Saturday, February 17, 2007

Kidfu*ker Foley and the Shattered Myth of the Republican Moral Authority

These were the years when the US parliament became a historical punch line, a political obscenity on par with the court of Nero or Caligula - a stable of thieves and perverts who committed crimes rolling out of bed in the morning and did their very best to turn the mighty American empire into a debt-laden, despotic backwater…”

-Matt Taibbi, “Time to Go! Inside the Worst Congress Ever” Rolling Stone Magazine

Say what you like about Monica and the blue dress but at least Clinton liked chicks! Grown up ones! Jesus shuddering Christ! What, on earth IS NEXT from these HIDEOUS FIENDS?!? They made Kidfucker Foley (R) a co-chairman of the House Caucus on MISSING and EXPLOITED CHILDREN, and in time, Republican officials right up to and including J. DENNIS HASTERT (R), the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE knew precisely what his interests were, knew precisely what he was doing and yet actively CHOSE to DO NOTHING to stop it, let alone bring the sick dick to justice! They let him keep a post that he would INEVITABLY use to his kidfucking advantage! Yes sir, pedophiles around their world rub their palms with envious glee at that one, the quintessential dream post for Kidfuckers like Foley and they LET HIM KEEP THE JOB! Which to me, means they facilitated it, no? Which is aiding and abetting kidfucking, yes? Which means, by proxy, a good swath of the Repubbies are Kidfuckers too! That’s as fucked up as it gets, Citizens. I mean, sure, there’s probably ways you could have equally fucked up your stewardship of the nation and its most vulnerable, but I’m gonna say you can’t possibly surpass it.

An Ugly but Necessary Prediction: there will be more kids. Hate to say it, probably some dead bodies too. Mark my words, though I loathe them. Thing is, the level and universality of Republican crime on the Hill is such that I feel like, well, how can there not be at least a couple ‘a bodies in the mix? They’ve done everything else.

Officially as bad as it gets. Can’t be topped. The culture of corruption that exists in Washington under the Republican dominated Congress, the Executive and Judiciary branches is legendary and of historical significance. The Clinton impropriety is erased, or rather finally exposed for what it really was: utterly meaningless. Bill bust any laws when he fired great loads all over Monica and her little blue dress? Nope. Both were consenting adults. Right? Which means all that bullshit and ballyhoo about a presidential blowjob has finally been ‘put to bed,’ forever. And it’s about goddamned time.

But there’s a vote coming up, some say. Things will change. Yes, things will change, but how much? This is what I said before the last election: with widespread cheating and paper-trail free ballot machines (which only makes sense if it's yer buddies that supply and install the machines) we will have no way of having any idea what the real vote results are. No way of knowing. That was in 2004. Has anything changed since then? Nope. Nothing has. If anything, more controls are in place to ensure that however America decides to vote on Election Day, the Repubbies can generate whatever numbers they wish.

Yes Virginia, I’m saying right now the Repubbies can win whatever they want to in November. Whatever they want to. And a compliant, sleeping populace will allow it just as they did in 2004. Or will they? Has Kidfucker Foley, the Iraq War Lead-up Lies and the utter assault on the Constitution of the United States of America (amongst soooooooo many other things, I mean, c’mon, who has time to list them all?) finally took hold in the minds of the People? Has the threshold been met that converts lemmings back into Citizens? Me, I’m not so sure but hey, by all means, prove me wrong.

Want to not be a lemming? All you can do if you’re an American citizen and living in the US right now is take part in the process. Not only vote but volunteer in the process. And watch EVERYTHING like a MOTHERFUCKING HAWK!!! Register any impropriety by either side and KEEP SHOUTING FROM THE HIGHEST MOUNTAINTOP UNTIL IT'S BEEN ADDRESSED. It's called a class action lawsuit, if needs be, whenever and wherever your Democracy is being tampered with. Your Democracy needs that right now like you need air and I need a strong drink.

Keep your eyes on the skies Citizens, I suspect the November Surprise is an Impending NeoCon Fear Injection. Keep those cell-phone cams at the ready and record everything. EVERYTHING.

Right. All for now.


p.p. I am hereby endorsing Barack Obama in 2008 or 2012. If he or someone like him doesn’t get into the WhiteHouse by that time then America is hopelessly doomed, if it ain’t already. More of the same means the utter destruction of America which will probably bring a good chunk of the world with it. Which is why I have to give a fuck. And so should you. Period.

NonRandomMP3age: “Imagine,” a Perfect Circle

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