Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Impending Renaissance: Part One: Covey Capitalism

As you know, the good folks at SenseChange have been predicting massive impending changes in how all of us live our day to day lives, that these changes can be viciously awful (why not get caught up and read the blog that the Wichetaw Clarion called '..scathing..." and the Pawtucket Revue called "a wakeup call for civilization..." go ahead, we'll wait for you:
But Man's path could just as easily go the other way, transcendent, beautiful and fully fortified in funktitude.

Now, I know what you're saying. But how, Sensechange? You've painted such an ugly picture of how things are now and how they're going to end up! How do we get a Renaissance? And do we even deserve it?

Yes, kiddies, we deserve it. Here's how it's gonna happen.


First of all, Capitalism morphs into something that benefits everybody, not just a bunch of grey-haired Suits around a table. We all know about the sweat-shops and we all know about the pollution and we all know about the global warming and we know about all the dirty little tricks now. We just know. And we're starting to get sick of it. But Big Business isn't gonna start cleaning up its practises...until it becomes profitable to do so. It is ingrained into the Beast. One should sooner get angry at the dog for barking or the fish for swimming. S

So how does it become profitable to actually give a rat's ass about something other than profit at all costs?

PREDICTION ONE: A few businesses will start the most successful marketing campaign in history, that will revolutionize Capitalism. But it's not just about marketing, it's about business practices.

THE PRACTICE: application of Stephen R Covey's "Seven Habits of Highly Succesful People" to Capitalism and Capitalist Enterprises. Think 'win/win' situation for everybody, not just the few. Synergy. Is it do-able? Of course it is, Citizens! Just because you're a Capitalist doesn't mean you necessarily have to be a jerk, does it? Uhm... does it?

Your business enters a foreign land and you leave it a better place than you found it, the people, like you, will be richer. And not just the government or a few people at the top, but the general populace will benefit. And not just monetarily richer. Quality of Life richer.

How does this happen? You have to actually give a shit. This will only be difficult at first. At first maybe you give a shit because it's a slick marketing gimmick: in a time where Big Business is running around like pirates, polluting, killing and stealing, and the Masses are finding out about it more and more, your company is doing something better. For everybody. And at first, it's gonna be all about the money your company is gonna make from this gimmick, but you know what's gonna happen? You're gonna start to feel good about doing good. So will your employees. So will your customers. And just maybe, so will your Government. It's gonna become an addiction, a positive feedback loop: you help people, REALLY help people and other people see it and want to help you by buying your products or working for you. Which encourages you to help more people and it becomes a cycle of benevolence that ACTUALLY MAKES MONEY!

The Inevitable Realization: You'll take your rich, multinational corporation into a third world country and realize that you are the Power in that country. You snap your fingers and the government jumps for you, so does it's military. It's been like that for a long time, and so far Big Business has used that power to maintain a horrific status quo: keep your people prisoners because it's good for my bottom line. I don't have to see it or think about it and neither do my customers.

But that's changing, see? The InterNet is just one way in which good and decent people are realizing that bad shit is going down so we can have our top-of-the-line 200 dollar tennis shoes. And there is an impending backlash against companies being evil fucks to third world Peoples so they can over-charge us for shoes. It's already out there. And, more specifically, in HERE.

So Capitalist Pirateerism becomes OldWorld, and your company is NextLevel. So you're gonna do some things a little different. But the kicker is that it's gonna make you feel good to do it and it will make you and everyone around you rich.

These third world governments want your dollars and will do whatever you want. So rather than using that power to further entrench the populace in poverty and squalor you start using your influence to better the whole society. "We'll do business with you, we'll give you a one-year contract. But pay attention: If you want to re-sign at the end of that year we expect your literacy rate to be up by a certain percentage. And we're gonna help you do that. We work best in environments in which the surrounding populace actually likes us.

And their governments." And if you tell them to do that, you know what? THEY'LL DO IT. Know why? Oldest rule in the book, the Golden Rule: he who that has all the gold gets to make all the rules. And Big Business has ALL THE GOLD ON EARTH, right NOW. YOU MAKE ALL THE RULES. Way of the Heart or way of the Bullet, it's always been your choice and yours alone. It is YOU that makes the RULES of this Earth, right here, right NOW.

You enact business structures so that those who you would normally chain to their desks and work for 18 hour days, work decent hours for decent wages, but they work harder for you, know why? Because if they work harder for you they have a chance for bonafide advancement in a multinational corporation. Once they reach a level of proficiency they are going to train others to replace themselves so they can advance to the next level of employment, which means more money for them and an increased chance for upward mobility, and this extends to all employees, that chance for advancement. Work hard, make me money and replace yourself so that you can start making money too. It ain't rocket science. It's a Covey Style Win/Win business strategy.

You put that into place, and then? Well, all of a sudden you're making real change. And it's gonna feel so good! And people will see and hear the effects of your new style of business/philosophy of Life, and guess what, IT'S CATCHING ON! Other businesses see your success and WANT A PIECE OF IT! Maybe they're forced to change because this new mode of business/life is catching on, and they don't want to be OldWorld! NOBODY wants to be OldWorld! NOBODY wants to invest in OldWorld! BECAUSE OLDWORLD'S DEADER THAN SHIT!

NextLevel is where it's at.

So, all of a sudden, you've got a genuine movement on your hands and it's glorious. All of a sudden Corporations are competing with one another about who's helping which Third World Nation more:
"Oh yeah, well Guyana's literacy rate just jumped to 48%" brags IBM.
"Oh yeah?" returns Nabisco, "well, 3/4 of Surinam's population now has access to clean drinking water!"
It gets to the point that all the big companies have to jump on board, because it's a movement, see? And deep down even the most piratous of CEOs kinda digs that it's their companies are doing good things AND showing a profit!

So you keep riding this wave of success and Change and your next step is you get yourself some lobbyists. But these Lobbyists are different. They're not looking for more Wars so they can sell more weapons. They're not lobbying for decreased legislation against pollution so they can keep turning the earth into an ashtray. They're lobbying for real positive Change on earth. For everybody. Tell Washington how you and the People want to run things! And you know what? They'll jump to it! Know why? Because of the Golden Rule! Big Business rules the world. Your NextLevel company just became Big Business. You got Gold so you get to make Rules, it's that simple. And they gotta do what you say! It's their job to facilitate your business!

Thus, Covey Capitalism bceomes the NextLevel catchphrase and Capitalism saves it self from destruction at the hands of the hungry Masses, by feeding, educating and enriching the lives of said Masses. Impossible? No. Likely? On some levels it has already begun.

So, thus endeth the first part of your SenseChange Guide to the Impending Renaissance. There are many other components that need to fall into place for us to have a Renaissance rather than an Apocalypse and in the coming days the good folks at SenseChange will outline a few of them for you as a public service. The key understanding is that for a Renaissance it's gonna take hard work, from all of us. For an Apocalypse, you need do nothing. Just sit back and let the governments of the world take care of that for you. That too, has already begun.

End or Transcend, Citizens, it's truly your choice. I choose the latter. You?

NonRandomMP3age: "Minute Waltz" by Chopin.

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