Sunday, March 26, 2006

American Idolatry: Waiting for the Paula Meltdown

American Idol. Smoked one and watched it. First time. Not sure what to make of it all.
Never cared about Paula til I heard she drinks. Now I find her interesting. I'd be drunk for that too.

See, I never watch the show but had heard she gets ripped on there. So I see it on t.v. and sure enough, she's drinkin'. That's awesome. Consistent drinker. Doesn't mind getting bombed and making an ass out of herself in front of the world. I tend to like that in a woman.

Black Dude is like, over-Black-Dudin' the thing. The "yo"s are forced, not natural. He might not even be a Black Dude. Can't be certain.

A contest on who gets to be our next idol. That's interesting. I actually require more from my idols than that, thank you very much. Alot of freaks and a couple of hot bunnies, some can sing, some can't. Who cares?

I'm waiting for the Paula meltdown where she gets all blitzed and brassy, out of control drunk. It's gonna happen! Now, that's reality TV! And it's not even that Simon dude, she loses it and calls bullshit on the whole scene. "This isn't Reality" Paula bellows, "none of it is! You ridiculous fools! You want reality? This is reality!" she rips off her top and deeply tongue-kisses some poor nerdy kid who can't sing, who ejaculates helplessly all over himself, causing Paula to puke all over him and start trashing the place. Paula's gonna get all PostModern and just like that she transcends the genre, becomes Reality TVs 'Hamlet'. American Idol becomes High Art. This is exciting television by anybody's standards.

Realization: We're actually making false idols now. It's the hottest show on tv, #1 show in America, making new false idols for people to worship. America is an amazing country. But what do the Right Wing Religious Nutters (henceforth dubbed the RWRN) make of it? Have they been called on this?

They're all drinking! Simon's gettin' gassed too! I worked the bars for years, I know when people are gettin' ripped and Simon's there too! This is unprecedented, brand new shit! Wow. Is Black Dude drinkin' too? Are there any drugs? This is out of control! A little sick even. But I like it!

Paula's perked up. She was getting glassy, could barely muster a response. Now she's alive and involved. I suspect cocaine. Can't be certain. Uppers for sure, though. Speed? So drugs too, huh? Wow.

Hmmm. More to this than I thought. It's not about the cuntestants at all. It's about the poor judges who have to sit there and listen to this atrocious over-divacised clatter and pretend to give a shit. So they get bombed! And stoned out of their minds! But who's in on the Party and who actually think it's some kind of retarded singing Contest? This is valuable, cutting edge stuff! What insight to the Human Condition!

This, finally, Reality Television.

RandomMP3age: "Superman Song" Crash Test Dummies

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