Thursday, March 23, 2006

the YinYang of LifeDeath

Internet, computers, the digital world is a mirror of Life and reality in that it appears to be a construct composed of untold billions of little opposite but equals, manifested in little 1s and 0s, just as our minds, bodies, the air we breathe and our material world\universe are composed of its untold billions of little opposite but equals, manifested in protons and electrons, or positive and negative charges, up and down quarks, etcetera etcetera, ad infinitum, amen.

The opposites exist in almost everything; it is the black\white, man\woman, cock and pussy, alive or dead, strong\weak, peace/war, God and the Devil, Heaven or Hell, Democrat\Republican, Capitalist\Communist, Religion\Science, Yin or Yang, Me/You, Us\Them. The old maxim that there is always two sides to ever story may just be the truest words ever spoke, or it may just be utter horse-shit.

What about the ups and downs we all experience as a part of our mortal journeys? Things have been great and they’ve been bloody awful. No peaks without valleys. Without lows, no highs. We’ve had a lot of fun and been awfully bored. We’ve loved, we’ve loathed. We’ve felt like kings of the world and like the lowliest of gutter-tramps. We’ve all laughed and cried, some of Us more than Others. We’ve fought and we fucked, some of Us more than Others. Claimed our victories and suffered our defeats to some degree or another.

Tied in with that again is what we will do as a people. Buddha or the bomb? The way of the heart or the way of the bullet?

Do all these binaries then necessarily imply everything as part of a construct involving extreme opposites and if yes, does a construct then necessarily imply a maker, or does said construct imitate existence as art does Life? Have we always been here? So where are we? Where are you? What edge do you walk, what set of extremes is your black and white, what oppositional binary best describes your passage through this wild, topsy-turvy rollercoaster Life\Death?

I’m not saying it can be either or niether, but rather that Life is “Both” on a sliding scale of “Either” and “Neither.”

RandomMP3age: "The Sea", by Morcheeba

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