Sunday, December 28, 2008

Neocon Versus Nazi: Godwin Be Damned

Wed May 21, 2008 at 06:27:57 PM PST

According to Ray McGovern these NeoCons of yours were known throughout Washington, well before they got elected not once but twice, as the ‘crazies’ and at this phase we can all say rightfully so. Name a nuttier group in history. I know you’re gonna say it was the Nazis and yes, they had their own particular vision of how the Earth should be dominated by the Nation they served and yes, they did nutty, awful things because nobody was able to stop them, but would you say they were nuttier? Have you read "Project for the New American Century?" Maybe not the same game but certainly in the ballpark. You know, 'the Global Domination/Damnation' ballpark?

What if the only significant structural differences between Neocon and Nazi was that Adolph Hitler was but one man, whereas the PNAC were MANY of the most powerful men on earth?

Do I have to wait until they’re actually as bad as the Nazis before I can make a comparison? Because that’s not how it works in pro sports! "This guy might be the next Michael Jordan! Wayne Gretzky! Muhammed Ali! Babe Ruth! Jenna Jameson!" We do it in sports and porn but not politics or history? Why? Oh yeah, there’s just some comparisons we’re not supposed to make until it’s already Too Late, until the Damage has Been Done and the bootheel’s on my freaking neck? Well, fuck you, I guess. That doesn’t sound like a decent plan to me.

The biggest 'What If' of the early 2Ks is actually this: what if Rummy hadn't totally screwed up the Iraq War, what if it was somebody that actually knew what they were doing, somebody that had planned for the Post-war? What if America won? You think they would have stopped their mideast rip at Iraq? Or at Patriot Acts 1 and 2? Or at Abu Graib? Or at the Suspension of Habeus Corpus? Or at the utter shredding of the Constitution? Hey, insert your fave hideous neocon action/law/power-grab(s) here, Citizens, and a big seig-howdy right back atcha! Am I wrong? Wanna invoke Godwin on all this? Go right ahead but you'd be wrong to do it.

The point, if I do indeed have one here, is that there are not just one but many possible comparisons to be made between Bush and the NeoCons and Adolf and the Nazis and to label any argument in this vein as useless strictly on the grounds of some smarmy, blogworlde pseudo-law that you're probably not even using properly is actually dangerous. It comes down to one of those 'not knowing history being doomed to repeat it' scenarios. Don't kid yourself. Like maybe you think everything’ll always somehow get better, maybe through God or through some kind of latent Positivist leanings or you’re still just hungover from that Last Great Rip before the American Dream floats right down the shitter to be replaced by it’s polar opposite, the American Nightmare. A SuperPower turned Desperate and Depraved, a citizenry turned to troubled sleep.

Or not? Good news is it seems the worm has turned, these are the Last Days of Disco for the sick, neocon freaks and their sick, neocon dreams. But the point is that it happened. They happened. And they happened on your watch. As a citizen. Which means they can happen again. And if you think your doing yourself some kind of favor by turning a blind eye to all they have done to your planet, to your country and most importantly, YOUR CONSTITUTION, you're as wrong as it gets and closer to the citizens of Germany in the late thirties than any population before or since. Chew on that and then tell me to go fuck myself. I'm cool with it. I said my piece.

Righty oh. All for now.


Poll: Any comparison between Neocon and Nazi

should be discussed on its merit
66% 22 votes

is ridiculous on its face
24% 8 votes

Godwin. Godwin! GODWIN!!! whew...
9% 3 votes

| 33 votes total

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