Sunday, December 28, 2008

George Bush, Barack Obama and a Return to the Rule of Law

Sat Nov 22, 2008 at 03:50:45 PM PST

GWB was off the hook for impeachment, much to the consternation of many Americans, to say nothing for the rest of the world-at-large but in the final analysis maybe that’s how it had to be done? Dems knew if they’d impeached Dubya, Dick ‘Go Fuck Yourself’ Cheney and the rest of Cobra Command that it would only foster the continued resentment amongst an already hugely divided populace. Dems knew smart money was in uniting over dividing and they did what they had to do. Pelosi took it off the table and Obama’s in. Does correlation equal causation? In this case, can we call it a contributing factor? Divide and conquer is how Rove wins elections, unite and transcend may well be the Pelosi-Reid plan as much as it was Barack Obama's.

So, what does it mean? It just depends on what’s more important: Justice for the most corrupt and incompetent administration ever or getting the right person behind the driver’s wheel in one of the most uncertain times in history? Can an Obama presidency be that Justice, then?

At any rate, moving forward, my feeling is the rule of law needs to be preserved. If he and his cronies committed criminal acts they must be tried and if found guilty must be sentenced for them. Ultimately, America is a Nation of Laws or else, as the whole world has recently seen, in horror, it is a Nation of base Corruption and Criminality. There ought be no middle ground. Law is law and no one, not even Bush Jr and dangerous Dick are above it. Getting away with criminality is part of the old regime, not the new one. Right? Right.

The timing? Not right now, obviously. Dubya is poised to do all sorts of creative things with his pardoning power before he inevitably burns the White House to the ground on January 20th, including, possibly, a groundbreaking preemptive personal catch-all pardon for himself and the rest of the neocon rogues, murderers and sneak-thieves for any and all criminal acts committed during the worst administration since Nero.

Just look what he did with his signing statements; turned the whole legislative process on its ear, something only possible if you have a historically corrupt Congress and a historically spineless opposition party. So, what does all that mean? Don’t launch any investigations until the law folk have a good chance to look at the wording of whatever comes out of Dubya’s office in early to mid January.

Once you’re there you have to sell it to the American public in a way that doesn't tear down all the unification, good feeling and outright national healing the Obama victory has generated. It’s a speech by Obama and it’s about Law and it’s about no one being Above the Law. You either respect the Rule of Law or you don't. It’s about an investigation team recognized universally as post partisan. It’s about investigating where applicable and sentencing only if necessary. It is, perhaps most importantly, about showing America’s children that criminality is not allowed by anybody, not even Presidents. And finally, I would argue, it’s about America healing itself.

Love to you, America. I've watched your journey intensively over the last eight years and am so proud you made the decision you did. The whole world pays when you elect stuttering fucktards over intellectual giants strictly because you think they'd be more fun to have beers with. In electing Obama you've given not just yourselves but the whole world somebody we can all look up to. And work with. And effect Change with.


p.p. Going to change my name. The era of SensingChange is over. Change is here.

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