Sunday, December 28, 2008

Barack's Staffers are Not Idiots and I'm a Dick

Tue Feb 26, 2008 at 09:02:00 PM PST

Your opponent shows up in a coffin, nailed up tight but for one or two empty slots, for which you have both nails and hammer in hand. What do you do, what do? If you're Barrack Obama in the 20th Democratic Nomination Debate, nothing apparently, or at least not enough. For which I don't blame him specifically, I quite like the fellow and think him vastly superior to his hawkish opponent. But his staffers should be boiled and eaten for not making him tee up on the obvious, easy ones. Don't you think? Is it just me? I mean, I understand the 'taking the high road' but man, give somethin' to the fans, would ya?

UPDATE: Changed the title of this little blog 'o mine due to massive and quite justifiable protests against the very idea that these same staffers that have obviously worked very hard and played no small role in taking 'Bama to where he is today, poised to capture the Democratic nomination, could possibly be idiots. I withdraw the assertion without reservation and in my own defense all I can say is...well...don't blog angry, people! I was told it's too late to change said title yet did it anyways. Apologies to all involved, where applicable, have a nice day


Hills talks about her Iraq vote and the preemptive war and says, and I quote

"President Bush waged a preemptive war and I warned against it."

You catch that? She warned against it? When?

"Tonight, the President gave javascript:void(0)Saddam Hussein one last chance to avoid war, and the world hopes that Saddam Hussein will finally hear this ultimatum, understand the severity of those words, and act accordingly. While we wish there were more international support for the effort to disarm Saddam Hussein, at this critical juncture it is important for all of us to come together in support of our troops"

I see no warning there on the Hill's part. you? A warning would be like saying "look, don't do this. We shouldn't invade preemptively. It's sets back the internationalist movement about a thousand years and makes us look like power-mad hegemonist jerks. Just...stop it."

Hill's saying she made some kind of adequate warning against a premeptive strike doesn't jive in any way, shape or form and in a debate you hammer an opponent for stuff like this. Obama let that line, that ludicrous line about Hill's warning float by. It's bloody distressing to me. What else? Oh yeah, here's a goodie:

"Lots of people were speaking out against the war."

Really? Lots? You mean, prior to the invasion itself? That's horseshit. Complete and utter horseshit. It totally denies the environment of the times in which ANY anti-war talk was denounced wholesale by both major political parties and shouted down widely through the supposedly free US of A. I remember Gore speaking out about it and getting utterly slagged by the entirety of the mainstream media, from far Right to Centrist (sadly, not for the first time nor last) and nobody really coming to his defense. We know hubby Bill said bupkis about it until 2008(at which point he claims he was against it, though since he never spoke out about the impending, massive, American-made disaster we'll just have to take his word for it) and Hawk was as big as cheerleader for it as anybody on the Left. As anybody you care to name, bar none. Lots of people were speaking out against it? It's revisionist history and it's actually insulting to those of us that marched and protested and wrote and blogged and debated against the whole godawful thing. She shoulda been slagged for it, it was an easy point to make and Barrack chose not to, much to my consternation and my dog's good natured concern.

The perfect example though? Free Trade, how shite it's been for America and how Hill should take responsibility for it if she's taking responsility for everything else Bill did. They talked Free Trade but Obama held off the easy point until Russert basically dragged it out of him with a clip he'd made. Had the question not been asked, the point would never be made that Clinton, if sharing responsibility for all the accomplishments of her hubbies presidency ought also take responsility for the hideously tragic NAFTA plan.

My point is, don't hold off on those easy points if you want to put the nail in the coffin. That's it, that's all, and maybe Barack's too nice a guy to do it but if disaster strikes and barrack Obama manages to lose this thing I guarantee you, it's because he didn't knock the nobrainers out of the park.

All for now.


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