Monday, April 16, 2007

From the Desk of the General: A Call to Arms for Gonzo Warriors, WritingUppers and Unaffiliated TruthSeekers

The Libby defence team has admitted evidence into the case in the form of a handwritten note that Dick Cheney wrote that directly implicates President George ‘Dubya’ Bush in the conspiracy to out Valerie Plame, making the whole world that much safer for international WMD vendors. This evidence, if wholly substantiated, should shitcan the Bush presidency and Cheney Vice-Presidency in one fell swoop, because, to me anyway, it means both dudes were entirely in on it, an admission of criminal action by those in the very highest Seats of Power in the Land. The Lands! And CNN has chosen not to cover it.

A dead, money-grubbing whore gets 24 hour play rather than the potential impeachment of a President, and I don’t know what’s worse. Or if there’s any difference. Death of a Whore versus Impeachment of One. One difference only, that I can think of at this point, and that is that I can be assured of every single excruciating detail about the one story and precious little of any value on the other. I like porn and I like politics but for me this one’s no contest: I want the Real Story over Fake Tits.

CNN has chosen not to cover this ‘Bush Treason’ thing (for is it not treason to divulge the identity of undercover operatives seeking to disarm those that would strike your country? If not treason, what? Certainly criminal, we must all agree on that, yes?) and my feeling is that they never will unless the People make them. The people, in this case, are YOU. And ME. If you’re a Gonzo Warrior I’m ordering it in my capacity as co-General or else the title don’t mean a lick to me. If you are a WritingUpper then I’m asking you as a fellow citizen and member in good standing of the same blog neighbourhood as you. If you’re just a netsurfer that’s found this page somehow amidst the rest of the Sound, Fury and Pornography and feel within you a soul that seeks Truth, write them a fucking letter, a letter to these BigBiz stooges that think they know what’s safe for you to learn about in that big scary world out there. Because it’s getting bigger and scarier, and these jerks’ll lull you right into an apocalypse if you let them. And if you let them, does that mean you deserve it? That’s how it looks from where I sit, Citizens.

If you dig my shit, think I’m a cool dude or owe me any fealty or favour, I ask of you to write these dicks. Call these people out. Tell them you want the Real Story. Cuz we’ve seen the byproduct of them choosing what to cover and not cover and it helped lead the World into War. At , you can reach any of your personal faves or anti-faves there, or even the head vampires at CNN themselves. If you believe that Truth is important in these dangerous times then you write that letter. The media will not, cannot police itself, but it’s deader than shit in a box if nobody wants to watch it anymore.

-General iSenseChange of the Gonzo Warriors

p.p. I hereby wholeheartedly endorse Barack Obama for the 2008 presidential elections (09-02-07). The question is NOT whether he’ll do a great job –because he would- but rather if America deserves him and can elect him without murdering him first. I think Clinton’s a Big Biz shill as much as anybody else out there, Lefty or Righty. Obama’s a Change, Clinton’s More of the Same.

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