Monday, April 16, 2007

Neocon versus Nazi: Next Stop Iran!

Seems like all I ever hear these days is about going to Iran. At what point is it established? Is it when four major carrier groups are placed in the Gulf, or five? When is it official? Do things have to be blowing up? Is that how we’ll all know that it’s officially Going On Over There Now and we should all be prepared to continue our steady diet of raw, pre-packaged Fear for some time, garnering the consent they’ll not need when the transition to open Fascism and Tyranny is complete? Orwell knew what the fuck was going on, he was just off by a few decades. But what the hell! I’m getting drunk! And so should you! Because they’re firing up another one, these fiends and for my part I only hope they can sell it better at home this time. That last deal was atrocious. This one’s easy and everybody knows it.

RECIPE FOR WAR IN IRAN: go to battle scene. Find bodies. Place evidence like weapons and I.D.s and BANGO, cake and pie, just like that Iran is now funding the Enemy in America’s Big Iraq Adventure and guess what friends and neighbors? The Adventure just got a whole lot bigger. And more expensive. But Dubya’s got a plan. “Ahm jus, hittin’ my stride, heh heh,” Georgie chuckles in his Connecticut, faux-Texas drawl, and why not? He gets another hand at the table, doubling down with dollars and blood against the Anarchy and Chaos in the most dangerous and strategically important area in the world. Maybe he’s got stuff figured out now. Maybe Afghanistan, Iraq and Katrina were just the warm-ups he needed to really dig in and fix this whole MidEast thingy out once and for all. Hey, could happen, right? Right? No? Oh. Shit. I see.

“Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, well, you’re not gonna fool me again!” But, awful mispronunciations aside, if there’s one thing this War and this President has shown the world several times over is that there’s seemingly no limit to the amount of times even a dolt like him can fool the American people, or at least enough of them. Stole the election twice. About to lead his country into another failure of a war, Iran, being the biggest fuck-up yet. It’s going to make Iraq look like the cakewalk it was always said to be but never, ever was.

ALTERNATIVE RECIPE FOR WAR IN IRAN: float all manner of American military and weaponry into an already crowded and enemy-filled Persian Gulf (I gather the Straight of Hormuz is nice this time of year and as good a place for an ambush as any) and start pushing around til somebody pushes back then pound the bejeezus out of them. I see this in the bars all the time and it almost always initiates the response it seeks, for varying degree of Good or Ill.

Iraq war lead-up? Iran War lead-up? Same shit and very nearly the same pile. Exact same loudmouth far Righties making wild claims and going totally unchallenged from this supposedly Left Wing media conspiracy, unchallenged by the simplest and most basic of questions: “but sir, you were wrong with practically everything that had to do with this Iraq fiasco, why on earth should America believe you in Iran? Shouldn’t you be pretty much finished in the information-providing game? Aren’t we dicks to let you keep broadcasting shit into our homes having already clearly demonstrated that it is, in fact, shit and dangerous shit that costs lives, money and international respect?”

According to Ray McGovern these NeoCons were know throughout Washington as the ‘crazies’ and rightfully so. Name a nuttier group in history. I know you’re gonna say it was the Nazis and yes, they had their own particular vision of how the Earth should be dominated by the Nation they served and yes, they did nutty, awful things because nobody was able to stop them, but would you say they were nuttier? Have you read “Project for the Next American Century?” Maybe not the same game but certainly in the ballpark. Haven’t checked it out yet, never heard of it? PNAC? Until you’re aware of who said it, who signed it and what’s happened since you got absolutely nothing to say about Nazi versus Neocon, and, quite frankly, don't know fuck-all about fuck-all as far as the status of your America in the Y2Ks. Anything you gotta say is just gut reaction and a lack of Real Knowledge of the Facts, you are leap years behind performing your duty as a Citizen and keeping an eye on those that would keep an eye, on governing those that would govern. You’re not interested in that duty, you assume other will do it for you, you can just keep your fluffy, Dorito-crumb encrusted existence for what it is and everything’ll somehow get better, maybe through God or through some kind of latent Positivist leanings or you’re still just hungover from that Last Great Rip before the American Dream floats right down the shitter to be replaced by it’s polar opposite, the American Nightmare. A SuperPower turned Desperate and Depraved, and what’re the Citizens doing? Enjoying the finest television programming in history. And working more hours. For less money. A Nation of Slaves for a Cadre of Vampires, and it’s not like you don’t know it. You do know, somewhere in ya, you know. But it’s always been easier to do nothing. For all of us.

Do I have to wait until they’re actually as bad as the Nazis before I can make a comparison? Because that’s not how it works in pro sports! “This guy might be the next Michael Jordan! Wayne Gretzky! Muhammed Ali! Babe Ruth! Jenna Jameson!” We do it in sports and porn but not politics or history? Why? Oh yeah, there’s just some comparisons we’re not supposed to make until it’s already Too Late, until the Damage has Been Done and the bootheel’s on my freaking neck? Well, fuck you, I guess. That doesn’t sound like a decent plan to me. And shit, how do you know I’m under your sway? I’m a blogger! I have no nationality! I am Earthian, you fucking hayseeds, and you have no sway over me! I am of that larger collective that recognizes the brotherhood of Humanity as transcending in importance over nationalist or religious affiliation. It’s time for the NextLevel, folks, because for good or ill it’s looking like we’ve just about used up this one and it either gets better or worse from here but not both and certainly not neither. Change is not only here but upon us. What color’s your Future?

Iraq War? Iran War? Same shit and very nearly the same pile because it’s all part of the same War, friends, these are “the Great Oil Wars.” Didn’t you know? Catch up. It actually started a long time ago…

Peace, Friends and Fellow Earthians.


RandomMP3age: "So Alive" by Love and Rockets

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