Monday, April 16, 2007

More Kidnapped Troops and Other Reasons to Launch the Apocalypse

You voted him in twice. I wouldn’t even trust him with the keys to my car. And now he’s gonna, what would you say…demo Iran? Whew. The Brits start fishing their sailors around Iranian waters providing that invented aggressor that this administration needs to get it’s last piece of the puzzle, that final kick at the can: Iran! Man! They’re gonna play the Iran card. If not now, when? To not would show immense restraint where before there’s always been absolutely none at all. This is genius. Is Rove on this? I feel in my heart its Cheney. It’s just his type of dastardly, utterly wreckless plan to keep the mad, PNAC, Neo-Con Nutter drive alive: Congress gonna subpoena this or investigate that or impeach what?!? Guess what, motherfuckers? We’re at war with Iran! That’s right! We’re goin’ in! What are you gonna do about it?!? Nothin.’ HAH!!! I’ll take my money now. George ‘Dubya’ Bush is fuckin’ ballsy, I’ll give him that. Crazier than a shithouse rat but pretty fuckin’ ballsy. It’d be admirable if you didn’t absolutely know that he’s a huge fuckup, maybe the biggest in history. Either that or he’s Kaiser Sose and at this point in time things are too fucked up for anybody to make any kind of meaningful guess. Still oscillating at this late date. Utterly insane whichever end of the scale you take.

If we look at this from an Axis vs Allies scenario it clarifies. In times of war the actions of your ally are your own, if you’re any kind of a team at all. Subtlety of a flying mallet, fer fock’s sake. Eh?!? And the UK knows it won’t have to do any of the heavy lifting for this one, if ever again. They don’t even have to get involved beyond lighting the fuse of the damned enterpise. Maybe they’ll take charge of the aftermath and it’ll actually all work out in some crazy way. The Brits clean up whatever mess the US makes in the perfect servile relationship and why not? They’ll be the perfect butlers. They already have the accents. A gold star for you, friend, in your brand New American Century! Where the Rich Get Richer and the Poor go to Prison!

Weird times, many things happening at the same time, so much, so fast. What’s it all mean? Was gonna write this one out of character. Might be impossible now, but what an odd thought. Out of character? What possible impulse? It’s been well established by now that Gonzo is the only way to cover these, the weirdest of times. Yes sir, HST had his finger to the pulse when he fathered this vein of political reporting. Because when Lies and Deceit are universal and the Change is coming on fast and hard, your writing has to be as mercurial as the times or you’re already two steps behind, which is one step away from useless! You gotta be outta yer mind to really have your finger on the pulse of what’s comin’ next because what’s comin’ next might well be out of anybody’s mind. The inmates are running the asylum, they have been for a long time and it turns out this isn’t really an efficient way to to run things. No, Gonzo’s the way to write it, that’s the only certainty in the whole thing maybe, so that hasn’t changed. But what has? Is it her? You?

With so much going on some stuff slips by the filters as your paying more attention to some stories, trying to see how this thing is gonna play out. It’s all about Congress versus President right now, so that’s what your watching and waiting for, some hint about how that scene’ll play out and in the midst of all that you don’t have the focus for the ‘Iran/Uk hostage’ deal. So maybe you don’t see it right away, even after the ridiculously obvious pre-kidnap interview with the single-mother soldier just days before she was taken. How many soldiers in the UK and they just happen to interview one of the hostages days before the kidnapping and she’s a plucky single mom trying to give her child a better life? So, it’s like, you see it happening, right in front of you but you don’t even recognize it as it happens, it looks like something else, even though you’ve been calling for something exactly like this for months now (Yeah. And I saw it. I said the US was gonna do explicitly that on Februrary 12 in a little ditty I wrote that I like to call:NeoCon Versus Nazi: Next Stop Iran! None of which makes me necessarily politically adept or anything, lots of people saw precisely this coming, it just means that I’m catching the obvious ones. Which is more than we can say for the mainstream media, right everybody? Right, Sense). Embarrassing that Rosie McDonald or whatever her name is beat you to the punch on that one, Sensey, oh shit, nailing it for what it is. You’re getting soft, dude. First time I’ve ever found her even remotely interesting. And hey, shit, dissent has found the mainstream! It’s about bloody time!

Not that that’ll stop anything at this point. We all know Bush’s been chompin’ at the bit for this. We all know Cheney’s been foaming at the mouth for this. Everybody’s been crafting plans, everybody’s been shaking fingers, everybody’s been prepared for that all-important reason which turns out to be any reason at all to turn the largest arsenal on earth onto oil-rich Iran and give it a good boot-fucking. You hit Afghanistan, you hit Iraq but you leave the piece in the middle? Are you kidding me? What on earth for?

Who knows. Maybe they’ve learnt something from Iraq but you know what? I doubt it. Don’t think this crew is about learning at all. Betcha George Bush still watches four hours a day of old baseball games.

Right! That’s all for now, Citizens. Keep your eyes on the skies. Time has never been better for a little distraction. Or a big one.


NonRandomMP3age: "Personal Jesus" by Depeche Mode

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