Monday, March 27, 2006

"Freedom Fries" and Other Signs of Decline

“We’ll call ‘em Freedom Fries! That’ll teach ‘em!”

What a crazy couple of years, eh? Holy shit! You know the one that I thought was one of the funniest was the whole anti-french sentiment after the Nato ‘dog and pony’ show, culminating in ‘Freedom Fries’, and stores in the Bible Belt sell out of French Wine for the citizenry to triumphantly pour down the sewers and probably right back into their drinking water.
It was easily the highest sale of all wines French in that region in history. I wonder what the French thought of that?

"Oh, oui oui, I am so insulted! Rich but insulted!"

We’ll of course never know, cuz all we get is Freedom television.

But the ‘Freedom Fries,’ though, remember them?!? That almost requires a new logo, like a stern and flapping American Eagle, clutching golden and grease-dripping Freedom Fries over a clamouring populace. Keep eatin' them fries, Citizens, for TO BE FAT IS TO BE FREE!

They changed everything French to Freedom. Freedom Fries with Freedom Dressing! I’m proud to say I’ve Freedom Kissed for my country, and you know what, I’d do it again!!

I certainly don’t intend to offend anybody here but the whole thing seems, I don’t know…would you say a little bit childish? Yep, petty and childish…tacky even. Am I wrong? Would you say it was tolerable if it was coming from your neighbour’s kid, but disturbing when coming from the dudes running the show? Would you not just tell somebody to ‘grow up’ if you encountered that behaviour in your day-to-day life?

How easy it is to feel superior to the French. Except of course when all your reasons for going to War turn out to be bogus. Maybe they can't fight their way out of a paperbag but they seem to know bullshit when they smell it, unlike so many of us, eh?

But fuck all that. I’ll have you know that this very moment I returned from a drug transaction of sorts (a smallish nugget of free weed) without ever having to leave my apartment building or even my bathrobe and slippers. I hope they never legalize it. I'd have to get dressed.

But Jesus H. Christ in a sidecar, I hope they’re fighting this ‘War on Terror’ with a little more finesse than the ‘War on Drugs’ or we can expect to live in Fear pretty much forever. Or is that already inevitable? Fear is difficult to break down, but it’s do-able, even at the macro levels.

“Time to bunker down and duct-tape up, Citizens!” a voice booms from public address systems throughout the streets of America, the era of the manufactured symbiosis of fear and consent has begun. “There’s a Terrorist under every bed! A terrorist in every neighbourhood, maybe even YOURS! Keep an eye on your neighbor, it’s the only way to preserve freedom!”

Keep your heads down, Citizens, and your Freedom ticklers ON!


RandomMP3age: "Children," Robert Miles

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