Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Gonzo Letters: Hey Willie

“It is the Just man that disobeys the Unjust Law.”
-St. Thomas Aquinas

Hey Willie,

Will be covering your story extensively for the Gonzo Warriors, an international consortium of miscreants and ne’er-do-wells that find within them the primordial spunk to gurgle to the surface when Folk Heroes get pinched by the Law for smoking the Good Weed. My first report, entitled ‘Dear Trooper,’ is now being forwarded, my secretary assures me, to the Officer who busted your tourbus the other day. Nothing that can get anybody sued, I assure you, just some good natured fun at the expense of the first cog in the judicial machine that continues to enforce an Unjust Law.

Feel free to check it out, if such things interest you.

Beyond that, well, I’m thinking you might be the crucible that this marijuana criminalization thing might bust upon forever, man. Many, myself included, consider you a Legend and a Hero, which means maybe, just maybe people will start to question the Marijuana issue in ways they haven’t before. I say fight it. I know your old, but shit! Sometimes that’s what heroes do.

Whatever you do, you of course have my full support on this. I have no money but write a scorned letter like a man possessed. Furthermore, I’d be tickled blue if you’d consider an honorary membership in the Warriors. We seek truth, speak our minds and fear nothing, a rarity in these times of nearly omnipresent bullshit. Have you or yours fire me off an email if such things interest you and I hope to hear from you.

Right, all for now.

Manfred Duke, aka General iSenseChange of the Gonzo Warriors

emailed to Willie Nelson. And his band. And crew. 19:50, 24-11-06

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