Saturday, February 17, 2007

Your America: Now, Officially, A Fascist State

"Habeas Corpus secures every man here, alien or citizen, against everything which is not law, whatever shape it may assume."
-Thomas Jefferson, 1798

Seig-howdy, fellow Citizens! How y’all doin’? Jesus H, strange days abound in this War on Information, days you or I never imagined, wouldn’t you say? Should we get right down to it? I think we should. After all, there’s little, perhaps no Time left.

Whatever America was once, it is no more. It is something else. Something darker. And it just keeps getting worse.

Dubya blustered, Congress acquiesced and before our very eyes (those of us that can be bothered to watch) yet one more decent piece of America's Constitution is rendered irrelevant, or ‘quaint’ in the NeoCon parlance: The Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution which includes the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses. Translation? Imprisoned people get a chance to prove their innocence in a court of Law. That’s gone. History. No appeals nor judicial oversight neither.

And all on the say of a President that a majority of the American people don’t trust and that the wider populace of the world think is a lying, evil fucktard of a man. Well, this fucktard and his 'handlers' now have the right to declare anyone they please as an illegal combatant and make that person disappear forever, in his own country or any other.

Spend all the time you want on the definition of Terrorist or Enemy Combatant, what keeps me up nights is the definition of “aiding” said Terrorist or Enemy Combatant. Did not Dick Cheney very recently say that people that speak out against America’s involvement in Iraq, the ideas of this Administration or even vote for Democrats are in fact aiding the terrorists? Am I wrong? How many examples would you like? They say something like this nearly every day!

Again, by all means call me a loony but shit man, you’re gonna have to go ahead and show me how the wording of the document prevents this or future presidents from imprisoning whomever, wherever, forever. By all means, show me! Please! Go right ahead! I could use a good night’s sleep.

Did you know this most recent piece of legislation now allows the American Government to arrest and disappear and torture of anybody on earth, regardless of nationality? No evidence required, no judicial oversight, no trial, no appeal, no nothing at all? It’s all there. They can do whatever to whomever, wherever and forever.

Again; somebody, anybody, please, explain to me how this is not the case. Show me how the legal wording of the document itself proves that what I suggest is not now the case. I’ll be right here. Pretending to drool on myself. Because I think signs of Intelligence will be frowned upon in this Brave New Orwellian World Order of ours.

Freaked yet? Have I said too much or not enough? If you ain’t Freaked you’re a gerbil. Keep runnin’ on yer wheel and maybe they’ll never have reason to take you. Or yours. And never wonder again at how a populace let the Nazi Party rise to Power. Their experience is now yours. Just a different label, in the end.

Best of luck out there. Me, I’m thinking about joining the Hell’s Angels, if they’ll take me. Say what you want about them, at the very least they always knew the whole thing was Full of Shit and wanted No Truck With It. Turns out they were right.

I usually tell you to keep yer eyes on the skies or yer heads down and yer peckers up but I don't know what to tell you to do anymore. Shit's fucked, Citizens, at this phase that's all I can say that I am entirely certain of. I never thought they could have taken it this far. Too far, History will undoubtedly say.


p.p. Don't know how much longer they will allow me to say these things.

RandomMP3age: "The End," by 'the Doors'. I swear.

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