Sunday, December 28, 2008

Fantasy Obama Response on Olbermann, inre 911

Fri Mar 14, 2008 at 07:09:25 PM PST

"It seems my pal the preacher thinks the terrorists attacked because of foreign policy during the last half century. George Bush thinks its because they 'hate freedom' and that we should go shopping. Maybe you, Keith, think it was culture-envy and maybe I think it was for all of these things. And more, like I'd throw in the part about how cultures often degenerate towards evil ways when immersed in poverty, inequality and tyranny. What if it's all those things? What if it's a few more reasons that you and I haven't even thought of yet?"

"See what I'm getting at?"

"Thing is, well, I know what Dubya says about these things and I know what guys like Kristol, Rove and O'Reilley have to say about why the terrorists attacked on 911. But you could spend the rest of your life organizing, categorizing and presenting all the millions of ways the Roves and O'Reilleys have been wrong on just about everything they ever coulda been right about. Doesn't sound like alot of fun to me and it won't do anything towards addressing what has happened and what to do about it but you could certainly make a career of it."

"The upshot is, I know what the Roves and O'Reilleys think about it but I don't know what you think, Keith. I don't know, offhand, what Hillary would say about it. And I don't know what percentage of America thinks it was because of FreedomHating or CultureEnvy or our Foreign Policy but you know what? I'd be interested to know. Wouldn't you? So why don't you ask them these questions Keith and more importantly, why don't you help us listen to ourselves? I watch your show all the time. You might just be the man to do it."

"Point is there's never been any kind of deep, National Debate into the Big Why of 911. Sure, we had different collections of pundits serve us up whatever platitude best represents their network's place on the ideological scale and fair enough; we should at this point expect little more from them. But maybe now's the time for us to move beyond media consensus shaping and ask the question amongst ourselves as a populace. You know?

Listen, we got hit. Hard. Okay? And it shocked us to the core. All of us. King Hell Redneck Righty and Bullgoose Loony Lefty alike. And here we all are. So let me ask you this: has enough time passed that we have recovered enough from that awful day that we can now brush the dust and rubble from ourselves and become capable, as a People, of discussing amongst ourselves, openly and holistically about what has happened that day and in the days months and years prior that may or may not have had a role to play in the events of September 11th, 2001? Wouldn't that actually be a very healthy and cathartic thing for a great but still healing society such as ours to do?"

"To debate amongst ourselves where necessary? To examine all relevant evidences and come to a consensus that is best represented by them, not some media consensus and certainly not what consensus there be within the very closed and heavily secretive Bush administration that has been so wrong and mendacious on so much. I'm talking about a consensus developed by us! We the People! If not now, when? If not us, whom and if not America, then wherever on earth?"

"So let's have that debate amongst us, amongst all of us. In spite of the numbers it seems my opponent is hellbent on dragging this process out to the bitterest of ends, so I've got the time. Let's embrace this chance to open a national dialogue about the biggest "why" never openly addressed by about 911. It's not unpatriotic to ask 'why,' not in the America I grew up in, Keith, and not your America either, I'm as certain of that as I am that the Sun will rise tomorrow."


Blogger's Note: In the interests of full disclosure the blogger would like to at this point announce that he is not an American citizen, that he is fully aware he is delving into some sensitive issues here but he considers himself your friend and is watching your elections like he's addicted to them. It's better than football but the ramifications are so much larger than a statue or cup. Be well. In spite of what you see and hear from your news outlets every day, many in this world are looking to not your politicians but to You the People for the type of Change the whole world needs. Do a friend a favor and be that Change, would you?

Poll: The terrorists attacked on 911 because...

America's foreign policy for the last half Century
63% 45 votes

5% 4 votes

2% 2 votes

Immersion in Poverty, Inequality and Tyranny
28% 20 votes

| 71 votes total

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