Sunday, September 10, 2006

I Am Earthian. So Are You

I am an Earthian. So are you. Whether you dig it or not.

Imagine a MultiVerse, rife with not only Life but Intelligent Life. This is not such a difficult thing to accept, as of late, for noone familiar with the latest findings in Astronomy should doubt the existence of not only ExtraTerrestrial life but Intelligent ExtraTerrestrial life.

Note 1: Evolution - Survival of the Fittest should exist anywhere one finds Life. If you have vastly different environments, as a multitude if planets would certainly be, you would have different species evolving in different ways with intelligence being the final, most dangerous form of evolution, the defining evolutionary trait, the one that makes or breaks not only each species but even the planets on which these creatures exist.

Note 2: The existence of Intelligent ExtraTerrestrial Life can no longer be denied. It breaks down like this: we know from our investigations and research that there are billions upon billions of stars not all that different from our own star, aka the Sun. In recent findings (the last decade or two) we've started to discover planets orbiting around many of these billions and billions of stars, to the point where it is widely suspected that other star systems of stars and planets is the norm in our Universe, not the exception.

With untold, exponent numbers of stars and therefore an even greater number of orbiting planets around said stars, the chance for not only ExtraTerrestrial life but Intelligent TxtraTerrestrial Life in the Universe is far too great to be denied. It is out there. Period. Deal with it. It is that way.

Now, those creatures gifted/cursed with intelligence can go one of two ways with this adaptation. They will destroy themselves or they will rise above destruction war and inequality.

To whit, Transcend or End.

Those that have transcended are capable of moving beyond their backyard bullshit (so, Nationalism) and their petty squabbles about Why We Are Here, How It All Began and Who's Running the Show (so, Religion) and have pulled together as a coherent and cohesive tribe.
Now, suppose that once a species had evolved to Intelligence and transcended it's regular shit and got ready to enter the larger Cosmos it would of course learn of these other species that had done the same in other systems, assuming some form of communication and space travel is possible in our ever expanding Universe. And the jury's still out on that one, folks, but let's say this is the case. As we now know the easiest way of keeping track of who was who would be to name the species after the planet upon which they evolved. Muslims, Christians, Atheists, Americans, Iraqis, Humans, Mortals etc is too much to keep track of. need one name to label them all. To the rest of the MultiVerse you are an Earthian.. It's just easier that way. It's being part of a classification system.

Earthians is the term that describes the species of dominant animal that ekes out its existence on the very outermost crust of the spinning planet Earth, around a star know to them as Sol, or the Sun.

The Tribe to which both you and I belong transcends traditional Nationalist boundaries. Whether you dig it or not, whether you acknowledge it or not. The Muzzies? Earthian. The crrrrrrazy Catholics? Earthian also. Americans, Iraqis, the Soldiers, the Terrorists? Earthians one and all. No denying it. It is that way.

I am Earthian. So are you. Whether you dig it or not.

The first, all-important step towards a Renaissance is accepting this categorization, recognizing the truth of it. When we truly accept that we are all Earthian, it will be less easy for those in control to continue to manipulate the People based on their supposed differences, differences that would mean shit to Citizens of the larger MultiVerse, to which we do not belong and cannot, until we can focus our efforts in that realm rather than finding new and creative ways to war and kill one another.

It is a transcendence of the petty and meaningless differences that has kept us battling one another rather than joining, striving EverForward into something beyond ourselves, and infinitely better.

Earthians Unite, for to not is your destruction.

That is all. For now.


NonRandomMP3age: "One Love," by Bob Marley, fellow Earthian if ever there was one.

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