Monday, April 16, 2007

Iran Just Made America Look Like a Buncha Dicks

Say what you like about Iran, at least they gave them soldiers back to their country and families. If it were Iranians captured anywhere even close to american waters is there any doubt they would already have been tortued extensively by now? No doubt whatsoever and I defy anybody to refute it. You can't. You all know that's what goes on now, that America tortures, no matter what GWB and Darth Cheney say out of both sides of their mouths.

Ugly times when Iran has the moral highground over the good ol' US of A but hey, shit, welcome to the PNAC America!


Scandal Made Easy: the Gonzales Attorney Firings

Deal is these cats do indeed serve at the President's pleasure and he can fire them anytime he likes and for whatever reason. So long as he's not breaking any laws. How can he break a law in firing them? If it can be demonstrated that these attorneys are being fired to halt federal investigations into criminal enterprises. That's not only a crime but a Federal Crime if my reading of it is accurate, and it's called multiple counts of "Obstruction of Justice."

Whom was investigating whom when these attorneys got their pink slips? If you can figure that out you've got all you need...


More Kidnapped Troops and Other Reasons to Launch the Apocalypse

You voted him in twice. I wouldn’t even trust him with the keys to my car. And now he’s gonna, what would you say…demo Iran? Whew. The Brits start fishing their sailors around Iranian waters providing that invented aggressor that this administration needs to get it’s last piece of the puzzle, that final kick at the can: Iran! Man! They’re gonna play the Iran card. If not now, when? To not would show immense restraint where before there’s always been absolutely none at all. This is genius. Is Rove on this? I feel in my heart its Cheney. It’s just his type of dastardly, utterly wreckless plan to keep the mad, PNAC, Neo-Con Nutter drive alive: Congress gonna subpoena this or investigate that or impeach what?!? Guess what, motherfuckers? We’re at war with Iran! That’s right! We’re goin’ in! What are you gonna do about it?!? Nothin.’ HAH!!! I’ll take my money now. George ‘Dubya’ Bush is fuckin’ ballsy, I’ll give him that. Crazier than a shithouse rat but pretty fuckin’ ballsy. It’d be admirable if you didn’t absolutely know that he’s a huge fuckup, maybe the biggest in history. Either that or he’s Kaiser Sose and at this point in time things are too fucked up for anybody to make any kind of meaningful guess. Still oscillating at this late date. Utterly insane whichever end of the scale you take.

If we look at this from an Axis vs Allies scenario it clarifies. In times of war the actions of your ally are your own, if you’re any kind of a team at all. Subtlety of a flying mallet, fer fock’s sake. Eh?!? And the UK knows it won’t have to do any of the heavy lifting for this one, if ever again. They don’t even have to get involved beyond lighting the fuse of the damned enterpise. Maybe they’ll take charge of the aftermath and it’ll actually all work out in some crazy way. The Brits clean up whatever mess the US makes in the perfect servile relationship and why not? They’ll be the perfect butlers. They already have the accents. A gold star for you, friend, in your brand New American Century! Where the Rich Get Richer and the Poor go to Prison!

Weird times, many things happening at the same time, so much, so fast. What’s it all mean? Was gonna write this one out of character. Might be impossible now, but what an odd thought. Out of character? What possible impulse? It’s been well established by now that Gonzo is the only way to cover these, the weirdest of times. Yes sir, HST had his finger to the pulse when he fathered this vein of political reporting. Because when Lies and Deceit are universal and the Change is coming on fast and hard, your writing has to be as mercurial as the times or you’re already two steps behind, which is one step away from useless! You gotta be outta yer mind to really have your finger on the pulse of what’s comin’ next because what’s comin’ next might well be out of anybody’s mind. The inmates are running the asylum, they have been for a long time and it turns out this isn’t really an efficient way to to run things. No, Gonzo’s the way to write it, that’s the only certainty in the whole thing maybe, so that hasn’t changed. But what has? Is it her? You?

With so much going on some stuff slips by the filters as your paying more attention to some stories, trying to see how this thing is gonna play out. It’s all about Congress versus President right now, so that’s what your watching and waiting for, some hint about how that scene’ll play out and in the midst of all that you don’t have the focus for the ‘Iran/Uk hostage’ deal. So maybe you don’t see it right away, even after the ridiculously obvious pre-kidnap interview with the single-mother soldier just days before she was taken. How many soldiers in the UK and they just happen to interview one of the hostages days before the kidnapping and she’s a plucky single mom trying to give her child a better life? So, it’s like, you see it happening, right in front of you but you don’t even recognize it as it happens, it looks like something else, even though you’ve been calling for something exactly like this for months now (Yeah. And I saw it. I said the US was gonna do explicitly that on Februrary 12 in a little ditty I wrote that I like to call:NeoCon Versus Nazi: Next Stop Iran! None of which makes me necessarily politically adept or anything, lots of people saw precisely this coming, it just means that I’m catching the obvious ones. Which is more than we can say for the mainstream media, right everybody? Right, Sense). Embarrassing that Rosie McDonald or whatever her name is beat you to the punch on that one, Sensey, oh shit, nailing it for what it is. You’re getting soft, dude. First time I’ve ever found her even remotely interesting. And hey, shit, dissent has found the mainstream! It’s about bloody time!

Not that that’ll stop anything at this point. We all know Bush’s been chompin’ at the bit for this. We all know Cheney’s been foaming at the mouth for this. Everybody’s been crafting plans, everybody’s been shaking fingers, everybody’s been prepared for that all-important reason which turns out to be any reason at all to turn the largest arsenal on earth onto oil-rich Iran and give it a good boot-fucking. You hit Afghanistan, you hit Iraq but you leave the piece in the middle? Are you kidding me? What on earth for?

Who knows. Maybe they’ve learnt something from Iraq but you know what? I doubt it. Don’t think this crew is about learning at all. Betcha George Bush still watches four hours a day of old baseball games.

Right! That’s all for now, Citizens. Keep your eyes on the skies. Time has never been better for a little distraction. Or a big one.


NonRandomMP3age: "Personal Jesus" by Depeche Mode

Scandal Made Easy: Walter Reed

You want to find out who’s responsible you have to look at what got put into the budget for soldier care. Next to nothing? Thanks, Dubya! But I sure do support the troops though! That should be a no-brainer but we’ve over-estimated the Far Right before. It’s called putting your money where your mouth is.

Supporting the troops begins with funding their recovery when they get hurt. Plain and simple. WHAT’S IN THE BUDGET? This Truth is self-evident. You don’t send these folks into battle with the proper armor or training and you don’t take care of them properly when they get hurt but you feel you support them because you support their war, you support them dying for your country while you go about your life making gruff noises about the Left Wing Media and what not. But you know what, you’re the pansy that doesn’t support them. Their lives ain’t piss to you.

Dubya's the only guy on earth who can decide not to fund soldiers when they get hurt then act all surprised when it comes out in the wash, then announce he's gonna launch a probe that history DEMANDS he's gonna totally ignore, just like the 911 probe. See also Katrina. See also Iraq Study. Get the picture? He doesn't give a shit. Never has. Do you?

Supporting the troops, it turns out, involves a little more than beating your puffed up chest and calling people names.


No Recollection of Anything, Actually

Dim memories of a weird night. Much booze. Have taken to Jack Daniels and rocks of late. Mix has sugar, sugar’s poison and besides, where do you think all those vicious hangovers are coming from? It’s not the booze, I can assure you that! Because all I had was various combinations of straight booze and though I had to make the bartender pull over so’s I could launch a mighty barf on the sidewalk in front of a group of total strangers, I feel it’s incumbent upon me to say, there is no splitting headache element to my hangover on this particular Sunday morning. Or afternoon. Just fuzzy memories. Maybe I should work for the government.

Because nobody seems to be able to recall, well, anything, right? Libby can’t recall meetings with the Vice freaking President, Gonzales can’t recall conversations with the President of the United States of America (which I find fascinating. Like, what else do you have going on that’s distracting you from conversations with the President? Must have some super ultra sweet kind of tail your tapping, hope it ain’t what Foley’s been into but at this phase would that surprise any of us? Or maybe it’s just because all the conversations are kinda the same? GWB quietly works away at his coloring book as Cheney tells you the real deal through blood-stained teeth as he bites the heads off of live, mewling kittens). I wasn’t there for that, I don’t know, I haven’t read the report yet, may not ever. Why not work for the government? I can forget with the best of them.

“Driver, pull this fucking thing over, STAT! Gonna barf, gonna barf, gonna barf barf BAAAARF!” Dr. Suess, eat your motherfucking heart out. And I remember that crew of strangers on the road, some horrified, some finding humor in the situation and me just trying not to get any on my fine coat or hotel slippers. They’re saying something to me, that random crew but it’s totally slo-moed and horror-movie twisted. I don’t respond. I have more pressing issues on my mind at the present. Like barfing. So it’s easy to see how one can be distracted around momentous events.

Is Gonzales a drinker? If he wasn’t before he is now, I can assure you of that. Screw it. It’s not like any of this wasn’t anticipated, right? Fella wrote all about the potential fallout of this mess when he camwe up with the idea and why not? It’s good to be prepared, even if you know you’re not going to be able to remember any of it two years from now or even tomorrow if needs be. And they be, Citizens, they be. Hey, can’t figure the Press is gonna lay down forever, right? Media’s been used like Saturday night Shirley and everybody knows it. Maybe media’s tired of that next-morning-walk-of-shame-no-make-up-wrinkled-clothes-Just-Been-Fucked-and-Still-Cummy-Hair. Everybody knows it’s perfectly okay to be a whore, but it’s not okay when everybody knows that you specifically are that whore. At least, that’s what I’m told, and the difference is crucial.

I remember being a kid and the nuns at St. Mary’s were heavy into Iran Contra, watching these important-looking and serious people ask all sorts of questions and nobody seeming to be able to remember much of anything. On a 12 inch black and white tv, with coathangers covered in foil for reception.

“Sister Francis,” I remember asking, “why don’t they leave that poor fellow alone?” Didn’t seem fair, fellow was obviously not very smart and they keep asking him about things he can’t remember. He was a soldier, I thought, maybe he’d injured his head in the War. When I asked sister Francis about it she took a big drag from her smoke, exhaled and said “you see all the medals on that guys jacket?” and she wrinkles her brow like Bruce Willis as she continues, “you don’t get that many medals if you’re the type ‘a guy that forgets stuff all the time.” When I asked her if the other guys, the guys asking him the questions were lying too was the first time she looked at me as anything other than a necessary burden. She saw it had my interest and the rest of the nuns couldn’t have been more surprised when I joined them for the rest of the afternoon and every afternoon subsequent during those investigations. That poor fellow was Ollie North and that was when I started turning things to my advantage at the orphanage, now that I think about it, was when I started watching politics.

All of which is a far cry from last night’s shenanigans. Apparently had they not seen my hotel slippers theyd’ve never found me under the pool table, fast asleep. I remember the lights coming on, somebody taking a picture and me being loaded into a car by the owner and the bartender and I remember those good folk I nearly barfed on not six minutes later. Did I actually barf on somebody? I just can’t fucking remember, man! Which means I just don’t fucking know! Right?


RandomMP3age:“The Chauffeur” by Duran Duran.

The iSenseChange Guide to Impeaching Your Vice President

"You know what? [Wells] said something here that we're trying to put a cloud on the vice president. We'll talk straight. There is a cloud over the vice president. He sent Libby off to [meet with former New York Times reporter] Judith Miller at the St. Regis Hotel. At that meeting, the two hour meeting, the defendant talked about the wife [Plame]. We didn't put that cloud there. That cloud remains…”
-Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's closing arguments in Scooter Libby’s perjury and obstruction-of-justice trial.

This all-important quote brought to you by the good folks at the SenseChange Center for Positive Change in lieu of the Media living up to its responsibilities and actually doing its job. Thanks, and have a GREAT day!

Yossarian Lament: Go to Mars, Not Iraq

We’ll need war only so long as we believe it to be an inescapable component of the human condition. It isn’t. Not anymore. Many nations with nukes means we lose the evolution game. Intelligence, the advantage that preserved us to the position of ultimate power on earth ends up destroying us, making the whole of human experience little more than a catch 22. Which is, of course, madness! I want no truck with it! I suspect you war people want to kill me! And everybody else! Worse yet, I suspect you want to kill yourselves, even! Bloody nutcases, the lot of you!

I want to know when we’re going to get serious not only about fixing the mess but designing this world, this civilization of ours to accommodate people of all races and geographic locations using clean, fully safe and sustainable energy. The blood of dead dinosaurs have sustained us to the point where we will raze other nations to rubble for control over it. It’s well established that Mankind does not have a great history of sharing rare things with one another, and in light of this we have to recognize that it is far past time to utilize the very energy that all matter in the universe is made from. Make it safe. Make it available. You can. You’ve done so much else. Right? Of course you have.

I want to know when we get serious about actually colonizing both Mars and the Moon. That’s the reality tv I’m interested in. And I’m not talking about sending Gary Coleman up there or anything, I’m talking about the real deal. Genuine top-drawer ExtraTerrestroNauts. Get those assholes from American Idol on the horn, I’m bloody serious, man! Bet we could get a pretty good scene up there on the moon (next stop, Mars!) for far less than the cost of Iraq Deux alone. Sad but true. Am I wrong? By how much? You figure it would have to be an international venture? Of course! Shouldn’t all things? Isn’t it necessary to avoid this tired ‘my backyard versus yours’ mentality that has ruled our relations amongst one another for for centuries of war and inequality?

ExtraTerrestroNauts. ETNs? Sure. A ring to it. Can’t be cosmonauts til we get past the range of the Sun, OneForce tells me, but also likes the ring of the ETN thing. Go to Mars, not Iraq, that's what the Flaming Lips said and who knows better than them?

Alright, enough for now. Straighten up you filthy swabs, get yer shit together!


NonRandomMP3age: "Change" by Blind Melon

Gonzo Letters: Ash and Leopold: Next Woodward and Bernstein


I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you two for some of the only in-depth coverage of the Libby trial. My feeling is that in the years to come, yours will be the analysis (and text, I would imagine, and the second you write a book on it you just go ahead and let me know about it. I’ll buy, I’ll read and I’ll encourage others to do the same) people turn to when they seek answers about this strange time in American political history. What you’re doing is important, fellows, for as Georgie and the NeoCons even now seek to make a case so they can try their luck at Iran, a careful examination of the lies that began the Iraq mess could not be more timely or have more far ranging implications.

I say this little note of Cheney’s (involving ‘this Pres’) is the number one story in the realm, the second being the Media’s complete and utter lack of coverage on it. It’s not like there’s any digging involved. It’s out there. Somewhere in the halls of the Chief High Big Media Muckety Mucks a decision was made that the world can’t handle the Truth.

My position on Plame’s outing is that it’s extremely damning for ‘this Pres’ and this Vice President and enough to kick both of them to the curb and ideally into prison. I haven’t heard anybody calling it what it is, but I affix the label ‘High Treason’ and keep it there, for Plame was working on getting a handle on loose WMD’s from international arms gangs, the very thing that can and will be used against America in the years to come. If you knowingly disable a defender of your country for your own sick ends you are an enemy of your country, President or not. High treason in the highest office of the land. Strange days, friends, but that’s the situation as I see it.

CNN has decided not to cover this story, or to cover it enough to remain credible to the majority of the lemmings, and they’ll continue to do so (or not do so, depending on how you see it). The latest example is the non-coverage of the Fitzgerald’s summation in which he openly targets Richard ‘Dick’ Cheney as co-conspirator in this mess. What are the ramifications of this? Not sure, but one thing is certain; we’ll all know a whole lot about Anna Nicole Smith in the coming days, the death of a whore rather than impeachment of one.

I seek to help get this story out and as such have put a call out to the Gonzo Warriors, an international consortium of ne’er-do-well, miscreant bloggers that, from time to time, coordinate to hold leaders and industries to task for their meddling and malevolence. We’ve been firing piss-fueled emails into the head vampires at CNN demanding they start telling us the Real Story, and if they want to keep calling themselves the ‘Most Trusted Name in News’ they better start deserving it. Will it have an effect? On CNN? Probably not. But every letter that gets written is cut and pasted into our blogs, raising awareness within the larger community in which the Warriors thrive, that of the community and maybe, just maybe we’ll hit one of Blitzer’s staffers with one of these things and get ‘em thinking about a little thing called ‘the Real Story.’

Anyways, you guys have been a source of inspiration to me and I get a lot of my information from Truthout. I link to your articles all the time and it has been an invaluable resource for my own crazed warblings. Check us out!

iSenseChange, acting Co-General of the Gonzo Warriors

From the Desk of the General: A Call to Arms for Gonzo Warriors, WritingUppers and Unaffiliated TruthSeekers

The Libby defence team has admitted evidence into the case in the form of a handwritten note that Dick Cheney wrote that directly implicates President George ‘Dubya’ Bush in the conspiracy to out Valerie Plame, making the whole world that much safer for international WMD vendors. This evidence, if wholly substantiated, should shitcan the Bush presidency and Cheney Vice-Presidency in one fell swoop, because, to me anyway, it means both dudes were entirely in on it, an admission of criminal action by those in the very highest Seats of Power in the Land. The Lands! And CNN has chosen not to cover it.

A dead, money-grubbing whore gets 24 hour play rather than the potential impeachment of a President, and I don’t know what’s worse. Or if there’s any difference. Death of a Whore versus Impeachment of One. One difference only, that I can think of at this point, and that is that I can be assured of every single excruciating detail about the one story and precious little of any value on the other. I like porn and I like politics but for me this one’s no contest: I want the Real Story over Fake Tits.

CNN has chosen not to cover this ‘Bush Treason’ thing (for is it not treason to divulge the identity of undercover operatives seeking to disarm those that would strike your country? If not treason, what? Certainly criminal, we must all agree on that, yes?) and my feeling is that they never will unless the People make them. The people, in this case, are YOU. And ME. If you’re a Gonzo Warrior I’m ordering it in my capacity as co-General or else the title don’t mean a lick to me. If you are a WritingUpper then I’m asking you as a fellow citizen and member in good standing of the same blog neighbourhood as you. If you’re just a netsurfer that’s found this page somehow amidst the rest of the Sound, Fury and Pornography and feel within you a soul that seeks Truth, write them a fucking letter, a letter to these BigBiz stooges that think they know what’s safe for you to learn about in that big scary world out there. Because it’s getting bigger and scarier, and these jerks’ll lull you right into an apocalypse if you let them. And if you let them, does that mean you deserve it? That’s how it looks from where I sit, Citizens.

If you dig my shit, think I’m a cool dude or owe me any fealty or favour, I ask of you to write these dicks. Call these people out. Tell them you want the Real Story. Cuz we’ve seen the byproduct of them choosing what to cover and not cover and it helped lead the World into War. At , you can reach any of your personal faves or anti-faves there, or even the head vampires at CNN themselves. If you believe that Truth is important in these dangerous times then you write that letter. The media will not, cannot police itself, but it’s deader than shit in a box if nobody wants to watch it anymore.

-General iSenseChange of the Gonzo Warriors

p.p. I hereby wholeheartedly endorse Barack Obama for the 2008 presidential elections (09-02-07). The question is NOT whether he’ll do a great job –because he would- but rather if America deserves him and can elect him without murdering him first. I think Clinton’s a Big Biz shill as much as anybody else out there, Lefty or Righty. Obama’s a Change, Clinton’s More of the Same.

Neocon versus Nazi: Next Stop Iran!

Seems like all I ever hear these days is about going to Iran. At what point is it established? Is it when four major carrier groups are placed in the Gulf, or five? When is it official? Do things have to be blowing up? Is that how we’ll all know that it’s officially Going On Over There Now and we should all be prepared to continue our steady diet of raw, pre-packaged Fear for some time, garnering the consent they’ll not need when the transition to open Fascism and Tyranny is complete? Orwell knew what the fuck was going on, he was just off by a few decades. But what the hell! I’m getting drunk! And so should you! Because they’re firing up another one, these fiends and for my part I only hope they can sell it better at home this time. That last deal was atrocious. This one’s easy and everybody knows it.

RECIPE FOR WAR IN IRAN: go to battle scene. Find bodies. Place evidence like weapons and I.D.s and BANGO, cake and pie, just like that Iran is now funding the Enemy in America’s Big Iraq Adventure and guess what friends and neighbors? The Adventure just got a whole lot bigger. And more expensive. But Dubya’s got a plan. “Ahm jus, hittin’ my stride, heh heh,” Georgie chuckles in his Connecticut, faux-Texas drawl, and why not? He gets another hand at the table, doubling down with dollars and blood against the Anarchy and Chaos in the most dangerous and strategically important area in the world. Maybe he’s got stuff figured out now. Maybe Afghanistan, Iraq and Katrina were just the warm-ups he needed to really dig in and fix this whole MidEast thingy out once and for all. Hey, could happen, right? Right? No? Oh. Shit. I see.

“Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, well, you’re not gonna fool me again!” But, awful mispronunciations aside, if there’s one thing this War and this President has shown the world several times over is that there’s seemingly no limit to the amount of times even a dolt like him can fool the American people, or at least enough of them. Stole the election twice. About to lead his country into another failure of a war, Iran, being the biggest fuck-up yet. It’s going to make Iraq look like the cakewalk it was always said to be but never, ever was.

ALTERNATIVE RECIPE FOR WAR IN IRAN: float all manner of American military and weaponry into an already crowded and enemy-filled Persian Gulf (I gather the Straight of Hormuz is nice this time of year and as good a place for an ambush as any) and start pushing around til somebody pushes back then pound the bejeezus out of them. I see this in the bars all the time and it almost always initiates the response it seeks, for varying degree of Good or Ill.

Iraq war lead-up? Iran War lead-up? Same shit and very nearly the same pile. Exact same loudmouth far Righties making wild claims and going totally unchallenged from this supposedly Left Wing media conspiracy, unchallenged by the simplest and most basic of questions: “but sir, you were wrong with practically everything that had to do with this Iraq fiasco, why on earth should America believe you in Iran? Shouldn’t you be pretty much finished in the information-providing game? Aren’t we dicks to let you keep broadcasting shit into our homes having already clearly demonstrated that it is, in fact, shit and dangerous shit that costs lives, money and international respect?”

According to Ray McGovern these NeoCons were know throughout Washington as the ‘crazies’ and rightfully so. Name a nuttier group in history. I know you’re gonna say it was the Nazis and yes, they had their own particular vision of how the Earth should be dominated by the Nation they served and yes, they did nutty, awful things because nobody was able to stop them, but would you say they were nuttier? Have you read “Project for the Next American Century?” Maybe not the same game but certainly in the ballpark. Haven’t checked it out yet, never heard of it? PNAC? Until you’re aware of who said it, who signed it and what’s happened since you got absolutely nothing to say about Nazi versus Neocon, and, quite frankly, don't know fuck-all about fuck-all as far as the status of your America in the Y2Ks. Anything you gotta say is just gut reaction and a lack of Real Knowledge of the Facts, you are leap years behind performing your duty as a Citizen and keeping an eye on those that would keep an eye, on governing those that would govern. You’re not interested in that duty, you assume other will do it for you, you can just keep your fluffy, Dorito-crumb encrusted existence for what it is and everything’ll somehow get better, maybe through God or through some kind of latent Positivist leanings or you’re still just hungover from that Last Great Rip before the American Dream floats right down the shitter to be replaced by it’s polar opposite, the American Nightmare. A SuperPower turned Desperate and Depraved, and what’re the Citizens doing? Enjoying the finest television programming in history. And working more hours. For less money. A Nation of Slaves for a Cadre of Vampires, and it’s not like you don’t know it. You do know, somewhere in ya, you know. But it’s always been easier to do nothing. For all of us.

Do I have to wait until they’re actually as bad as the Nazis before I can make a comparison? Because that’s not how it works in pro sports! “This guy might be the next Michael Jordan! Wayne Gretzky! Muhammed Ali! Babe Ruth! Jenna Jameson!” We do it in sports and porn but not politics or history? Why? Oh yeah, there’s just some comparisons we’re not supposed to make until it’s already Too Late, until the Damage has Been Done and the bootheel’s on my freaking neck? Well, fuck you, I guess. That doesn’t sound like a decent plan to me. And shit, how do you know I’m under your sway? I’m a blogger! I have no nationality! I am Earthian, you fucking hayseeds, and you have no sway over me! I am of that larger collective that recognizes the brotherhood of Humanity as transcending in importance over nationalist or religious affiliation. It’s time for the NextLevel, folks, because for good or ill it’s looking like we’ve just about used up this one and it either gets better or worse from here but not both and certainly not neither. Change is not only here but upon us. What color’s your Future?

Iraq War? Iran War? Same shit and very nearly the same pile because it’s all part of the same War, friends, these are “the Great Oil Wars.” Didn’t you know? Catch up. It actually started a long time ago…

Peace, Friends and Fellow Earthians.


RandomMP3age: "So Alive" by Love and Rockets

the Gonzo Letters: Anderson Cooper, 360 Degrees of Bullsh*t is Still Bullsh*t

Mr. Anderson, (Cooper? Why do you guys always go by two last names? How's Tucker Carleton doin'? You guys ever give a listen to Wilson Phillips?)

I dare you to interview Nader and ask him what he thinks about George W. Bush. Or the Iraq War. Or the impeachment of the Thief In Chief. Or the destruction of Habeus Corpus and the rest of the Constitution. And the Project for the Next American Century. I triple-dog dare you to interview Noam Chomsky on these same items. Are you even allowed to? I have my doubts. I’m sure you understand. 360 degrees of bullshit is still bullshit, Anderson, and now's as good a time as any to pick up on that little gem.

Got balls, kiddo? Or not? Makes no difference to me. One of you guys is gonna crack and start telling the Real Story. Just lose it out there. Become Big Media’s Hamlet, go all post-modern on the set and find out that rather than getting fired the ratings shoot through the freaking roof, man! They try to cancel the dude and a huge audience that’s been starving for the Real Story actually backs his play. Brings dude back like Family Guy. We’re that hungry for Truth, man! We’d actually watch CNN for it! And you too, Andy!

Yes sir, one of you guys is gonna crack and start tellin’ the Real Story and the rest of you’ll be considering yourself lucky to be judging wet t-shirt contests for a quick buck in Ft. Lauderdale outside of fifteen years, way things are shaping up in America today. People are pissed and there’s all sorts of culpable jackals for people to blame but the one thing just about anybody can agree on, Lefty or Righty, is that the Media is full of shit. And you, friend, are the Media, as much as anybody on earth. And most have an inkling that you and guys like you totally shit the bed on Doing Your Job during the Gulf Deux lead-up lies, leading to Iraq, aka the big, deadly, expensive and stinking mess that every single one of your america citizens has to now find a way to deal with.

Not to mention the whole neoconservative thing? How exactly did you guys miss that? Things like PNAC, so you know, are classified as one of those things people like to know about during things like, for example THE 2000 ELECTIONS before these HIDEOUS FREAKS TOOK OFFICE! People like to know that the running VP is a sick and weird man with sick and weird fiend-buddies that share sick, weird dreams of world domination. People like to know about these things, Andy. It’s called the Real Story. And people want to hear it. All of it.

So do it. Save your soul. Start telling the Real Story, Andersen. Be That Guy. Better you than that chowderhead Zahn, I think we can all agree on that, right? Right. So, do it!

I dare you.

Manny Duke

p.s. Got another one for you. I dare you to interview the protestors, Andy. Go out there on the street and grab a few of them. They’d love to talk to you. I promise. Be the easiest thing you could ever do, and yet it’s barely ever done. You know how many years I read about Cindy Sheehan before I actually heard her voice on your network? Thanks CNN! You’re the “Most Trusted Name in News!”


From : 360
Sent : Saturday, February 3, 2007 8:26 PM
To :
Subject : Anderson Cooper 360

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Thanks for your email. Here’s our problem. We want you to know that we really do read every single email you viewers send us. No, honestly. But reading your email is one thing, and composing individual answers to each one is another. That would be a full-time enterprise. In which case, there’d be no AC 360. In which case, there’d be no emails. You see where we’re headed.

Anyway, the best we can do is to acknowledge that we have indeed received and will read your message, and this little note is to let you know that. It’s automatic, yes; fails to take into account whether you’ve patted us on the back or slapped us across the face; does not differentiate between praise, correction, fury, proposals of marriage, or invitations to get lost. But rest assured we’ll know that part when we read it!

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the Gonzo Letters: to Big Fat Pimp Lou Dobbs

Hey Lou,

I'd like to know when you guys are going to cover the biggest piece of news to yet come out of the Libby case, specifically a personally handwritten missive from VP Cheney directly implicating the President in the scandal. I refuse to believe CNN has not yet heard of this news, as the evidence was admitted in the case by Libby's defenders and you no doubt have all manner of reporters on the case (no excuses, here’s the link: I can only assume somebody up in the chain of command has decided America doesn’t need to know certain types of news during ‘wartime’ and about the President. This is the same type of half-assed coverage that got America into the Iraq war mess in the first place! Guys like you, Mr. Dobbs, have just as much culpability for the Iraq war as anybody on earth, in deciding as you do what to cover or not cover.

So much for the ‘Most Trusted Name in News.’ More like ‘Most Regular Source of Propaganda’. Other than Fox of course, but that’s a pretty low bar to set for anybody even remotely interested in calling themselves journalists, right? Right.

Try to be the champion of the People all you like but until you start telling the whole Truth many will see you as little more than a big, fat pimp (or worse, I guess, a whore?) no matter how many books you write. I’m asking for Truth Lou, and more than that, I’m asking you to do your fucking job.

Don’t be a pimp! Or a whore!



From : Lou Dobbs Tonight
Sent : Saturday, February 3, 2007 2:31 AM
To :
Subject : Thank you for your E-mail

Thank you for your e-mail. We read each and every comment, but are unable to respond personally to so many.
We value your interest and thank you for watching Lou Dobbs Tonight

the Gonzo Letters: Mr. Wolf Blitzer

Mr. Blitzer,

I'd like to know when you are going to cover the biggest piece of news to yet come out of the Libby case, specifically a personally handwritten missive from VP Cheney directly implicating the President in the scandal. I refuse to believe CNN has not yet heard of this news, as the evidence was admitted in the case by Libby's defenders and you no doubt have all manner of reporters on the case (no excuses, here’s the link: So when will you cover it and more importantly, why haven't you yet? 20 minutes every hour on the non-story of Biden's 'supposedly racist but not really' comments and not one mention of this huge story emerging in the Libby case.

Mr Blitzer, you are, as much as anyone else on earth, an established and esteemed member of the 4th estate, sir, and it's well past time all you guys started acting like it, doing this extremely important job of yours so the People get the whole story. What you decide to cover shapes the landscape of discussion and debate, and what you decide not to cover gets buried forever. It's an awesome responsibility, Wolfy, and dude, you ain't cuttin' it! So START!

It’s called evolution Wolf, and if you don’t remain relevant then don’t be surprised when the internet and the blogworlde buries you’re like a stinking, dead cat.


p.s. appreciated your mewling interview with Veep Cheney very much. You very nearly showed some sand asking the Dark Lord himself about his lesbian daughter! ‘Out of line’ indeed, imagine you asked him the questions that really matter! Like his profiteering with Halliburton! Hoo boy, the fit hits the shan then, eh Wolfy? Anywho, glad to see an inkling of spine for once. Peace to you Wolfy. And do your fucking job!


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