Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Canto III: the War Lead-up Lies

Canto III

Three reasons for war, each more false than the last
The first one a lie when you consider the past.
Yes, Saddam’s a tyrant and most evil brute
That crushes detractors ‘neath the heel of his boot
That lives in a palace, his people a tent
That part of it’s true, one hundred percent!
To say this is a lie, that nobody dares!
The lie is by saying that America cares!

Pardon me, Citizen, but give me a break!
How much feigned altruism can any of us take?
When throughout history it clearly seems
The US has supported some of the foulest regimes
And the most murderous thugs to ever cross earth,
And crushed many a fledgling Democracy at birth!
Crying ‘Liberty!’ and ‘Freedom!’ beats the heart in our breasts
It’s a call much more stirring than ‘American Interests!’

We move on to the next of the war lead-up lies
Which was that of Saddam and his terrorist ties
To Osama and Al Quaeda of 9-11 fame
And the unsubtle hint that Saddam was to blame.
To a nation still healing and a people still grieving
Small wonder so many had no trouble believing
The two madmen were united towards America’s end
Said ‘the enemy of my enemy must be my friend’.

But this was untrue, and t’was a well documented fact
That Osama and AlQuaeda had made a blood pact
To murder Saddam who they actually hated
Almost as much as America it’s been stated.
There was no collusion between these Mid-Eastern powers
To bring forth the terrorists that brought down the Towers.
And though there’s a chance the wrong way this’ll rub ya
Bin Laden’s greater linked to America and Dubya.

An Al Quaeda connection to Iraq is hair-brained
But to America, here’s one: he was CIA trained,
They taught him to fight and they taught him to plan
They had him fight Russians in Afghanistan
No reason to get mad, man, don’t lose your couth!
It’s established as fact and a bonafide truth.
But this is not the last tie, I’m sad to report
There’s ties of a much more nefarious sort.

The Bin Ladens and Bushes go back a long way
And those ties remain very strong to this day
Want further proof of a continued connection?
Look to 9-11 and the Bin Laden family’s protection
It’s said that Bush Senior couldn’t get a flight that day
Yet somehow the Bin Laden’s had been spirited away
Safely back to Arabia and though it makes us all nervous
The Bin Laden’s were rescued by the US Secret Service.

It may be coincidence and I couldn’t be wronger
But the appearance of one always makes the other stronger.
Bin Laden gains strength fighting the American beast
And emerges as a hero to the rest of the Mid-East
Bush gets his ratings and the chance to appear
A strong and brave President for a Nation in Fear.
Maybe that’s what it comes down to, and in the end
It’s the least each can do for an old family friend.

But the last reason was scariest and best of the bunch
T’was a lie cuz they said it was fact, not a hunch
Twas said a thousand times for all to hear
They made it seem so perfectly clear
To a nation in grips of such unholy terror
That with the hateful Saddam there’s no margin for error.
Said to owners of stores, and ‘security moms’
“We have to go get him, the fucker has bombs!”
Talk of inspections, resolutions and the like
But Citizens there’s no choice but a pre-emptive strike!”
And just as we once learned the birds and the bees
So now we all learned of the dread WMDs.
“‘Nucular’ bombs” Bush mispronounced to the masses
“An’ if we don’t get him we can all kiss our asses
Goodbye once and for all, cuz Saddam, well he’s got em
How do we know? We were there when he bought ‘em!”


RandomMP3age: "1812 Overture" Tchaikovsky

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