Saturday, February 17, 2007

Oedipus Bush and the Tale of Two Daddies

But didn't this always Oedipal Bush presidency just get ratcheted up a notch when Rummy finally got the bum’s rush for messing up everything he laid eyes on, for now Georgie’s gotta choose between two daddies, right? Sure!

Here’s the call, folks, and remember where you heard it first: Before the 2006 Election Thumpin’, the Presidency belonged to ‘OilSlick’ Dick Cheney. After the "2006 Thumpin' heard Round the World," the Presidency belongs to former President George ‘Also a Liar and War Profiteer’ Bush Senior. Dubya becomes the bumbling Prince George he’s always been with Jeb as maybe some kind of a Prince Hal type. This is Shakespeare, right? But what does it mean and how does it end?

IRAQ: Ol’ Cheney’ll howl “Stay the Course” forever. Twice as loud now that Rummy’s been turfed. No cost in dollars and blood is too high, ever. Not his money and not his blood, thankyew veddy much. So who cares?

Daddy Bush and his crew’ll be leaning towards declaring a meaningless victory tomorrow and getting the fuck out, but keeping the big Superbases intact (you know about the huge SuperBases, right? America's not really leaving Iraq no matter what they say they're gonna do), making scads of money every which way but loose (why stop now?) and leaving options for MidEast control firmly intact. Smart money’s on never declaring any kind of finish to the thing. Leave, but leave your options open…

ON IRAN: Before the 2006 Election Thumpin,’ Dubya’s daddy of choice was the ideological neoconservative father; ‘Oilslick’ Dick, who remains, to this day, very obviously balls out for attacking Iran as soon as possible. Probably the very first words out of his mouth when he showed up to to work the day after the Thumpin Heard Round the World was “find some kinda good reason before January first to bomb Iran to smithereens and just bloody do it.” Been grumbling menacingly about it for years.

Daddy Bush, who once resisted pressing on to Baghdad for fear of the type of chaos we’re now actually witnessing, will tell Georgie (through his old cronies who now have total access to the Whitehouse, new SecDef Gates and Baker III) to lay off Iran, to put it back in his pants for awhile. ‘Finish you’re plate, Georgie,’ Pappa Bush will admonish: ‘no Iran until you’ve finished your Iraq! And you haven’t even touched your Afghanistan!’

So, Dubya’s gotta choose between his two daddies, one ideological, one biological. Like bein’ a President wasn’t tough enough! Gosh! But enough on that. Dubya has to go with Bush Sr because it’s like a default position. He’s used to daddy bailing him out. Happened all his life. And everybody, everywhere, knows it.

How deeply embarassing for Dubya, who tried so desperately to become every bit the swaggering dick his 'wimpy' father never was. That's the thing that so many people get wrong and I see it all the time. Bush Sr was never running the show for Dubya because he quite simply never woulda ran it that way. Dubya saw Daddy's presidence as a humiliating failure and surrounded himselves with as many tough guys as he knew. Unfortunately, for the whole world, these tough guys were also insane. But so endeth the song of the NeoCon, a return to a presidencey thought long gone, two Bush presidents; a Father, a Son.

There you have it. Take it to the bank.


p.p. Impeach Bush. Bust Cheney first for War Profiteering. Now.

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