Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Frontrunner Nothing: Why Hills and Gules Won't Win

Tue Nov 27, 2007 at 12:12:29 PM PST

Media coverage to the contrary I never bought for even ten seconds that Hillary Clinton is going to be the next President. She's not even the next Democratic contender. Too far Right of the Zeitgeist is my sense of it. People want out of Iraq and they don't want to go to Iran and Hills bolloxed it up badly when she voted to name the Iranian Whoozitswhatzits as a terrorist organization, knowingly opening the door for Retarded George to have one more vicious, failing stab at a Middle East Apocalypse during his mad reign. It's her biggest mistake yet. She can't blow it off, she just voted for it. Edwards called it 'a neocon dream' and scored huge points for that one sentence and rightfully so.

Media coverage to the contrary I never bought for even ten seconds that Hillary Clinton is going to be the next President. She's not even the next Democratic contender. Too far Right of the Zeitgeist is my sense of it. People want out of Iraq and they don't want to go to Iran and Hills bolloxed it up badly when she voted to name the Iranian Whoozitswhatzits as a terrorist organization, knowingly opening the door for Retarded George to have one more vicious, failing stab at a Middle East Apocalypse during his mad reign. It's her biggest mistake yet. She can't blow it off, she just voted for it. Edwards called it 'a neocon dream' and scored huge points for that one sentence and rightfully so.

Hills is the Republican-lite candidate, has her eyes on gaining the middle ground in the general election when she hasn’t won the first battle amongst her fellow Democrats. Edwards can go far by continuing to demonstrate how deeply cozy Hills is with the Big Business establishment and the status quo and should beat her like a drum daily for her vote on the Iran deal, all of which will benefit Barrack Obama more than anybody else.

As for the other media generated, Big Business champion/frontrunner, Guiliani toes the Bush-line without reservation and, in a sane world, should be utterly doomed for that and that alone. What it actually means is that Rudy 'Always 911' Guliani enjoys full neoconservative support, materials, funding, department of dirty tricks, timely governmental threat alerts, prob'ly Rove and the gargantuan weight of the Far Right, Fight-to-the-Death Cult. Having said all that, I just don’t believe anybody can win the Republican nomination if he’s been photographed wearing a dress on at least seven different occasions, which Gules most certainly has.

Vegas odds have it an even bet that should this man ever get elected he’ll get caught smooching an expensive portrait of John F. Kennedy while dressed up like Marilyn Monroe and singing "I Feel Pretty" inside of three weeks in the White House.

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