Sunday, December 28, 2008

"Autocannibalism" or "How to Lose ANOTHER No-Brainer Election to a Neocon"

Mon Mar 31, 2008 at 05:17:11 PM PST

I can believe you guys run elections like this. It’s amazing. I’m utterly agog. What the Christ is all this? How much does all it cost? Are you NUTS?!? They’re eating each other alive out there! McCain’s crew is just laying back, dropping long-range YouTube bombs and laughing their arses off! Hill’s junk is strewed all over the tarmac in Bosnia and the media’ll pump it up like it’s freaking WhiteWater even as it replays the latest and greatest from Obama’s Reverend buddy who just happens to be an angry Black man. Jesus wept! So freaking what?!? After Katrina, I’m an angry Black man and I’m not even Black!!!!

Divide and conquer is back. Except this is subdivide and conquer further. SuperPlusDivision. Politics of Fear melds with race. Throw some religion and politics in there and maybe you can never get together again! The Republicans are, to a man, laughing their asses off right now, I assure you, rightfully freaking so. The Democrats, somehow, are screwing even this one up. You know, fool that I am, I always assumed the first Post Bush election was supposed to be a no-brainer but NOT LIKE THIS! Jesus H. Suffering Christ, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. It’s like a little mini version of your Electoral College where once again we find important decisions decided by something other than the popular vote. In this case you’ll find your Democracy subverted by yet another collection of old and mostly white and mostly male and entirely rich SuperDelegates whom, collectively, apparently know better than the voters what is best for...the voters. Am I alone in thinking; just what the blistering fuque is going on here? What’s wrong with most little pieces of paper with the candidate’s name on it wins? Why the extra step? Is there a Doctor Ockham in the house?

Is the Universe that fucked up that I now have to imagine a world in which (urrppp) McCain will be the next American president? After Dubya? The ‘bomb-bomb-Iran’ guy is on deck? The ‘strolling through the streets of Baghdad’ guy gets a shake at it? Must I consider it possible? Yes Virginia, and here’s why; Bush, dufus and moron that he most assuredly be and however it actually went down, managed to seize the office not once but twice. So yeah. It’s possible. And there it be. An idea so hideous that it tastes like rank puke inside my mind as I think it, but there it be. The "100 years is fine with me" guy is actually a threat. And he is. Don’t kid yourself. The value of having a gushing and horny media on your side is not to be debated, at all, in any way. And they fall all over this guy. This is already well-established and admitted by a lot of big-name Media vampires already, vampires like Joey the Scar and that hideous twit Matthews. Are you catching this? They’ve already chosen their sides. Media controls the message, media loves McCain...

Look, maybe this ‘Bama cat’s the real deal. Maybe it always takes just that one person, that archetypal, zeitgeistal hero to step up and name aloud the beasts that lurk in the bushes and slay them where they lay, for once and for all. That one person that starts a movement or maybe just accelerates one, gurgles it to the surface and maybe somehow that one person is able to turn the whole awful mess into something new. Maybe it’s a Renaissance. Maybe it’s his destiny. Maybe it isn’t. I don’t know. I am equal parts Hope and Cynicism at this point, not of him, not at all. But of them. And you. All of you. Some of you.


What will you do, come November? Because you’re one of the players on the stage of a show that the whole world is watching. It’s like football with global implications. It’s the All American Soap Opera, complete with heroes and bad guys and sex and race and violence and hope and...well, you got me. It’s one hell of a show. I hope it turns out alright in the end is all I can say at this point. I’m a little concerned, myself. Have been for some time, to be honest. And I know some of you have too, but the question (and it’s key) is how many of you are concerned? Sure, there’s those amongst you that are entirely switched on and active and know the score but I wonder about that other number, not of those that are lost forever, the "Dubya For Life, Stupid and Proud of It" but the other, possibly far greater number. How many are just switched off and couldn’t be bothered? Can’t get the time off work, gotta watch their favorite shows, get drunk on the weekends and that’s about it. Work, tv, drink, fuck and die. The "Leave Politics for the Assholes" people. How many of those? That’s the real number. In any country. How many just couldn’t give a fuck? It really is the nut of the thing.

Like if this thing drags on to the point that you hate everybody involved and can’t be bothered with any of it? That’s the real cost of this primary season running so long and ugly as it has. Hills should fuckin’ bow out and just about everybody knows it except for the hack punditocracy that want this thing to go on for as long as possible for two, very simple and basic reasons:

1. If it bleeds it leads and Hills and B-Rack are bleedin’ all over the screen, 24-7.

2. It benefits Johnny ‘Bomb Bomb’ McCain, whom they love and will do whatever they can to elect in November. Rich keep getting’ richer and the people that matter live happily ever after. Right? Right. Listen, for the good of America and the entire planet, get this thing together, would you? Because the other side is lining itself up and they're ready to go. One more neocon gets one more gnarled hands on the dice. That's what's at stake here Photobucket and every second there is an undecided Democratic nominee facilitates the previously unthinkable.

Friends, bloggers, Kossacks, let us speak frankly. Never before has the fate of the entire world ever weighed so heavily upon the citizenry of one single nation. This one's for all the marbles. And it's all you, baby.


And good luck.


Poll: John McCain is...

Not a threat. A hundred years in Iraq? Admittedly knows dick about economics? Older than the Bible? Puh-leeze.
14% 7 votes

A threat so long as Hillary keeps SCREWING THIS THING UP
32% 16 votes

A strong threat because the Media loves him and will do everything in its power to hand him the presidency, for what should now be obvious reasons
54% 27 votes

| 50 votes total

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