Sunday, September 10, 2006

Popular Mechanics, 911 and the Death of Truth in the MainStreamMedia

(This post was initially a response to a real barnburner of a blog by RadicalPatriot, asking some of the Big Questions regarding the attack at the Pentagon on 911 Welcome, as always, to the Machine)

Of course the big refutation of all things conspiracy regarding 911 came from Popular Mechanics, that stalwart of logic and technological know-how. But this magazine is not without its own controversy, yes? Like how the article was originally written by Chertoff's cousin? Who at first claimed he didn't know if he was the cousin of the Director of HomeLand Security dingus, when somebody finally called him on it? Because that's one of the fishiest parts yet.

Let’s look at this another way: would Popular Mechanics ever publish a “911 Was a Big, Fat Lie, We Prove It Here” article? Not on yer freakin’ Life, pally. Not on yer freakin’ Life. Personally, I stopped believing a word of any of the Big Major magazines the day Time Magazine nominated the American Army as Person of the Year.

FreeRad tells me that this same magazine, Popular Mechanics published another article called "Katrina Myths Busted" that shifted all the blame from the Federal level to the Local level, entirely reflecting the Party Line. If this is the case, PM is not to be trusted.

Ask yourself this: what reward is there for a top engineer or physicist or what-have-you that wants to write what he really thinks went down that day? There’s faster ways to get discredited, branded a lunatic and possibly murdered, but I can’ t think of any right now. One thing’s for certain, good luck collecting that check from a MainStreamMedia magazine that wants an article debunking, not confirming, 911 conspiracy theories.

Ultimately, friends, we live in an age where no expert opinion can be trusted. Growing up and learning about this world we've all seen foul, craven men of bonafide Scientific credential testify that cigarettes don't cause cancer. A new generation of Citizens begin their odyssey of distrust witnessing the same type of foul, craven men testifying that there's no such thing as GlobalWarming despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
If Big Tobacco can afford top drawer scientists to do their talking, and Big Business can do the same, why not Big NeoCon Government? Of course they can.

The American Empire runs the biggest most powerful propaganda machine in Human History, and evidence for that is everywhere, but I’m sure I could just as easily line up shitloads of top drawer experts to tell you the exact opposite.

RadPat opened up a can of worms with the topic, the surprising thing, to me, is that most people writing think something is fishy as opposed to not. And the MainStreamMedia still refuses to touch any of it with even a Nine Hundred and Eleven foot pole. I don’t blame them. Is not Money and Safety more important than Truth?

The point I strive to make is that if you think something is fishy with the Pentagon then the whole damned thing is fishy. As hell. Which also means we have to watch our backs. They promise more attacks, no?

Eyes open, Citizens! Cameras at the READY!


p.p. I promised myself I’d be a little less controversial in this evolution of my Blogger AlterEgo. How’s it working so far?

1 comment:

911 conspiracy facts said...

I remember watching the original films of the towers, and immediatly realized there was something wrong with the picture, and declared that the buildings were going to come down.

But I was amazed to see them come down in rubble, with few chunks.
Then when you play it back slowly in frames you can see hints of explosions.
There is no doubt in my mind that this was rigged up. 911 conspiracy facts

This was done in the same manner as the Kennedy assassination, being covered from every angle, and aided by the gov. Nothing less than a major 911 conspiracy facts. This puts into question many elements of our gov., and points to a huge coverup by the investigation.

I know I saw a flame thrower on a tank at Waco too. Same BS there.
I also have my reservations about the Oklahoma fed. bldg. I have relatives that helped clean that mess up. Lots of questions.
People in doubt of what is hapening in this nation need to go back to 1963, and watch one of the last national addresses given by JFK. He spent an hour telling the nation about conspiracies by secret societies, secret oaths, and illegal proceedings. About bribes, and collusions. One month later he was dead.
Get a clue.

Do you really think that it is a mistake that every aspect of this nation is in a shambles? That everything can be so neglected by accident?

We are being robbed, dismantled, sold overseas, and sold into communism, with vigorous determination, FOR GREED and POWEWR.
The will of the few is outweighing the needs of the many.
Who is the enemy? The Rockefeller foundation, the royal Arabian families, and a handfull of other people so wealthy they never see money. They controll or federal reserve, and both of our political parties.
They absolutley do not care about anyone else, They are not asking for permission, and kill everything in the way.
Its called the new world order. 911 conspiracy facts, not theories.