Friday, February 16, 2007

MidEast Ablaze: Dr. Condi to the Rescue

A scant 13 days in, American diplomacy whisks to Lebanon to save the day for all concerned. Well, some of those concerned. No surprises so far and none expected.

"This is a different Middle East. It's a new Middle East. It's hard. We're going through a very violent time."
-Dr. Condy, ignoring calls for a cease-fire 13 days in. (July 24, 2K6)

Dr. StrangeRummy gave us “Old Europe.” Dr. Condi gives us the “New MidEast.” I guess the NeoCons, for all their twisted evil minds, sense change as well, eh? How's that for freaky? Making myself puke. Hold on. Yep, Old Europe, New MidEast and the only thing that’s certain is that nothing will ever be the same again.

Uncertainty! OneForce tells me the quantum physicists, at least, will be pleased. I almost get it and most likely you don't either. Don't worry about it.

New MidEast, eh? Let’s see, whattawe got? Political turmoil, ugly confrontations, destruction, dislocation, human suffering, the sustained killing of innocents and innocence. Hmmmm. This new Middle East of Condi’s sound a whole lot like the old Middle East to anybody else? How does one tell what is the new and what is the old? What part of the old MidEast wasn’t hard or violent again? I can’t remember. You?

Nope, no surprises here.


Syria, like Iran, is sounding pretty ballsy these days. Pretty ballsy.

"If Israel makes a land entry into Lebanon, they can get to within 20 kilometers of Damascus. What will we do? Stand by with our arms folded? Absolutely not. Without any doubt Syria will intervene in the conflict. I repeat, if Israel makes a land invasion of Lebanon and gets near us, Syria will not stand by with arms folded. It will enter the conflict."
Syrian information minister, Moshen Bilal (July 23, 2K6)

Syria says if Israel comes too close, Syria will fire. Iran promises a “crushing” response from the ‘Islamic World’ if Israel strikes Syria. Why are all these MidEast countries so ballsy lately? What’s that you say? After watching the horrible, ongoing clusterfuck of Gulf Deux some Nations are getting a little cocky? Yes, makes sense I suppose, but isn't it mildly possible that they have something up their sleeves here? What's the CIA saying, surely they have dudes on the ground that...what's that you say? The CIA is horribly incompetant and America's many varied intelligence agencies are more interested in fighting each other and spying on their own Citizens than anybody else?

I digress. Point, Sensey? Ah yes. Iran and Syria knows if they take on Israel they’re gonna be takin’ on the biggest of the Bigs, at the same time, right? They just sound so ballsy. Hmmmm.

Anyways, what's the call?

Syria strikes Israel and then the war’s official. Israel (and possibly America, given the current political climate) strikes back. Iran (and whoever else comprises the Islamic World, one supposes) jumps in because they said they would if Israel strikes Syria. Iran strikes Israel, America strikes Iran.

Anywho, that’s my call on the scene. For now. Subject to incoming information.


Remember all those Democrats like Lieberman and Kerry that voted in favor of Gulf Deux? Find me a single major American politician speaking out against Israel’s disproportionate response and the razing of Lebanon. Not a one of them. All of which begs the question, in fact the only real question in the whole rigged deal otherwise known as American Politics: “What’s it gonna be, America? Puppet on the Left or Puppet on the Right?”

Enjoy your day.


p.p. I think the UN’s the WildCard in any real shot at an actual Peace process in the MidEast. Takes the People, also, wouldn’t you think? That’s what I think. Yeah, I know, call me a fool. Don’t care. When your alternative is Georgie and the NeoCons, well, you go ahead and make your own decisions.

NonRandomMP3age: “Losing My Religion” REM.

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