all requires writers on the cutting edge. Grit, or sand as my great Grandpappy probably never used to say. The form is the style is the lifestyle, and in the end, the Gonzo form, as the Good Doctor Hunter S. Thompson knew very well, may well be the ONLY WAY to encapsulate this, perhaps the Wildest and Weirdest of Ages, where the American Dream chokes itself to death with Greed, Corruption and Madness. Where else you gonna get yer news? The Press? HAH! PART OF THE PROBLEM! FINKS, ONE AND ALL! AND NEARLY EVERYBODY KNOWS IT!

Slinging back great tankards of Frangelico on the rocks and watching ‘Full Metal Jacket,’ in my opinion the greatest Vietnam war flick ever made. Sure, I get different things from ‘Apocalypse Now’, and ‘Platoon’ is what it is, but I don’t think any Nam flick can touch ‘Full Metal.’ You ever wonder about the next generation of films are gonna look like, based on the latest misguided and useless American War, Iraq Deux? I think about it all the time. Gonna be a lot of similarities, no avoiding it. On every level. I think that if I were a blogger worth a piss at all I’d be Over There, marking it all down for the ages, instead of here, as safe as can be expected in the PNAC age. But shit, I just don’t think it’s safe for white people of the unarmed variety Over There at all. May never be again.

Personally, I think, uh... they don't really want to be involved in this war. You know, I mean... they sort of took away our freedom and gave it to the, to the gookers, you know. But they don't want it. They'd rather be alive than free, I guess. Poor, dumb bastards..”
- Private Eightball

But oh, how they would ramp up that Freedom speech during the Nam days, eh? Freedom for the Vietnamese. Freedom from Communism. Freedom. And yet, America lost, ‘Cut and Run’ as the NeoCon ChickenHawks like to say, none of whom ever fought a day in their lives. Yeah, well, fuck them. Fuck Dubya. Right in the ass. Fuck Cheney too. So much blood is all over their hands even as so much money passes into their hands.

Who but the Gonzites to accurately cover these Far Right cannibals? The wild and wooly-bully NeoConservative nutters. Don’t ever vote in the nutters. It’s just not supposed to happen. Democracy is Democracy but you’re never to vote in the nutters. How is it this was never deemed important for us to see? Which means the MEDIA has to keep track of WHO THE NUTTERS ACTUALLY ARE. AND REPORT IT TO THE PEOPLE. The evidence was around. These guys were known and confirmed nutters in their own bloody circles and the PNAC document was AND IS there for all and sundry to view and shake their heads at. So where was our Press on this? What was more important? I want to know who the political nutters are next time, okay MEDIA? YOU’RE FUCKING PATHETIC!!! Wake up and GROW SOME BALLS!! STRAIGHTEN UP!! SELL ME the TRUTH, baby, I CAN HANDLE IT!!! Rat bastard chickenshit ARSLETARTS, the LOT OF YOU!

Whew. I keep shouting. Cursing. I know. I had a few people tell me of late that they like my stuff, hell, think some of it is important, if only I could curb the atrocious lingo. I had one fella tell me he has to scroll away from my stuff when his kid approaches, like he was looking at porn or something. Heh heh. I want to be your guilty pleasure. Other times I just want to howl at you. “Do you have to cuss so much, Sensey” he asked me. The answer is absolutely. Shit, man, you try writing this stuff and not cussing, not getting so angry that you fire your six foot bowstaff clear across your living room to where it now sticks out of the wall like an unexploded ballistic missile head, the latest in a string of offences that has long since torpedoed the damage deposit on the place. Fuck it! It’s a time to be angry you buncha sissies! Or acquiescent. Those are your only choices. Every day.

Dubya said, and I quote, that so long as he was President, America would remain in Vietnam. I mean, Iraq. (That was actually an honest fuck-up there, I swear). Which kinda leads to something. If you know that there is now nothing winnable for America in Iraq, and you know that each month the war is allowed to continue means a certain amount of American deaths (because nobody cares about the deaths of Iraqis, we all know this, let’s move on) and you know precisely how much longer Dubya will remain in presidency, you can tell how many more brave soldiers will die for absolutely nothing. The question, America, is this: how long do you let this man, totally divorced from reality as we all now know he is, drenched in blood and blood money as we all now know him to be, how long do you allow him to remain in power? And at what point is the blood on your hands too? Maybe it’s always been there, you just never knew. Now you know.

How can conventional writers hope to accurately cover this mangy scene? The NeoCon Nutters mismanaged Afghanistan, mismanaged Katrina, mismanaged Iraq…and now they want to mismanage Iran. Are you ready for this? Another one? Rummy yammering about Hitler and Fascism, equating Americans (well, the majority of you, anyways) as Nazi sympathizers and whatnot for wanting the troops out of the worthless muck of Iraq. They now actually want to hit Iran. Madness if they do it and madness if you let them. Period. But to a NeoCon nutter it all makes perfect sense. Cheney’s Haliburton stands to have another record year if they do, and it might be the only way nobody’ll notice how shit-awful things continue to get in Iraq. And in Afghanistan. And in America.

But this is some type of challenge, Sense, and here you go blaming the audience again. Or some of the audience. Back to the hoary beast. A blog in the gonzo form? Shit, isn’t that what I’ve been doing? I mean if I haven’t been very blatantly ripping off the good doctor Gonzo every time I blog, then, well, I’m not entirely certain what I’ve been doing. And I just bought a brand new pipe, I’ll have you know, in honor of the thing. First pull made me cough to beat the band and nearly sent me careening off the road. Which is good. Makes me respect it.

Jesus. Rambling. Put an end to this thing and fire it off, be done with the cocksucker once and for all. Be warned, I’ll not take a position of Generalship unless it entails little or no responsabilities ans unless the position has some teeth. I warn you right now, I haven’t the slightest clue what I’m gonna do with it, but I’ll push that stinking envelope, I kid you not. And fair warning, I’m saying it right now: I’m an odd man to give any sort of power to. Arbitrarily. Without some notion of Consequence. At the very least, you all get put on the range of NSA lists you’ll find old Sensey on, which means you're first to the gulags when the final rights are inevitably removed. Fear not. You’ll be in good company.

You think we waste gooks for freedom? This is a slaughter. If I’m gonna die for a word, that word is poontang.”
- Animal Mother



p.p. Fordrid, I'm aware Hunter would have hemmed and hawed for weeks on this thing and then ended up handing in something entirely different. I expect points to be docked for me and everybody else that turns in their entries on time or even a week late. That is all. No shirking.

NonRandomMP3age: "White Rabbit" Jefferson Airplane