Sunday, September 10, 2006

SenseChange Must Die!!!

I don't know if it's the omnipresent clicks on my cellular phone or that white, occupied cargo van that's been parked outside my house for the better part of a week, but something tells me the jig is up. The fix is in. The cover's blown. It's time to make a run for it.

I shoulda known. Kinda did. You can't keep spouting the obvious Truths in a time of universal deception and not expect to break a few eggs, hack a few of the wrong dudes off. Fuck it. What're you gonna do? Thing is, (and WritingUp, I blame you entirely) I got addicted to it. To telling the Truth. To saying things I think are essential for the world to hear, in spite of the various and varied Fiends in Control who want nothing of the sort.

Yes, clearly they're on to me, the cowardly fucks lurking behind malevolent shades, off grey suits and badges that place them well within an unjust set of Laws. I fear no lone man in unarmed combat but the NSA is hardly that, right Citizens?

I gotta move. I have friends all over the world. Time to cash in a few favors, get out, disappear under my own terms, not their legalized "Patriot" Act disappearance complete with kangaroo secret trial and bullet-in-head included.

Screw this noise. I retire SenseChange. No. I kill him. He deserves a death.

You were me, SenseChange, my soul crying out at the injustices, the utter hypocracy and the sheer insult of it all. And you spoke far better, more eloquently and Truthfully than I ever have before. And ever again?

The good folks at the Gonzo Warriors have most of my mad political rantings. Keep 'em safe you bloody animals, hope you don't get any on you from all this. If so, hey, we'll see you in Turkey, huh? I've never been to Turkey, I hear it can be nice. When you're not being herded into a cell and having your hands pulped into goo by a rubber mallet by a person who doesn't even speak the same language as you while vicious and snarling dogs strain on their leashes for a taste of your dangling dingus, that is. I've seen the pictures. I know. But hey, free travel is free travel, right? Shit, maybe they'll only excise the rebellious portions of our brains so we can write propaganda for FoxNews! It'll be easy! Might even be good for a few laughs, who knows? And it's still writing, right?

Most of my hopes for the Future have been invested in the United Earth group, which includes all the Renaissance writings. Read 'em, get 'em into place. There's not much in the way of other options, far as I can tell. You know the riff by now:-Peace on Earth amongst all ManKind, regardless of race, color, creed or location.-Everybody can read, nobody starves and everybody votes. On lots of things.
-Renewable Energy over the Decaying Blood of Dead Dinosaurs.
-Peace and Progress over War and Apocalypse.
-NextLevel over OldWorlde.
-Transcend over End.
-Build Peace or start building nuke proof bunkers.
Common sense shit.

Anyways. It's not my concern anymore. I'm outta here. I will not go quietly. Or easily. I'm getting out. Have gotten out. Maybe. SenseChange is dead, so that others may live.
I apologize for nothing. I recant nothing. And anybody who doesn't like it can go fuck themselves with a pylon and a jar of peanut butter. And that goes straight to the top.

Keep your heads down Citizens, and as always, your pecker's (or vagingas for that matter) up!

That is all.


p.p. Peace, TruePeace, I am in your service and hereby declare thee to my last breath.

NonRandomMp3age: "Everybody Knows" by Leonard Cohen

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