Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Impeach the Evil Swine!

"Those who would sacrifice a little Liberty for a little Security deserve neither and will lose both."
-Benjamin Franklin

That's one of America's greatest men speaking there. So, what does it mean?

It means NO MORE! No more rights trampled in the name of the neverending, Fear inspiring "War on Terror", or any other war for that matter! The Constitution is a document for times of peace AND times of war, or it WILL NEVER SURVIVE! The big Fear of the Day is NEVER supposed to supercede the instruction manual for Democracy!

I cannot stress enough, this is not a Right or Left thing. These rights disappear and they don't come back without bloodshed, I promise you. History dictates it to be so.

You couple the spying with some of the uglier aspects of the Patriot Act -in itself a good clue at the nature of the government we have in place, a total Orwellian phrase that hints that if you don't support it you are not a patriot, another good sign of our descent towards soft tyranny- which enables the State to kidnap any of its Citizens, spirit them away for NO TRIAL, summary execution or perhaps torture in a foreign land! Is this your America!?! Let me tell you whose America it ain't, BEN FRANKLIN'S! THAT'S WHO! YOU WANT TO SEE THAT QUOTE AGAIN?

"Those who would sacrifice a little Liberty for a little Security deserve neither and will lose both."

People say, "well, if you're a terrorist you have nothing to worry about!"
Listen up, lemmings, and listen up real good: The argument that if you’re not doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about would have fit in well in Maoist China, Communist Russia or Nazi Germany. “Off they go to the camps! Ah well, must’ve done something wrong, eh? Not me, no sir! Heil!"

They went too far, man, TOO FAR! I don't care if your a Democrat or a Republican, a Cath-o-holic, an atheist or a friggin' MOONIE! They went too far! STOP THEM! LET THEM KNOW THEY CANNOT GET AWAY WITH IT BECAUSE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE -LEFT OR RIGHT- WILL NOT ALLOW IT! It's your rights, Citizens- and the Rights of your children and your grand-children! Make noise now, because if this behavior continues unchecked you WON'T BE ABLE TO MAKE NOISE LATER, I assure you!

Impeach them! Kick them out! Piss on them! Their way lies TYRANNY! This does not have to be a partisan political issue, you're politicizing yourselves right into FASCISM!

"Those who would sacrifice a little Liberty for a little Security deserve neither and will lose both."

It ain't Ben's America anymore. Bring it back to him. Impeach these evil fucks.


randomMP3age: "Renegades of Funk" - Rage Against the Machine..I swear it was random, I swear!

Part of the Dialogue: the term most used to described the language of this adminstration is "Orwellian". The term Orwellian refers to George Orwell's magnum opus, 1984, in which a Tyrranical and Fascist government manipulates and controls its Citizens through Fear and Deceit.

GoogleCrossRef: "Bush administration" and "Orwellian": 359,000 hits. And the hits just keep on comin,' Citizens! Part of the dialogue.

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