Saturday, January 05, 2008

Dubya, World War III and the Damning NIE

Well, there it is. Keep impeachment off the table and the neocons will inevitably try to spin their way into Iran, not having finished their Iraq or Afghanistans. Well, there's nothing really surprising here, it's simple Cause and Effect and you really can't blame them for trying to trigger World War Three. Might as well blame the scorpion for hiding in your shoe. It's in their nature.

Why not build another phony case for invading Iran or indeed anybody else? Dems have rumbled impotently about pulling out some troops, some time or other with little discernable effect on the President, his policies and wildly aberrant behavior. The American people have not yet shaken the Dorito crumbs off their collective chest, poured themselves out of the couch, switched off the inanely chattering omnipresent boob-tube and actually got pissed off in a way anybody would notice, (like, say during Vietnam?). So if you’re a bloodthirsty, chicken-hawk neocon you gotta be saying ‘why not Iran’? I mean, fuck it, right? It’s the ultimate double down and these cats don’t mind betting the house when it certainly is not now nor has ever been their blood and guts on the line. Not to mention all their Rich Friends just keep getting richer throughout the whole debacle which everybody knows and has still done nothing about.

I never believed that if or when Iran gets the bomb like so many of it’s neighbors have already done, they’re gonna use it on the vastly more powerful Israeli-American axis/alliance (again, call it whatever you like, just acknowledge it exists). It would be a very obvious act of suicide. To which, I’m certain, many of the Rabid Right would say, "well, so what? Are they not a nation of Suicide bombers?" Well, no, actually, not a nation of them. A Nation employs it’s suicide bombers the way the West employs it’s ground troops: only the poor need apply. The Rich, on either side of the ideological divide, almost always have "other priorities." So, Akmaniwhatshisnuts ain’t gonna sacrifice his own skin or that of those that put him in power. Which means he’s actually have to be nuts to fire them at Israel, even if he had the power to do so which he doesn’t.

But bomb away! Seriously, can't blame them. Impeach? Yes. Blame? No. It's not their fault and Jefferson would agree. Jefferson and the fellas knew there'd be greedy evil bastards looking to warp America and its people for their own sick purposes. What the whole American experiment rests on is an informed citizenry to hold these people to account. That job not done, that's who you blame, and it's really that simple.

Make your choice:
Bush invoked WWIII and another pre-emptive strike in spite of the NIE because...

a) He most likely doesn't know what an NIE is and should therefore be impeached for stupidity
15% 7 votes

b) He had only been told about the NIE about a week ago and should therefore be impeached for incompetence
2% 1 votes

c) he figured he'd just spin it when it came out anyways and should be impeached for being a lying bastard. Again.
68% 30 votes

d) the NIE is wrong, Bush is right and will be right in all things forever. FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!!!
13% 6 votes

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