Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cookie's Lament: How Green is Coming and Nobody Can Stop It

Coffee at hand, bagel a’cookin’. Tom Waits singing Downtown Train as I imagine it’s actually our good friend the Cookie Monster singing his heart out to some blue-furred gal who’s captured his heart and for the briefest of moments and for the first time in his life, Ol’ Cook’s turned his whole being from his all-occupying obsession with dessert foods. Yes, that’s a little weird. But good for Cookie, to be thinking rather of nookie, the far better and healthier sugar.

Fuck it, things are happening, the Status Quo is officially uncool. Turns out the honeybee is the new canary in the mineshaft, this based on the inescapable fact that honeybees are disappearing and disappearing drastically in the West. Now, can I say it’s because of Global Warming? I can’t. I don’t know it, not for certain and I’ll tell you why: nobody, anywhere knows for certain why the little fuckers are disappearing but disappear they do anyways. There was an article in the NYTimes and CNN carried it for about three minutes before switching to two full hours of analysis about Britney Lohan driving drunk and Paris Spears chuggin' dick, which is impressive, given how much airtime the 'Most Trusted Name in News' normally gives environmental concerns. Theory I like the best right now is that the huge increase in cell-phone use means the air is far more electromagnetically polluted which fucks with the poor little critter’s homing system, that they never find their queen again and they die alone, their poor little honeybee hearts busted to smithereens.

I know what you’re all saying; "Honeybees are critters and not humans so why give a fuck?" Which is a decent question and I’ll labor to answer it. Turns out in human terms it’s billions of dollars for the honeybees to have fucked off like they did and that’s when we all care about critters for a little while. Because Industry gets fucked by it (to the tune of about 14 billion last year, if I recall properly) and that filters right down to every one of us little cogs/consumers that keep the great and glorious machine a pumpin’ and a belchin.’ Of course honeybees are a part of the complex ecosystem in which we, for all our Greatness and Sagacity, find ourselves right smack dab in the middle of, and any transformation that occurs to said complex ecosystem has RealWorld ramifications to us important Humans.

14 billion dollars lost and that’s just this year. Will the rest of them disappear next year? Don’t know? Take heart. Neither do I or anybody else, Great and Sagacious though we all no doubt be. Some magnate in the honey biz once made the statement that every third bite of food you’ve ever eaten in your life is owed to the honeybee, so chew on that over your morning bagel or cookie as you watch a very close game between the Chargers and the Colts on their way to a soul-crushing defeat at the hand of the perfect Patriots or watch the latest political hack debate the other latest political hack and ask yourself what does it mean?

What it means is that Green is coming and there’s not a damned thing anyone of us can do to stop it. Because when the honeybees start disappearing and it starts costing Big Business some big clink, that’s when we can’t afford to bury our heads in the sand and create false debate where there is none. It means we better pick up our socks, figure out precisely what the fuck is happening and what the fuck we can do about it. Far Right blowhards like to make all these claims about how damaging it would be to the Economy to do anything whatsoever to fight what I’ve taken to calling Human Climate Abuse or even reign in industrial pollution in any way shape or form but the essential irony of it all, that the Honeybees have quietly but firmly proven, is that it is in fact that same Economy that will force us all to respect and save the environment. One hopes it won’t be too late, if it isn’t already.

"Remember the Honeybee!" might be an odd rallying cry but there you have it. Do with it what you will.

Happy Sunday. Go Giants. That is all.


Profile of an Edge Blogger

Fave Quotes:

"A time comes when silence is betrayal."
Martin Luther King on the Vietnam war.

"Fear is for the wrong kinda pussies."
-Manny Duke

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
-George Orwell

"If that's what Fallujah is, then what's that band with all the Mexican kids in it?"
-Aaron Starmer

"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotomy."
- Rowdy Roddy Piper

"Worldchanging was founded on the idea that real solutions already exist for building the future we want. it's just a matter of grabbing hold and getting moving."
-Worldchanging Manifesto (

"Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither"
-Benjamin Franklin

"Make the move from me to we."
-the emerging Zeitgeist

"Every android has a blowjob button."
-Chuck U. Farley

"I really do believe that we will be greeted as liberators"
-Richard "Dick" Cheney

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."
-Sinclair Lewis

"No one in this world has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby."
-H. L. Mencken

Fave Music:

Big Bubbah Tres
Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs
the C Team featuring Shakes LaRue
Big Jesus Truck
West Coast Funk Mob
Luxury Steamroller

Fave Television:
SenseChange generally despises television, watches CNN only when feeling cynical already and thinks reality tv is for lemmings.

Fave Movies:
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
the Fog of War
The Big Lebowsky
about four minutes from "Basic Instinct"
Man On Fire
Chugalug Girls #7
Cool Hand Luke
Full Metal Jacket
Thankyou for Smoking
Good Will Hunting
Sin City
Old School

Fave Books:
Anything by Dr. Hunter S. Thompson
Anything by Noam Chomsky
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
the Alchemist
"Porno, " by Irvine Welsh
Electric Killer Koolaid Acid Test
On the Road
Celestine Prophecy
"Manfred, " by Lord Byron
"Choke, " by Chuck Pahlaniuk
"Hyperion, " by Keats
Seven Habits of Highly Successful People
'Sailor Song' by Ken Kesey
'the Desiderata' by Max Ehrmann

Monday, January 07, 2008

The Inevitable Failure of Status Quo Capitalism

Mon Jan 07, 2008 at 05:53:12 PM PST
alternatively entitled "If the planet truly needs saving then you’ll spend accordingly."

Levees fail. Housing bubbles crash. Wars begin over the blood of dead dinosaurs, paid for by the Citizens and future generations of Citizens while making Big Business rich and richer. Meanwhile the earth speedily converts into an ashtray as Big Oil scrambles to create an unresolved debate where there is none, courtesy of Big Media, transforming what's supposed to be an informed citizenry into a society of distracted, terrified and probably sleeping lemmings.

And gibbering chimps get elected as President.

Bush is a perfect symbol of the failure of Capitalism. A bungling moron has been given the keys and it took Big Bucks to get him there. Nothing about him or his past is exemplary in any way, never was he ‘the best’ or even ‘very good at’ anything. With this gibbering chimp we see that Money is not the answer to everything, for it has failed the people of the United States of America and indeed, the entire rest of the world. It’s like when the boss’s idiot nephew who's failed upwards his whole life got hired in to run your company and all you can do is complain about it when the whole shitcan goes up in flames because he's a stuttering fucktard that rewards other stuttering fucktards by failing them upwards as well. And so it goes. And there's so much more...

With Capitalism as it stands the Corporation and their masters have it all, it is the SupraCitizen. How else to explain a time of huge layoffs in an era of record profits? C.E.Os making five hundred million dollars a year? "But it’s the labor!" moans Mr. C.E.O. as he lights a huge illegal Cuban cigar with a smoldering thousand dollar bill, his secretary’s cocaine-covered lips hard at work under his nice mahogany desk, "the labor was bloody killing us! What’re you gonna do?!?"

What indeed.

Establishment Science says the levvies were in danger of busting and bust they did, without asking anybody’s permission. Establishment Science said these bridges were gonna go too and go they are, without even a courtesy call. Establishment Science has also warned of a host of bad things that are going to happen due to Human Climate Abuse and happen they will, to tragedies of a scale never before seen by human eye, if for no other reason than that there’s so many of us now and we’ve built so many glorious and shiny new things and we so desperately need them, no matter what the cost to anybody or thing else.

The "Invisible Hand of the Marketplace" being the high law of the land is hideously flawed in its conception, for what should be a very obvious reason: it takes time for the Hand (so, you, me, and EVERYBODY ELSE as mass consumers of SupraCitizen products and services) to react in said marketplace. Infrastructure is ignored until something catastrophic occurs.
(see also; Health and Safety,
see also; Security,
see also; Poverty,
see also; Education,
see also; Society,
see also; Civilisation,
see also; the Human Race)

Chaos and disaster ensues and the Invisible Hand reacts, but only after the catastrophic event and even then, not very efficiently or speedily. Why? Because Big Media has transformed the Citizenry into uniformed lemmings as I believe I've mentioned before once or thrice.

Describe yourself as a believer in the Invisible Hand of the Free market? Get used to catastrophe and quit whining about it. Just don't be surprised when that poor kid clinging to a rooftop with a makeshift help sign might just turn out to be you. Or yours. Because the Free Market,(reliant on chaos, tragedy and failure as it is) isn't saving anybody. And it never will, it will only react and slowly at that.

But hey, shit, keep spending, Citizens! Your life might just depend on it! Maybe even the whole planet!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Zeitgeistal Uplink

Sat Dec 22, 2007 at 05:26:08 PM PST

America most needs a Kucinich, would be lucky to get an Edwards, will most likely get an Obama and hopefully not a Clinton.

Forget Polls and Electability: Which Candidate Would be the Best President?

a) Dennis Kucinich because he's got the best voting record by far and is the closest answer to what America really needs.
29% 15 votes

b) Bill Richardson, because he's, well...I confess, I know very little about this man. Seems like a nice guy.
0% 0 votes

c) Chris Dodd, who just showed his whole party how to stand up and fight and face down the Far Right nutters.
15% 8 votes

d) Joe Biden, who actually knows a little about the world outside the Great American Bubble. And he's actually a pretty solid dude with excellent leadership experience
1% 1 votes

e) John Edwards who is dead-on, ball's accurate on Poverty, Health Care and Corporate Greed.
23% 12 votes

f) Barrack Obama because he can heal the Great American Divide and is, any way you slice it, an agent of Change
11% 6 votes

g) Hillary Clinton because she has experience, her husband is Bill and she's one smart cookie any way you slice it. And smart is vastly preferable to what was elected last time.
13% 7 votes

h) Mike Gravel because he's MAD AS HELL AND NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!
3% 2 votes

Tony Snow and the War on Santa God

Tue Dec 18, 2007 at 09:38:07 AM PST

REPORTER: "Do we know whose behind this new "War on God," I mean, do we just naturally assume it's Satan? Is Hell involved or is it just Americans?"

SNOW: "Is Hell overtly involved? Tough to say. My good buddy Bill O'Really asserts that DailyKos readers worship Satan. Is that the case? I'm sure in some instances, yes, absolutely, just as Hell and the Devil can probably be found in things like the ACLU or impeachment investigations or Congress or people that read books by Noam Chomsky. Next question?"

REPORTER: "Given that America's War on Drugs, Terror and specifically Afghanistan and Iraq have each been such epic failures, what makes us think we're ready to take on God? Or even Hell? Or...whomever. Who are we fighting again?"

SNOW: "Secular fascists."

REPORTER: "So, technically, each other?"

SNOW: "Exactly."

SNOW: "But let me hone that in a little for you. We're at war with the evil secularists amongst us, just like we were at war with the terrorist sympathizers as recently as just yesterday and just like we were at war with communist sympathizers a few decades ago. It's not uncommon for America to be at war against it's own citizens. It's actually a proud part of our national heritage!"

REPORTER: "But given the already serious divsions that exist within America today, probably the most divided American citizenry in history, do we need something else to divide ourselves over? I mean, a good chunk of us don't believe there even is a God, so how can we be at war with him? Or...Him."

SNOW: "We're not at war with 'Him'. We're at war with 'them.'"


SNOW: "The evil secularists."

REPORTER: "Then why isn't it the 'War on Secularism' or 'Secular Fascism?' Is it because the war is more marketable if it's against capital-G God as opposed to a system of government in which the ruling class keep their religion to themselves? And are we at war with Atheists as well?"

SNOW: "Not at all. Just the Secular Atheists."

REPORTER: "Jesus."

SNOW: "Exactly. Next question?"

REPORTER: "What do you make of DKos blogger and eminent sage iSenseChange's assertion that this whole "War on God" nonsense (his words, not mine, amen hallelujah) is just the Republican Party's pathetic attempt at hedging it's bets going into the 08 elections, that the creation of a patently ridiculous "War on God" is laughable on its face and a very simple attempt at dividing the electorate while not dealing with a single issue of importance, like say, health care reform, the Iraq War or the impending recession? After seven years of George 'Dubya' Bush fucking up everything he's ever laid eyes on, is religion basically all you guys have left at this point? Are you that desperate?"

SNOW: "This iSenseChange is both a DailyKos blogger and an Atheist? Sounds like we've found our new Osama. He's a blogger. Is he an American? We have no way of knowing. He might even be a Muslim."

REPORTER: "Well, actually he's an avowed Atheist. so..."

SNOW: "So he might even be an Islamo-Atheo-Fascist-Extremist. That's the worst kind."

REPORTER: "Sounds scary as hell! Let's hope we find this guy!"

SNOW: "We'll smoke him out. Next question? Mr. Gannon?"

GANNON: "Given the nature of America's brand new war, which of the presidential contenders would be best suited to lead America in these, the darkest of times? Do any of them have a theology degree? Any decent speeches about this war recently?"

What war would be preferable to one on God?

a) the War on Homelessness
9% 4 votes

b) the War on Corporate Greed
15% 7 votes

c) the War on Presidential Criminality
18% 8 votes

d) the War on Environmental Destruction
6% 3 votes

e)the War on the Dumbing Down of the American Citizenry
50% 22 votes

The Republican Candidates are the Most Unelectable Gang of Freaks in American History

Sat Dec 08, 2007 at 09:24:48 AM PST
Alternatively, "Why McCain Can Win It."

So if nobody’s talking about Iraq, is McCain electable? Because if it’s not him, who the hell is it? I know Huck’s in the lead right now but how long can it last? I’ve never seen a candidate more primed for self-implosion than Mike Huckabee. He got a bump in the polls and thought it was Divine providence. I refuse to believe a majority of Republicans are that involved in magical thinking. I’ve talked to some of these folks (true story!) and as much as it is a party for the Religio-nutjobs, this is also the party of the CEOs, Big Business and Power. They hate taxes, the poor and probably Black people and tolerate the otherwise intolerable religious wing because it keeps them in power and because they’re so ridiculously easy to control. The ascendancy of former cokehead and frat boy, George ‘Dubya’ Bush, is proof positive of that.

Guliani’s got a raft of scandals behind him, Mitt’s a Mormon (do you actually believe you become a god and get a planet named after you when you die? Isn’t that just as fair a question as whether Kucinich thinks he saw a UFO or not? Discuss), the Creationist preacher almost has to self-destruct and the possibly sleeping actor has yet to impress a single person, anywhere, of anything. McCain’s tied hand and foot to Iraq but nobody talks about Iraq, right? It’s like the new, Neo-Reagan Law of the Republican Party: Republicans shalt not speak of ongoing, horrendous Republican fuck-ups. Which means any dialogue on Iraq is a no-no and George Dubya Bush is the new Voldemort.

What about Ron Paul? I don’t think he could win either. Why? He speaks the Truth on foreign policy. Republicans hate the Truth. Obscure it whenever they can. They figure (and rightfully so) that the population at large would never go along with half of the cockamamie schemes that have kept America afloat as long as it has, that the tyranny of the majority can only hurt the Glory of the Status Quo. If amalgamated into a single person they would be Jack Nicholson in "a Few Good Men," and most people, it turns out, really couldn’t handle the Truth.

I like to think Paul could win (though he’s medieval on Abortion and appalling on a host of other things) because that would mean that even the Right Wing has finally learned the lesson it has steadfastedly refused to even consider: that America’s Foreign Policy is not only one of it’s biggest problems but one of the entire world’s biggest problems and has been for decades. The omni-fractured Middle East alone is testament enough of that but it has never before been enough for the Right wing, who’re perfectly happy to blame it all on the desert rats. Or the French. And sometimes the Jews. Nope, if anything it’s the Republicans that can’t handle the Truth and that’s why Paul’s most likely doomed. But hey, prove me wrong, you know? Absolutely love to see it.

No, I keep going back to McCain. Every day Giuliani free-falls (and I don’t see how he can pull out of it, I think there’s a treasure-trove of scandal yet to gurgle forward from the ooze of this creature’s stay as the mayor of Nine Eleven) may go along way towards furthering McCain as the NeoCon favorite, which still has a hideous amount of power in American politics, government and with, of course, Big Oil. Which also means a good cash infusion if they think he’s the horse that should win.

But McCain though? Do I even think that? How could he possibly go on to defeat any single candidate on the Left? In spite of the fact that nothing significant has happened since then, the American people sent a loud and clear message to the political fiefdom in 2006: we don’t like losing. Get us out. Now. Course, they didn’t do what they were told by their supposed bosses but they certainly got the message.

All of which means I find myself in the very unlikely position of placing my bets on John McCain to win the Republican Nomination. I know. It’s ridiculous. I sound like an idiot. I don’t even like saying it. But the Creationist is gonna implode, Giuliani's might just be the biggest scandal magnet in history and Mitt Romney failed to reduce what I like to call the "Otheriness of Mormonism in America" with his Bizarro world version of the JFK speech.

And somebody’s just gotta win this thing. Bloody weird is what it is. Make no mistake about it, this is shaping up to be the weirdest race in political history. And just wait til the Independents announce.

Which trait will sink which candidate?

a) Giuliani's well established abuse of public funds while mayor of NYC
51% 23 votes

b) Romney's "Mormon problem"
22% 10 votes

c) Huck's creationism

d) McCain's attachment to the incumbent's ideas and policies
20% 9 votes

Dana Perino: Hotness on the Hot Seat

Thu Dec 06, 2007 at 11:13:14 PM PST

JOHN: Miss Perino, what do you make of eminent dKos blogger iSenseChange’s statement that this latest scandal is incontrovertible evidence that President Bush is a lying, evil and insane bastard and should be the subject of an impeachment investigation?

"What am I gonna tell them this time? I mean, I’m good, I know I’m good but this one...Jesus. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Knew this was gonna happen! Knew it. They think the NIE was just gonna disappear or something? Idiots. Goddamn Cheney!"

"Fuck it. I’m hot. Bring it on you sissies. Hah!"

DANA:(offers a very pitying smile) Look, the President has been very clear, if you can understand as I do how he speaks and you should know better than to ask such a question, John. I would expect something like this from iSenseChange but not you. C’mon.

JOHN:(full of genuine shame)I know, I’m sorry Dana. Still, it’s not just iSenseChange, it’s, well...everybody! Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan want an investigation into who knew what and when. Scarborough and Buchanan!

DANA: You’re going to tell me that a ‘journalist" in the Leftist and possibly Communist MSNBC wants an investigation of a Republican president? Big surprise.

JOHN: Hey, I’m from the MSNBC!

DANA: And there you have it. Next question?

JOHN: Buchanan though? He said that what you guys are trying to pull is "non-credible" today and that he thinks they oughta subpoena Condie and Hadley and Gates and Negroponte and basically whoever else they can get their mitts on.

DANA: Yeah, well, how’s the whole congressional subpoena process been working so far?

JOHN: Touche, but –

DANA: How about the whole investigation process, what’s that been doing for you lately, anything at all?

JOHN: Touche again but don’t you think that if you guys have lost credibility with Patty Buchanan and ‘Stupid and Proud of It’ cheerleader Joey Scarborough then pretty much nobody, anywhere believes what you yourself are saying even right this very second?

DANA: Yeah, that’s a tough one. Attack the messenger, attack the messenger...Pat Buchanan’s getting older. Joey Scarborough’s been a communist for most of his life. And the President has never actually lied to anybody since he ditched the coke and found God. Think about it.

JOHN: Errrrr...okay...? Think about what?

DANA: Think about your next question? Before you ask it. Next question?

JOHN: A follow-up question, if I could-

DANA: (audible impatient sigh): Whatever. Jesus wept!

JOHN: The other assertion this iSenseChange made is that if Dubya-

DANA: (a deeply disapproving frown and a look that would melt steel) Dubya?

JOHN: Georgie! George!

DANA: The President.

JOHN: (full of shame) Sorry. But the other assertion iSenseChange makes is that in the extremely unlikely and nearly impossible event that Dub- the President is telling the truth and that he didn’t know the thrust of the NIE until just the other day (which we all agree is impossible, but for the sake of argument we'll call it nearly impossible) then wouldn’t he be so bad at his job, the worst ever (like he wasn’t already), that he would have to be impeached anyways? Just for simple derelection of duty, let’s say? To whit: lying dick or grotesquely incompetent and possibly retarded, doesn’t matter, the President should be impeached either way?

Dana: May I remind you this is a time of War? Congratulations, you just emboldened Al-Queda in Iraq. Kill troops much?

John: I thought things were going swimmingly in Iraq?

Dana: They are. Thanks for asking. Next question?


Dana Perino is

a) in possession of a soul in mortal jeopardy
10% 8 votes

b) competently enabling the biggest criminals in history
22% 18 votes

c) a Nazi uberwoman. BOW DOWN!
18% 15 votes

d) spinning so fast she may just disappear
41% 33 votes

e) possibly falling in love with esteemed DailyKos blogger and eminent sage, iSenseChange
7% 6 votes


Dubya, World War III and the Damning NIE

Well, there it is. Keep impeachment off the table and the neocons will inevitably try to spin their way into Iran, not having finished their Iraq or Afghanistans. Well, there's nothing really surprising here, it's simple Cause and Effect and you really can't blame them for trying to trigger World War Three. Might as well blame the scorpion for hiding in your shoe. It's in their nature.

Why not build another phony case for invading Iran or indeed anybody else? Dems have rumbled impotently about pulling out some troops, some time or other with little discernable effect on the President, his policies and wildly aberrant behavior. The American people have not yet shaken the Dorito crumbs off their collective chest, poured themselves out of the couch, switched off the inanely chattering omnipresent boob-tube and actually got pissed off in a way anybody would notice, (like, say during Vietnam?). So if you’re a bloodthirsty, chicken-hawk neocon you gotta be saying ‘why not Iran’? I mean, fuck it, right? It’s the ultimate double down and these cats don’t mind betting the house when it certainly is not now nor has ever been their blood and guts on the line. Not to mention all their Rich Friends just keep getting richer throughout the whole debacle which everybody knows and has still done nothing about.

I never believed that if or when Iran gets the bomb like so many of it’s neighbors have already done, they’re gonna use it on the vastly more powerful Israeli-American axis/alliance (again, call it whatever you like, just acknowledge it exists). It would be a very obvious act of suicide. To which, I’m certain, many of the Rabid Right would say, "well, so what? Are they not a nation of Suicide bombers?" Well, no, actually, not a nation of them. A Nation employs it’s suicide bombers the way the West employs it’s ground troops: only the poor need apply. The Rich, on either side of the ideological divide, almost always have "other priorities." So, Akmaniwhatshisnuts ain’t gonna sacrifice his own skin or that of those that put him in power. Which means he’s actually have to be nuts to fire them at Israel, even if he had the power to do so which he doesn’t.

But bomb away! Seriously, can't blame them. Impeach? Yes. Blame? No. It's not their fault and Jefferson would agree. Jefferson and the fellas knew there'd be greedy evil bastards looking to warp America and its people for their own sick purposes. What the whole American experiment rests on is an informed citizenry to hold these people to account. That job not done, that's who you blame, and it's really that simple.

Make your choice:
Bush invoked WWIII and another pre-emptive strike in spite of the NIE because...

a) He most likely doesn't know what an NIE is and should therefore be impeached for stupidity
15% 7 votes

b) He had only been told about the NIE about a week ago and should therefore be impeached for incompetence
2% 1 votes

c) he figured he'd just spin it when it came out anyways and should be impeached for being a lying bastard. Again.
68% 30 votes

d) the NIE is wrong, Bush is right and will be right in all things forever. FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!!!
13% 6 votes