Friday, February 16, 2007

A Word With the Beasts

I’d chat with a terrorist, if I could and I knew he wouldn’t eat me. Absolutely. Oh, I know. We must never speak with them. Heaven forbid. It’s a maxim carved in adamantium forged in the beginning of the universe. No deals with terrorists, no talking with terrorists. We may only crush them. And by Christ we have the means! Sort of...

(Well, I guess the UK worked out their shit with the IRA through dialogue and agreement but…those are all white people. Sensible, right? Sure.)

But are we not bloggers hard on the trail of Truth? Let’s get the words right from the bloodthirsty cannibal’s mouths, once and for all!

“Gimme a root cause, you stinking savage! I don’t care about your virgin orgy in space or whatever! Motivations for hatred separate from all the religious crap! C’mon, whattaya got?”

And you know what I’d do? I’d listen. And I’d question. And I’d make notes. And I’d research.

What would I do next? Then you go ahead and do the same thing for the other side, an Israeli soldier, perhaps. Maybe a history teacher called up from the reserves. And I’d listen. And I’d question. And I’d make notes. And I’d research.

Then you know what I’d do? I’d study and research both sides until I could argue both sides flawlessly. Then I’d come up with an independent, nonpartisan response to the whole situation. Only then could I begin to try to fix this hoary beast once and for all.

Suspicion – if Land and Resources is the Root cause (and I can assure you, it almost always is) then this is what’s gonna work for both sides: Israel returns to 1967 borders, established by the UN and holding true to Resolution this or that and all the American treaties it signed. If they are prepared to do this, all MidEast Nations sign on to both Palestine and Israel’s right to exist and all hostilities are stopped. Future problems between occupants of the region are to be settled in NonPartisan United Nations courts in which no one nation holds sway and the genuine will of the people of the world is reflected. Any involved nation or group that goes outside of the United Nations court system gets picked up, dealt with, smacked down and what-not.

Oh, but that’s impossible, Sense, you poor adle-brained child! The UN is a (insert here: joke, totally corrupt, toothless, meaningless, useless etc). Yes. I’m sure you’re right. Does that mean it must always be so? They are a bunch of politicians. Expect nothing better from them until you demand it to be so, Citizens. Period. If you live in a Democracy then you believe that your representative works for you. Will act in your name and is therefore answerable to you. I, for one, as a Citizen of the United Nations would like more say in the goings on, more accountability. You?

That’s if you want a lasting resolution as everybody so sensibly claims they do. I’m not certain this is the case. But there you have it, a solution to the MidEast or just another collection of meaningless ones and zeroes for the infinity of the Internet.


-iSenseChange, but not necessarily

RandomMP3age: "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off" Harry Connick Jr.

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