Wednesday, February 14, 2007

MidEast Ablaze: Cuppa Kofi?

Here’s something that’ll freak a few of you out: I haven’t heard peep from Kofi Anaan in all of this but I hereby fully endorse 100% of whatever he has to say about it. Wheeeeew, an endorsement of a politician in a Time of War, I must be mad. Should sleep. If I’m wrong here I’ll get pounded for this. Or not. Fuck it. Going on instinct. This is politics, baby. That one’s worth a swig of booze and a couple multi-vitamins, worth turning down the volume on CNN and turning up the volume on the MP3. “Rooster” by Alice in Chains. Fucking right. Where was I. Politics.

Actually, so I know, is it still just Politics or is it full-on War? Politics becomes War, is that the scene? The dogs’ve been let slip, as it were and have morphed into it’s own hoary, blood guzzling beast, a snarling vortex of rage and pain that could at any point grow even bigger, to a unavoidable maw in which no man woman nor child be safe. Like, I just don’t know! Do you? Anybody? I’ve never been in the middle of one of these things before, not like this. Not of this scope, hell, maybe mankind’s never been involved in one of this scope. Impossible to say but it ain’t no walk in the park there, sugar-tits, believe you me. Whew.

Yeah. Kofi. I think he should negotiate. Fuck it. Nobody else is doing sweet piss-all. I keep seeing Dubya at some kind of weird pig roast, thing's all charred to fuck. What does this mean? Anyways, Kofi. Why not him? Just him. Right now. Who’s in? Leader of the United Nations steps in and brokers a deal to stop a conflict in the most wildly dangerous area on earth? Any takers? Anywho, that’s my endorsement and I stand by it. Don’t let me down, Kofi.


MetaNews Moment: Andersen Cooper (why is it all these telejournalist jerks always have to have two surnames for a name? I don’t know, let’s ask Tucker Carlson!) has a big goofy helmet on his head, looks like some kid playing army. HAW! Just took it off. Thank god. Can just imagine the off-camera aside on that one? “Andersen, take it off! You look ridiculous!”

NonRandomMP3age: "Nothing Else Matters" by the Apocalyptica

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