Sunday, December 28, 2008

Bailout Blues: Next Vote Also Doomed

First one failed because it utterly reeked. The same bunch of filthy pigfuckers that lied their country into the Iraq war, bollixed up any kind of meaningful response to Hurricane Katrina and tore to shreds the United States Constitution would have next liked its Citizens to fork over nothing less than seven hundred billion dollars, with no oversight whatsoever, to a hand-picked Bush crony who’s at least as much to blame for the current deplorable situation as anybody else on earth. Even after the Democrats got their hands on the legislation, many Americans saw it as little more than the nadir of an administration, and indeed system, driven by greed, corruption, opportunism and fearmongering. And who’s to say they were wrong? Or right for that matter? Who knows for sure?

One thing is certain: the next bail-out will fail. Evidently nobody of consequence has really grasped the cause of the first one failing, which might be the one of only two simple answers in this whole mess: 700 billion sheckels is a lot of goddamned money, to me, to you and even to the Saudis. The sometimes competent Chuck Todd hit it square on the head this time when he investigated just who had voted for and against the Bush bailout and found almost to a man that it was Democrats and Republicans in precarious electoral positions. Meaning you don’t want your name attached to the breathstealingly massive bailout of the Greedy Dicks in a Greedy Dick System that put America and the world in the situation it now finds itself in, if there’s a chance you might get kicked out for it by your constituents less than a month from now. That’s it, that’s all, that’s the failure and as far as I can tell it’s inevitable that precisely the same thing will happen again, so long as the price tag is in or anywhere close to 700 billion freaking dollars.

Sure the new plan will have the appropriate nods to this or that, more stringent guidelines and oversight of this thing or the other but you know one thing that won’t change a lick? It’ll cost about 700 billion dollars. Which means the same Dems and Repugs that were under pressure to vote against it last time will be just as pressured to do precisely the same thing this time. Because people, all people, actually care about this, more than they cared to stop an illegal unjust war or torturing people or booting out obvious criminal thugs in the Whitehouse or even investigating their crimes. Because this is about money.

Thing is, people (all people, not just Americans) are stupid about a lot of things but the one thing that none of us can stomach is the feeling that we’re getting ripped off. For our money. We can believe in invading another country if you can appeal to our Freedom. Tell us it’s for Peace, Truth and Democracy and we’ll give the nod to the total annihilation of whole nations of toothless grannies and children. But treat us like suckers in regards to our money, to a lot of our money? This, all humans, regardless of Race, Color or Creed, find supremely insulting.

So the next bailout is doomed. What happens after that? The Dems produce their own piece of legislation, just as unlikely to pass? The senate takes a swing at it? Dubya makes yet another Executive Power move? Wall Street implodes? Economic anarchy? Chaos in the streets? Or is the whole thing made up? A huge manufactured scam on the part of the Wall St/Washington Axis of Greed? These questions and many more will probably not be answered in the days to come but take heart, Citizens. No one on earth knows what’s going to happen even six months from now, so how are you supposed to?

In the meantime, why not learn a little Chinese?

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