Wednesday, February 14, 2007

MidEast Ablaze: Israeli, Arab...Same Difference?

Almost a week(?) into the MidEast scene, still no idea on the scope of it. Is it "World War III: the Great Oil War(s)" or can the thing subside somehow? Back into the box. Just one more time, you can do it. There you go. Whew! You're getting, like, BIG.

I don't want to be partisan, and I'm not. I'm not pro-arab any more than I'm pro-israeli. Such divisions are OldWorlde and you all KNOW IT. I'm pro-Earthian, you sons of bitches (damn, sorry LiveOaks), which transcends all this petty garbage that inflicts humanity like a cancer and has for so long. GROW UP! WE'RE SENTIENT BEINGS! WE CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS OR WE DON'T DESERVE ANY OF IT AND WILL KEEP NONE OF IT! BECAUSE WE'LL JUST BE GONE!! WHAT? YOU THOUGHT WE WERE SPECIAL?!? HAH!!!

This scene has been mismanaged and f**ed up for DECADES!!! What is the MATTER WITH US! WITH ALL OF US!!! WITH YOU!!!

Sorry. Where was I? Rambling? Right. Blamed the whole thing on the reader. Attaboy Sense. No wonder you haven't made ten bucks offa this shit.

The weird thing is that the more you hear both sides, the more they sound the same? Anybody else catching this? Each side of the conflict can go back to their little dates when their sworn enemy for life did something awful and terrible after an agreement was to be made, had the chance for peace and screwed it forever. Both sides will do exactly that, and many of them can go all day. And it goes a little something like this:

ISRAEL: “Bloodthirsty jihadist terrorists attack Israel. AGAIN! Naturally worried for the safety of her people, Israel defends herself. Terrorists in turn escalate their horrific attacks. Israel escalates the vigorousness of its defense for the security of its people. Both sides keep escalating and a lot of totally innocent Earthians die.” (49 words. I think.)

PALESTINE et al: “The Occupiers step up their campaign to repress the Palestinian people and take yet more of their land. AGAIN! Palestinian freedom fighters respond however they can to such an overwhelming force. Israel in turn escalate their destruction. Both sides keep escalating and a lot of totally innocent Earthians die.” (49 words. I think.)

There you have it, folks. There's nothing more similar to the Arabs than the Israelis. And vice versa. Whew. Wrap your mind around that one. Just tripped myself out. Hmmm.

My fervent Hope is that I offended all, equally.

The Essential, Larger-Scale Fact of the Matter: Both sides are and have been actively killing each other for decades, and for pretty much the exact same reasons, just different nuance and perception. In the end the situation is that both sides are actively involved in a mutually suicidal cycle of Mayhem and Death, each contributing towards there own demise and each other’s. It's like you were made for one another, but only to destroy.

Again, I can only Hope with a whole heart that I have offended all. And equally.

Here’s why I think the cycle can be broken (and don’t worry, I already know myself to be a fool): People can actually break cycles. I’ve seen it happen. Might’ve even done it myself once or twice. I’ve seen it happen many times on the individual level. So if one can, who’s to say many can’t? Do you know it for fact? I’ll tell you what I know for a fact, and that is that the only true Constant is Change.

What does it take? Leadership. NonPartisan leadership that can grasp the inherent similarities of these groups, take both sides into account and view both of their pasts with real, genuine empathy. How's that for crazy-talk? I know. Well, put on your crazy pants and assume that such a thing were possible. Who's gonna do it? America has precluded itself from this role (which ought be it's natural right, being the world's only SuperPower) by giving one side a blank check. America's too close to judge independently, can we all agree with at least that? Please? You can't fix the MidEast mess if you're partisan. In the end you're not gonna do anything but add to the mess, throw fuel on the fire like the rest of the madmen, now legion.

Nope, NonPartisan leadership must be able to see both sides of the MidEast conflict or it just goes on unto the Apocalypse.

NonPartisan Leadership from somebody. But who?

Jeez (and I said that instead of the f-bomb LiveOaks), I could suuuuuuure go for a cuppa Kofi about now...

Yes. Well, goodnight then.


p.p. And how, precisely, does one get back one's soldiers safe and sound from the terrorists by bombing said terrorists -and everybody and thing around it- to smithereens? Are not the odds excellent that this strategy ends with your soldiers being killed by your own bombs and missiles? I defy anybody to explain to me how I'm wrong on this. Triple-dog dare you. Betcha never heard that question from the good folks at the News, did you?

Get your analysis here folks, hottest deal in town at six bucks a year!

POSTMODERN GoogleAd MOMENT: Out of four GoogleAds on this blog, two were about meeting nice Jewish girls in my area. Not making any of this up and not being racist. One of 'em was called Check it out. Anyhow, make whatever you will of any of it, but it gives me another idea for peace. I need to take both an arab girl and an israeli girl to bed. Get 'em to kiss one another. And me. Yeah. What the hell, I've fucked for far less headier things than World Peace. I'm ready to give my all! Tell 'em I love 'em, marry 'em even, just so they could be unified in their eventual hatred for me if nothing else. This has been your POSTMODERN GoogleAd MOMENT.

NonRandom MP3age: "Imagine," by John Lennon

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