Tuesday, December 04, 2007

the Ongoing Media Hackjobbery on Nobel Prize Winner Al Gore

Tue Oct 16, 2007 at 09:52:28 AM PST

As of 12:30 last Saturday morning I watched a typically beautiful but vacuous CNN commentator casually bring up recent Nobel Prize winner Al Gore "inventing the internet" again, to chuckles all around. In 2007, that "the Most Trusted Name in News" CNN is repeating these well established falsehoods (the latest Vanity Fair covers the whole odious enterprise quite succinctly) goes a long way towards explaining just how terrified of this man Big Business really is and how far they’ll go to try to stick it to him again.

Forget FoxNews, everyone knows they’re propaganda fiends and utterly full of shit but an alarming amount of people still trust supposed Leftist (but actually centrist) outlets like CNN or the NYTimes, either of whom have no problem toeing the party line when push comes to shove and both of whom pulled as much of a hatchet-job on Gore in 2000 as anybody else. Hopefully it goes without saying that they will of course do so again given half the chance. Or else they’ll try to convince him, and you, and everybody else, that Gore doesn’t need to run, that he has nothing to prove or that he will only hurt his cause of increasing awareness of Global Warming. All of which is, of course, utter horseshit on the face of it but that’s the script as I perceive it for this week in the MainStreamMedia. All of which means you and yours have work to do. Especially when (not if) he actually does announce he’s running.

There were many excuses for the Media to claim and repeat ad infinitum falsehoods about (not by) Gore in 2000, the result of which being nothing less than the Gore/Bush vote being as close as it was, making the vicious power seizure by Bush Sr. via his buddies on the Supreme Court even possible. Blame the media or ‘Fourth Estate’ as much or more than anybody for the mess in Iraq, the total evisceration of your Constitution and the Murderous Run of the NeoCons. And be pissed about it, would you? Know why? Because they’re still doing it. As recently as 12:30 last Saturday morning.

It’s abundantly clear: the jackals and greedheads also know he’s going to run and think they’ve got all their artillery all lined up, same as last time. Do they though? Hasn’t the battlefield changed at least a little? They think the ways of the old are going to work in the Now and it won’t, and I don’t even have to tell Gore fans, of all people, cuz you know it better than anybody: It’s a brand new world. It’s a "YouTubeMySpaceFaceBookWikiBlogWorlde" and in it, for a change, people are actually being held accountable. Politicians are seeing their own fithy lies come back and smack them in the face, for the whole www to see. Media hackjobbers like O'Reilley and the rest of his demogoblins are having all their lies repeated, deconstructed and disproven on sites like the DKos or crooksandliars.com seven days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 a year. And the whole world is really watching now. Everybody has their digi-cams and their laptops and their websites and their blogs and I just have to believe your folks’ll fight for him. For it. For us? Organizations like yours have to be the first line of defense against dark Repubbie and yes, even Democrat dirty play. Why should Al, ever again, have to dirty his hands with this muck when it gives the common folk such raw pleasure exposing these lying whores (and for this I apologize to actual whores everywhere) for what they are.

And it’s not just about writing letters to people and getting their support for Gore, it’s about writing letters to CNN and asking them not to rebroadcast proven falsehoods generated by the sick and depraved Right Wing or else losing the not insignificant viewership groups like yours represent. See where I’m going with this?

Let’s face it, I’m not an American. It’s not my fight. It’s just so totally and uniquely yours. It’s up to you guys to make this thing happen. Fact is, never before in human history has one single society’s decisions and choices meant so much to so many. The world. Save the planet or keep burning it, that’s the choice that Gore brings to the table and the interesting part is that so many people already know this. Even the people who hate his guts know he runs for something much larger and more important than an office.

Love him or hate him every man-jack out there knows he represents not only a change but a dramatic departure from the status quo, a vast and interdependent effort to be made not only by every American but every citizen of the First World. He’s become a living symbol of the dedication to the kind of large-scale, interdependent, international action required to save the earth, action that America can lead, genuinely lead and the world would follow. Maybe not right away but when one of the very biggest polluters on earth lays down that kind of example how can my own country, no small polluter in its own right, not follow?

Your People have to understand that this next election is the deal breaker. You and Al gotta package the thing like it’s never been packaged before. The Choice of the Greatest Generation of Americans. Cuz you know what? It actually is precisely that, should you decide to make it that. Make yours the generation that decides how they want to live and how they want to treat the world and the earth and everything else and not only that but how they want to be treated! How they want their votes counted, how they want their bridges, levees and infrastructure maintained, how they want their governments to interact with other governments and Nations. Ultimately, this generation, if and only if it gets its shit together, might just get to kick-start a Renaissance and who knows, maybe it takes nothing less than that to save America. And everything else.

The good news? Such things have happened on this earth before and will undoubtedly happen again. The point is that never before has there been this absolutely breathtaking opportunity for an entire populace to knowingly decide upon and seize a Renaissance. And the rest of the world will follow, I promise you.

I know, it asks a lot from a buncha tv-heads (and that’s no slight against you, believe me, a comparable percentage of my own countrymen are actively lobotomizing themselves with Reality TV, meaningless sitcom shlock and the like), but it all comes down to how the next election is framed and cutting through the window dressing, the background noise and the omnipresent bullshit. Fortunately in Al Gore you have one of the more articulate, gifted and intelligent men to ever run for president.

Look at it this way, you do it, you get him elected and you’ve forced your country to try to lead the fight to save the planet. How relevant does that make your particular generation of Americans? How epic is this choice? Sounds like one of your BLOCKBUSTER movies, doesn’t it? "In a world gone mad, one man..." Okay, you write it. Act it out. Do it. Are you doing it? Well, here’s the thing: you’ve already done a lot but you’ll need to do much more.

Good luck on it, we’re all going be hoping for you, and, between hockey games, watching and cheering for you.


p.p. I believe in you. Now get off your asses.

RandomMP3age: "Sex and Candy" by Marcy Playground

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