Monday, January 07, 2008

The Inevitable Failure of Status Quo Capitalism

Mon Jan 07, 2008 at 05:53:12 PM PST
alternatively entitled "If the planet truly needs saving then you’ll spend accordingly."

Levees fail. Housing bubbles crash. Wars begin over the blood of dead dinosaurs, paid for by the Citizens and future generations of Citizens while making Big Business rich and richer. Meanwhile the earth speedily converts into an ashtray as Big Oil scrambles to create an unresolved debate where there is none, courtesy of Big Media, transforming what's supposed to be an informed citizenry into a society of distracted, terrified and probably sleeping lemmings.

And gibbering chimps get elected as President.

Bush is a perfect symbol of the failure of Capitalism. A bungling moron has been given the keys and it took Big Bucks to get him there. Nothing about him or his past is exemplary in any way, never was he ‘the best’ or even ‘very good at’ anything. With this gibbering chimp we see that Money is not the answer to everything, for it has failed the people of the United States of America and indeed, the entire rest of the world. It’s like when the boss’s idiot nephew who's failed upwards his whole life got hired in to run your company and all you can do is complain about it when the whole shitcan goes up in flames because he's a stuttering fucktard that rewards other stuttering fucktards by failing them upwards as well. And so it goes. And there's so much more...

With Capitalism as it stands the Corporation and their masters have it all, it is the SupraCitizen. How else to explain a time of huge layoffs in an era of record profits? C.E.Os making five hundred million dollars a year? "But it’s the labor!" moans Mr. C.E.O. as he lights a huge illegal Cuban cigar with a smoldering thousand dollar bill, his secretary’s cocaine-covered lips hard at work under his nice mahogany desk, "the labor was bloody killing us! What’re you gonna do?!?"

What indeed.

Establishment Science says the levvies were in danger of busting and bust they did, without asking anybody’s permission. Establishment Science said these bridges were gonna go too and go they are, without even a courtesy call. Establishment Science has also warned of a host of bad things that are going to happen due to Human Climate Abuse and happen they will, to tragedies of a scale never before seen by human eye, if for no other reason than that there’s so many of us now and we’ve built so many glorious and shiny new things and we so desperately need them, no matter what the cost to anybody or thing else.

The "Invisible Hand of the Marketplace" being the high law of the land is hideously flawed in its conception, for what should be a very obvious reason: it takes time for the Hand (so, you, me, and EVERYBODY ELSE as mass consumers of SupraCitizen products and services) to react in said marketplace. Infrastructure is ignored until something catastrophic occurs.
(see also; Health and Safety,
see also; Security,
see also; Poverty,
see also; Education,
see also; Society,
see also; Civilisation,
see also; the Human Race)

Chaos and disaster ensues and the Invisible Hand reacts, but only after the catastrophic event and even then, not very efficiently or speedily. Why? Because Big Media has transformed the Citizenry into uniformed lemmings as I believe I've mentioned before once or thrice.

Describe yourself as a believer in the Invisible Hand of the Free market? Get used to catastrophe and quit whining about it. Just don't be surprised when that poor kid clinging to a rooftop with a makeshift help sign might just turn out to be you. Or yours. Because the Free Market,(reliant on chaos, tragedy and failure as it is) isn't saving anybody. And it never will, it will only react and slowly at that.

But hey, shit, keep spending, Citizens! Your life might just depend on it! Maybe even the whole planet!

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