Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Future Was Yesterday

Sci-fi writers don’t write about the Future anymore, they write about the Now, because Now is the Future, you dig? In fact, to be honest, the Future was Yesterday!

This is a time where anything can happen. What’s the world gonna look like in 2012? It can be the beginning of the end, the end of the beginning or the beginning of something entirely new. Or it can be business as usual. But you know something? I doubt it.

Saw an interview with Captain Kirk on some show, dude asked him about where he thought the human race was headed –an odd question to ask the good captain, to be sure, and on a comedy show no less- and Kirk (looking perhaps a little drunk, can’t be sure, but…) gave us twenty years at the present course unless we all get together and make some big changes. Kirk SensesChange, do you?

End or Transcend, Citizens! Hey, I choose the latter. You?

And if the times are fucked, it makes it in there, some how some way. If the world is going to get fucked up because of the logical Ends of Capitalism, rampant greed, selfishness and deceit then maybe you write stories and rants and bloggedy-blogs about big evil corporations getting taken over by its workers.

Without reform of some nature, Capitalism too will fall. Don't see it yet?

How about this:

Bush is a perfect symbol of the failure of Capitalism. A bungling moron has been given the keys and it took Big Bucks to get him there. Nothing about him or his past is exemplary in any way, never was he ‘the best’ or even ‘very good at’ anything. With this gibbering chimp we see that Money is not the answer to everything, for it has failed the people of the United States of America and indeed, the entire rest of the world. It’s like when the boss’s idiot nephew got hired in to run your company and all you can do is complain about it when the whole shitcan goes up in flames because he's a stuttering fucktard.

So the Big C is on the way out? What emerges next? That’s what SenseChange is all about, you see it coming but you don’t know what form it’s gonna take and yer curious, dig? Communism failed because of the human element, not the idea, and so too shall fall Capitalism. Interesting how both polar opposites end up being the same, in the End, a bunch of evil bastards on top –who have everything- taking advantage of a huge base of peons and piss-ants who have nothing.
Huge layoffs at Ford! During an era of record profits! C.E.Os making five hundred million dollars a year! “But it’s the labor!” moans Mr. C.E.O. as he lights a huge illegal Cuban cigar with a smoldering thousand dollar bill, his secretary’s cocaine-covered lips hard at work under his nice mahogany desk, “the labor was bloody killing us! What’re you gonna do?!?”

What indeed.

If the idea is to search for an ideology that benefits the most, rather than the least, then how do we establish it without falling into the same traps? Are we collectively capable of learning from our mistakes or are we doomed to repeat them until the wrong stupid bastard finally gets angry at another stupid bastard and launches the Apocalypse? Time will tell, Citizens, perhaps sooner rather than later.

Hmmm. A bit of a downer there. Sorry mates. Hey, all I can say is I still have hope for us. I see it out there, and more and more, in here.

Peace and Love OR ELSE!
RandomMP3age: "Friend is a Four-Letter Word" by Cake.

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