Saturday, February 17, 2007

These Sheep Bite Back

And the Democrats are gonna save the day? HAH! How truly awful do the Republicans have to get before the Democrats look like heroes? The Constitution is on Life Support, it’s gotta be said, with no filibuster in sight and nary a raised voice, I’d say the Dems have their hands on cord, poised to pull the plug on it as much as anyone else. And didn’t something like 14 of them vote in favour of it? That’s 13 in addition to that American Fink of Finks, Joe ‘Benedict’ Lieberman, the proverbial hammerhead shark in wolf’s clothing? But what of the sheep? This is politics, sweetie. The only sheep involved are you and me.

The Dems ain’t nobody’s saviours but isn’t it pleasant to think so? No sir, the problem cuts a little deeper than that. Now’s the best time to get an understanding of that. Your two big choices both suck. Right? You got that yet? Maybe right now you have to vote Dem because anything else risks perpetuating this bizarre and hideously Apocalyptic run of the Radical Rightwing, but now’s a good time to understand that the two party system is giving you two choices that are really the same choice, the Party of and for the Rich. Which would be alright if everybody was rich, because then it would be the type of government that Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin built –by and for the People, in case you forget, don’t blame you, such good television lately- instead of this hideous Greedfest that has grown in it’s place.

But piss on all that. I’ve decided that the key for me is to return to my more natural State of Mind, a few days where I just don’t give a fuck about anybody but me. I lived that way for years, why not now? If the whole shitheap is gonna go up in flames why not have a little fun? That’s what they were doing in Germany in the late thirties, same bloody deal, I can tell you that much. Berlin becomes Edgeville as those ‘in the know’ realize the scene is deteriorating into War and Fascism and decide to get all fucked up at big, weird parties, and their garish freakshow lives becoming the zeitgeist for everybody during that strange time when everyone knew, at some level, that their government was Making a Play at something and the Citizenry had better Play Ball. Learn about it, try to stop it? They’ll kill you. Probably torture you first. What do you do when you know exactly how bad it is and have an inkling of exactly how awful it can get but you can’t do anything about it?

You throw a party. Which is what we did! A big one! A hat party. Threw it on a Sunday night so all the waitresses in all the clubs could make it. And all their friends. And it was a mad rip, a damned fine scene. The authentic Vietnam war era helmet was a natural, with a pair of Elvis shades. Busted out “Stuck in the Middle with You" (Steeler’s Wheel) in front of my largest audience yet and absolutely nailed it and later absolutely nailed one of the waitress girls and the friend of hers that I ‘just had to meet’. Or meat. Hell of a night, any way you look at it. Maybe one of the best ever.

Dropped OneForce off in the Jungfraus ‘bout a month ago. He has his Magnum Opus in front of him, knows exactly what to do and how to get there and I envy him for it. Mine remains a mystery. Ideally it’s the Cantos, but they don’t come to me very easily right now. Satirical poetry in the Epic form cannot emerge from a source of pure rage and no whimsy. You just end up shouting. And breaking shit. But everything rhymes.

Got a bit of posse again. Good deal. Been running solo for a long time. Nature of the Beast. And the biz. Gonzo writer on the run was fun and frenetic, but in the end it takes a lot out of you. Fucks with your equilibrium. All Yin no Yang. Or vice versa.

So there you have it. Do with it what you will. If anything. And watch out for one another folks. Things are happening. And do me a favour, if you would, Citizens; just one night this week turn off that television. Talk with your friends. Your family. Your loved ones, whomever they might be. Ask ‘em where they think the world is going. Ask ‘em if they think anything can be done about it. I still say there can, I say that some of these sheep bite back. But I also know myself to be a Fool.

Peace and Love, Citizens. OR ELSE!


p.p. Google the word 'failure'. You guys hear about this? Heh heh.

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