Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dubya Nearly Smoked in the Head by a Pair of Shoes

Sun Dec 14, 2008 at 08:23:33 PM PST


Can’t stop watching the video of that dude throwing not one but two shoes at the President, who, it turns out, is actually pretty quick on his feet when he needs to be. What a shot! What a couple of shots! This guy is fucking deadly with those shoes, man! I’ve never seen anything like it! And I’m just about equally impressed with former college cheerleader George 'Dubya' Bush for moving so fast himself! These are two athletes at the top of their prospective games we’re watching here, makes you wonder if Bush has had to do a lot of duck-and-cover during his reign as America’s worst and most hated President of all time? Have there been other shoes? What do they throw at him in Tanzania? Istanbul?

It’s become my favorite net clip of all time, second only to that one where the ape sniffs his finger after scratching his ass and falls out of the tree. What do you figure? Guantanamo? Abu Graib? A book deal? I’m told he is (was?) a journalist, which means he’ll have some choice words about the whole thing, should he survive the next couple of weeks. And he ought to. Giving Bush a black eye for the holidays would have been the perfect gift to the whole world, America most certainly included. It’s a pretty good gift as it stands.

Chalk up yet one more in the irony column for the Bush Administration, Dubya nearly gets knocked out by a flung shoe when he's in Iraq promoting the New Security Deal. You believe it? You really can't make this stuff up. They keep surprising me, even at this late date.

None of which has anything to do with me dropping you a line at ______’s behest, regarding potential contribution of material to your many fine publications. Sure, I’m game. I’m thinking the way forward is take a peek at the last thing I wrote on a blog at the DailyKos regarding the Obama victory, which I’ve attached to this email for your perusal. If you can get past the swearing and terrible grammar you may or may not find some smallish nugget of wisdom worth a toss to somebody, somewhere and if this indeed is the case then maybe we have a pint and hash something out.

All for now,

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